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The fool flat out ignores his parents,they are busy asking him what's wrong and all he does is to clench his jaw while shooting daggers at me. "Siyabonga signed away his parental rights" I say taking them out of their suspense. Everyone is shocked including my family. "Weh Siyabonga uyenzeni(you did what)?" His father asks sounding more angry than shocked.

"She tricked me baba,I didn't know what I was signing" He's voice breaks at the end Hai nina is he crying(no y'all is he crying)? Now they are looking at me as if I'm the snake that told Eve to eat that apple. In my defense I wouldn't say I tricked him,he came,I showed him the document to sign and I briefed him on what's written in the document. I didn't go into details but he was briefed nonetheless. And nakhona as a normal and responsible person,you can't just sign any thing regarding your child without fully understanding and reading through it. This happened when Nonjabulo was 2 months and a few weeks old.

I told him that this document would protect both of us,him because I won't have any right to take him to court a year or many years down the line for maintenance. And that I won't bother him with anything with regards to Nonjabulo and that made him happy and quick to sign on every page with a dotted line. He didn't want to know how it would protect me,all he cared about was him and him alone.

I guess he was never taught that with every advantage there's a disadvantage. If you look at it from my perspective,its an advantage. He signed away his parental rights meaning that not even on his luckiest day on Earth will he get my child,not even in his wildest dreams. Even if I die,he isn't getting her. Legally Siyabonga has no child with me. Angeke ngidlale abafana aba fana noSiyabonga mina(I won't be played by boys like Siyabonga),I'm a Johannesgirlburg after all.

I won't go through hell alone with my child then a few years,or months in this case down the line baby daddy comes to demand for his child. Where the fuck was he all along? He wants to come and fight tirelessly for her as if he knows or wants what's best for her.

"Uyabona kodwa ukuthi udom(do you see that you are stupid),you are only bringing in a lawyer now when you don't need him,you needed him 10 months ago bruh" I say to his dumb ass. "I will contest this.  Uzozisola ngiyak'tshela(you will regret it)" he promises. "I did you a favour by allowing you to be part of her life,I was supposed to cut you off instantly after you signed on the dotted line" see I'm not as heartless and cruel as he paints me out to be.

"Manje uthi angiyenzeni? Ngikubonge noma ngikushayele izandla ngoba wena uwu umSamaria omuhle(So what do you suppose I do? Thank you or applaud for you because you are a good Samaritan)?" He poor guy is livid shame,usually he doesn't end a sentence without speaking English,therefore him going on full Zulu mode means kuyanyiwa(shit just hit the roof.)

"Can I please keep this,I wanna read through it properly" says Zack "yah sure you can keep the copy,but don't waste your time looking for loopholes because its water tight" I say confidently. "Mhm if you say so Miss" he says sarcastically. "It was drafted by yours yep I do say so" I say with the same amount of sarcasm and pop the p at yep. The Nkosi men walk out fuming with fury,apparently I have wasted everyone's time,I should have told them about the contract sooner. But then again I didn't call them here and its definitely not my fault that their son  suddenly has amnesia.


My first fruit is a year and 6 months old...yay!!! And we are throwing her a birthday party,Nqobi decided to throw her a party since we didn't when she turned one. Things were hectic back then with Siyabonga wanting to drag me to court and stuff. Leteng(Besides) Nqobi has a business trip  in 2days so he thought he should do something special for her before he leaves.

Siyabonga finally backed off,Zack told him that no court will spear a minute for this case because he agreed to the terms of the contract. Plus they couldn't find any loopholes to use against me obviously I drafted the contract to suit me.

The house is packed,one would swear that its a wedding or a 21st party with all the alcohol that's circulating around plus the of adults here. Did I mention that they out number the amount of kids here,that time its a 1year old's party. My mom and aunt seem to be getting along quite well with MaNdlovu,who's Nqobi's mom,the best mother in-law and a cool OG.

The theme is Sofia the first,her peers well they are older than her but still kids. Girls are wearing purple tutu skirts with white T-shirts while boys wear blue jeans and white T-shirts. The decor is on another level,these people have transformed the backyard into Disneyland. Miss Party has been distracted by everything,she couldn't sit still for a minute when we sang for her or had to take pictures. Umuntu ubusy nama(She's busy with) balloon,she doesn't give 2 fucks about us lo. Other kids are playing in the jumping castle,yena she cried her lungs out when we put her inside so she's just running around with no care in the world.

