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Her: "Amo o mametse (are you listening to me)?" My mom asks through the phone.
Me: "Eha mme ke mametse...lere lehopotse ngwana lona Nonjabulo eseng nna(yes mom I'm listening...y'all are saying that y'all miss your child Nonjabulo and not me)" I say trying my best to sound sad.
How can your mom and aunt call you just to shout at you for taking so long to bring your child over to them? They did not even ask how I am doing...sengathi ngizalele bona(its as if I gave birth for them).

Aunt: "Amo hola please,re ke ke ra tetemise Nonjabulo lewena hape. Ke mang ya nang letaba le nkhono fela amo holo ya nang lePassa(Amo grow up please,we can not baby Nonjabulo and also baby you as well. Who cares about an adult who has an ID)?" My aunt puts the last nail to the coffin. Wow just wow,how sweet of her.
We conclude the call without me telling them the reason why it has been so long since they last saw their granddaughter...I can't just rock up and say I have a boyfriend and what not. I will just wait for the right moment eyy.

It has been a month of nothing but love,bliss,joy, name it. Ke hore motho is floating on cloud nine and gravity can't even pull me down. So yep foks,we have been pushing this ship for a month.
When I get to the kitchen I find him feeding her as she sits on her highchair. I sit down and wait for him to plate for me. I have to be out of here in about 15mins...I'm super late,I have to represent a client today.

While I wait for him,I take Joy into my arms and kiss her good morning then I throw her up into the air,she giggles. I try to do it again but..."Cha MaDlamini isadla ingane,izohlanza (No MaDlamini she's still eating,she will vomit)". Yhoo I do a quick 360 to look at him. Did the student suddenly become smarter than his teacher. I used to tell him that and now he's throwing it back in my face.

"Okay ngiyaxolisa Gatsheni nawe nkosazana(I'm sorry Gatsheni and to you princess)" I still can't believe he did that. In a short period of time,Nqobi has learned a lot about babies,he knows how to feed her,bathe her,change her diaper and a whole lot more. I couldn't be more proud nor can I stop myself from falling deeper for him than i already have. Trust me I didn't force this on him,matter of fact he was the eager one. I'm even ashamed to admit that he's more hands on with her than I am...yah I know its shocking right? Her nanny may be here but he will still bathe and feed her himself

Here I am now eating as fast as I can,if it was up to me I would have taken an apple on the go but Mr here wouldn't hear none of it. I watch him burp her and I can't help the smile that forms on my face. When he sees this he looks at me with curious eyes with a smile of his own. "Wamoyizela wedwa mama yini ndaba(why are smiling by yourself)?" He asks as he puts her down,never breaking eye contact with me.

"Nah its nothing,im just wondering how I got so lucky...I mean I have you in my life" these words don't even begin to describe how I'm feeling inside. He walks up to me,turns my chair around and stands between my legs. "I am the lucky son of a gun here,you have brought life,light and love into my life. Ngiyabonga Sibalukhulu" he bends down,places his hands on my thighs and passionately kisses me. God I pray that this right here lasts forever!!.

Lil Missy over there is doing her own thing with no worries,I gulp down the rest of my juice,ngilate shame. "Baby...?" I call him in a small voice,"yhoo ufunani Phiwe(what do you want)?" He sighs. Mxm. "Just a small favour nothing big,please fetch my bags leaving" I ask innocently "yah ulate but worry not I have already put your bags and heels in your car" he smiles feeling proud of himself.

Yho ngikhohlwe noku khohlwa ukuthi ngigqoke ama slippers (I have even forgotten that in wearing slippers). "Nchoo aren't you just the best boyfriend,you are a darling to be kissed mylove" I say pinching his cheeks. "Ha to be kissed kphela? I thought I deserved more than that" he says,his eyes staring at my lips while his hands move up and down my thighs rubbing against the skirt I'm wearing. I know what he's thinking and nope,it ain't happening.

