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"Can't you wear something that's lose around the waist? Maybe yile tight oyigqokile,its suffocating the baby" he says making my head spin even more. I huff out in frustration and he just gives me a pointed look. "Hlala phansi,look at how swollen your feet are" yhooo he's starting to irritate me now. "Nqobi what do you want from me huh. Tell me what!?" I'm shouting at him with my arms raised. At this point his stress will make me go into labour,I hope he will be happy about that as he so desperately wants me to pop this baby out. I share the same sentiments as him but yerr guy needs to chill.

I'm pacing around our bedroom bare feet. I have long taken off my T-shirt so he could conduct his experiment,I'm only wearing a bra and these leggings but now he's telling me to take them off as well. Uyanya shame.

Okay this must be confusing...lemme clear the air for y'all. So the cleansing did happen and it was a success. Uhm I was due to give birth about a week ago which didn't happen,my 37-38 weeks was someday last week yet here I am still very much pregnant. I had been told by my family and friends that a child is usually born days or even 2 weeks before the assigned due date. And we were excited,I woke every morning thinking that "okay today is THE day." But it never came,well days came and passed and my prayers still haven't been answered.

At first I was worried when I went over my due date but thought that I will give birth soon kodwa niks. Then I became more worried when I couldn't feel my baby's movements,that was 3days ago,til to date the baby hasn't moved or kicked. Hence the reason we are stressed. By "experiment" Nqobi would put both his hands,cold hands on the sides of my bump to get the baby to move but it didn't work. He would also talk to the baby,massage my belly and recite his clan names,that always got it to kick but now niks. 

So yesterday we went to see my gynecologist and she explained that in actually fact,a full term pregnancy is 40 weeks long,that's 10months. She checked the baby and thank God its still alive,has a strong heart beat,nothing seems unusual yet she couldn't explain why it hasn't moved. We are stressed noNqobi,I mean how can we not? A month ago my baby's life was put on the line. Bab'Gwala assured us that the cleansing was a success and that we have nothing to worry about but you can never be too sure.

Yes the baby is alive mara keh why hasn't it moved in 3 whole fucken days. My biggest worry now is that doctors do make mistakes as well sometimes,God please don't set an example with me. I feel his strong hands pulling me down to the space next to him on the couch. He lifts my legs and put them on his lap then he starts massaging my feet. Thats his way to stay sane...he fuses over me to avoid stressing. "Ngiyaxolisa mama" he speaks genuinely,"I'm just stressed and worried sthandwa sam" he says looking into my eyes. "And I'm not?" I spit out. 

His face softens,he brings his hand up to cup my right cheek. "I know you are,more than I am probably and I apologize for adding unto your stresses" I don't respond. "Ungakhali mfazi kaNqobi" he speaks softly while wiping my tears away. "If anything happens,I'm to be blamed because I didn't listen when you..." My voice breaks and he pulls me into his embrace. "Nothing is going to happen" he tries to convince me but yena self he isn't convinced. He lays my head on his chest and sings for me,in a gently and soft bass is there such vele? Oksalayo his bass sounds soft,sweet and melodic.

We stay like this for a while before pulling apart "ngiyak'thanda Ndlovukazi yam yezwa" and just like butter I melt. I shyly nod my head at what he said yhoo bahlali uNgiyak'thanda yezwa unamandla marn,besides mama this is definitely knees weakening. "Nam ngiyak'thanda Ndlovu" I say and he smirks before going back to massaging my feet. As I'm enjoying the massage,he pulls out his phone and dials a number.

The call is on speaker,I hear the phone ringing and only gets accepted on the forth ring. "Ndodana" Bab'Gwala's voice booms through the phone speakers.
Nqobi: "yebo baba ninjani?" He greets and Bab'Gwala greets back.
Him: "sawubona nawe ndodakazi" it takes a minute for me to respond and that's because I'm shocked. How did he know that I'm here? He's a seer genius.
Me: "yebo baba sanibona" he goes on to ask each of us how are we holding up.

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