Bab'omncane comes into the kitchen with Miss Party, "nayi ingane yakho(here's your child)"he says giving her to me. "Hau senikathele wuye(y'all are tired of her already)?" I ask because he's the one who insisted on chilling with her since she wouldn't play with other children. "Uyahlupha uNonjabulo(Nonjabulo is troublesome)" his facial expression has me in stitches I know very well what he's talking about.

As we are talking I see that he's not looking at me but behind me so I turn my head to see what's so interesting. "Ohh no you don't,thats my baby sister" I half whisper half scream at him when I see the way he's looking at Dimakatso. "Manje(so)?" He asks without looking at me. "So she's off limits" I quickly answer him,"makhwenze njani(for which reasons)?" Still he pays no attention to me and he's serious.

"Cebo marn,ngamane abe single than azo hurtwa wuwe(she would rather be single than be hurt by you)" I say pulling his hand. "But what if she's the one who's gonna tame me?" A sly smile finds its way onto his lips. "Hamba(go away)" I laugh pushing him out of my kitchen my kitchen,girl not you being a self appointed makoti,and he joins in as well. Dimakatso is nowhere to be seen now, "uku khohlakala MaDlamini whuu(you are so cruel)" he's still laughing mxm.

Nqobi comes in looking like a snack and he smells so deliciously intoxicating when did he take a shower,nakhona uyaphi? He's wearing dark royal blue dress pants,a white T-shirt and white airforce 1's. He snakes his hand around my waist,pulling me to him "ngiyabuya neh(I'm going out)" he says pecking my lips. "Uyaphi umuhle ka soh(where are you going looking this handsome)?" I ask looking at his outfit. "Makusho wena nhliziyo yam shukuthi ngiyashisa impela keh(when its you my heart who's saying that then indeed I must be handsome)" he says dusting off the imaginary dust on his shoulders.

"Exactly so awuyi ndawo(you are not going anywhere)" I tease him. "Khululeka MaDlamini izintombi zase Sandton ngeke zingithole(relax the girls in Sandtone won't get me)" his hands have now moved to my bums,thank God Cebo has moved and we are standing behind the kitchen counter."Chomi uya Sandtini(friend you are going to Sandton)?"I fake a shocked expression and ask in a SePitori tone. "Mxm" LMAO the way he says it. He hates it when I call my dude,bro,bruh,chomi,moguy etc. He moves away from me,takes Nonjabulo who Cebo took back and gives her to me. My mouth is slightly open from the shock.

He closes my mouth by placing his kissable lips on mine,"vala umlomo mama(close your mouth)" how he says the word makes me wanna drop down my panties every time. Am I not a blushing mess RN. "Hau ngeke phela" complains bab'mncane making us both laugh. "Ngiyak'thanda mama(I love you),uyezwa(do you hear me)?" He says in a deep voice looking into my eyes before he walks away. "Ya nam ngiyak'thanda(I love you too) and stuff" I say drily hiding how I'm actually feeling inside. Ngimulinga everyday shame umntwana wabantu(I'm testing the poor child's patience everyday).

He does a 360 turn ready to probably attack me with kisses or tickles but jealousy gets the best of Cebo as he pulls Nqobi's arm roughly and says " ha.a sizohamba nini(when will we ever leave)?" He's getting frustrated. The kitchen vibrates with laugher,as I look around I find that our friends and families have now joined us.  When did they all get here? Even Joy is laughing...she's even clapping her hands.

"So bab'mncane neh?" She says walking around the room. I called her here to help me not to discuss Cebo! I choose to ignore her as I look for space to pack all these birthday presents. I can't believe that she got so many gifts,she's only one people and won't even play with half of these toys or even wear all these clothes. Nqobi bought her an pink Rang Rover Evoque 12V ride on car apparently it is to match with mine although my car is white. My brother sent me someone's salary,he sent R12 000 saying its to make up for all the months that he didn't buy her gifts,I should buy her a birthday gift and keep the rest for her. Ubani(who) I will spend that money on me,Lil Missy doesn't need it.

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