"Ha.a you just said it yourself ngilate" does he listen nope,instead he attacks my neck with kisses. "Should I stop?" Do you have to ask? I feel his hands in my boods,"mama ngikhuluma nawe" okay dude your voice,breathe and touch aren't helping the situation. I can't respond because im afraid that if I dare open my mouth,the first thing that will come out is a naughty sound. He suddenly stops and moves back.

I don't have to say face says it all. The disappointment,lust and confusion. "I'm done buttoning up your shirt. That's what I was doing" he says shrugging,ehh...when I look down at my shirt,I remember that it wasn't buttoned up. Don't judge me...I'm a mess today. A HOT mess though. He laughs as he sees how upset I am...mxm rubbish. "Kodwa unga worry muntuza wam,sizoqedelela later(but don't worry we will continue later on"

I hit the brakes and look back using the rear view mirror,Nqobi stands here holding the gate remote with Joy in his arms. Dude is on a mission to piss me off today. I don't have my remote with me,and from the inside I can't punch in the code. I march out of the car to him. "Nqobi..." I breathe in to calm myself down. Dude looks unfazed "open the gate please" I say trying so hard to keep my voice calm.

"Angazi noma awufundiswanga yini kini ukuvalelisa kodwa la ekhaya kwaGatsheni siyavalelisa uma sesihamba,awuphumi nje ngathi uphuma etoilet (I don't know if you were not taught how to greet goodbye at your home but in my home we greet each other goodbye,you don't just leave as if you are coming out of a toilet)" he sternly says. Ngaze ngavelewe bo(I'm being tested here). After an unnecessary back and forth,I give both him and Joy kisses,then he opens the gate and I literally speed out of the yard.

We are about to enter when my phone rings,I pay no mind to it because Moreen has it...she takes all my phone calls and messages at times like these. It keeps on ringing which makes me give her a questioning look. "I can't take this she says" Haibo "okay...switch it off then" I'm slightly confused by what she's saying. "Eish I don't think that's a good idea" she makes the mhm nah face and this just throws me off. What's going on?

"I know that its my job but this is beyond my pay cheque" will she stop speaking in riddles. I gently snatch the phone from her and laugh when I see the caller ID. "udom wena yaz" I say laughing even harder then excuse myself.

"Kaze wena nengane yakho nigizwani manhlanje(I wonder what is it that you and your child want from me today)" I say when I answer the call. He laughs then says "hau lutho mama,ngithemba ukuthi awukho busy" he says laughing. Hai cha ngiyavelewe imphela(I'm being tested fr). "Hai Cha Gatsheni,angikho busy at all. Im just sitting around with nothing to do" I make sure that the sarcasm is very much clear. WTF I left his place in a hurry,what did he think it was for?

I hear Lil Missy laughing in the background as well...I'm so over these two. "On a serious note though,WHAT DO YOU WANT NQOBIMBI?" I know I can be annoying nam sometimes but yena uyenza kakhulu. "Ngiyak'thanda Simphiwe,Ngiyak'thanda ntokazi" I first look to see if there's anyone watching. If I was light skin I would be red RN. Its how he says the words,man you can feel and smell how sincere he's being. And his voice...yho Lord take me now.

See this one word...well technically its 3words but if I say it as one and write it as one word then its definitely one word. This word coming from him holds more value than the 3 words in English...suddenly ngoNqobi I Love You isn't shit anymore,Ngiyak'thanda is the next best thing since sliced bread. "Ngiyak'thanda nam Nqobimpi" yhooo keh sana mna ndiyi GONE GIRL kalok.
I hear a tiny voice say something long but all I hear is mama. I then say I love you more baby.

"I wanted to remind you of that,let us not disturb you. Good luck baby" he says,"nchooo ngiyabonga sthandwa sam(thank you my love)". "Ube nosuku olu fana nam" heee? Which one is this one now? He always says ube nosuku olu fana nawe. "Hai ngeke never lube luhle moes usuku lwam" I say trying to mess with him. "Obviously luzoba handsome" I die with laughter and he joins in too. Count Joy in,although naye self akazi ukuthi uhlekani(she doesn't know why she's laughing) but she's laughing either way.

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