Author's Note

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Well people we might have reached the end of She brought us together😭💔 all depends on you guys honestly.
A special shout out to everyone who has been reading this book from the very first page til the last❤🥳.
Im really grateful to those who have added my book to their reading lists❤🙏😍.
Bafethu the problem is that y'all are silent readers,honestly I'd appreciate your views and comments😥.

But the main reason why I'm putting a stop to She brought us together is because y'all aren't voting. Trust me I'm not forcing anyone to vote,if you are not feeling the chapter obviously you won't vote. And that makes me feel like I'm wasting my time on this book💔😭.

Guys your comments don't have to be anything complicated just y'all telling me what was your favourite line,what you found funny or irritating and what you like or dislike about the characters.

Anyhow I have faith that I will someday be back to writing this book,but for now its Goodbye😪.

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