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Waking up I see that I'm my bed,tucked nicely under my bed sheets. But I don't remember coming to bed,I however remember sitting opposite an enraged Nqobi who refused to speak to me. I remember feeling his intense stare on me,and when I asked "What's wrong?" He maintained his cold gaze without uttering a word. After some time,he pulled me up to my feet,unwrapped the fleece that I had tied around my stomach and stared into my eyes. I remember hearing my heart pounding in my ears,I was scared and thats because he was intimidating.

His face showed no emotion so I couldn't figure out exactly what was on his mind or what was he feeling. He said "how is my child supposed to breathe with this suffocating thing?" When I opened my mouth to reply to his rhetorical question he put up his hand stopping me and said "my seed didnt wrong you in any way,if you want to hate someone rather hate me...that's if you don't hate me already" that people left me speechless. I sat my ass back down and he took his sit again opposite me.

He then said that he will take Nonjabulo to live with him,I asked if he could manage and he said "manage what? Taking care of my own child. Akukho ndlovu esindwa amaboko wayo" a Zulu proverb meaning There's no elephant which finds its trunk too heavy. His reason for wanting to stay with her was that no child of his will stay at home while her peers are at school. I wanted to tell him that,that wasn't true...I was still looking for good preschools that side and her aunt will be the one who would register her. He also said that no child of his will live like an orphan when both her parents are still very much alive. Idilama kaNqobi...its unmatched shame.

He then told me that he will bring her to visit me every weekend and sometimes on weekdays when she wants to see me. Like guy wasn't giving me a choice,he said that I should start bond with both my kids. That was a very emotional moment for me. He saw that my eyes were now teary so he pulled in for a hug,which lasted for a while with him assuring me that everything will be okay. For a moment there I believed him,I believed that everything will work out just fine...but keh my demons got the best of me.

One would think that usbari wenu was done talking kanti no,man told me about some therapist who apparently gets good reviews from all her patients,kuthiwa she's the best kwasha kwacima and so on. She's probably expensive too but indoda ithe he doesn't mind paying as long as I get help. When I told him that I'm not seeing no therapist he was like,"ngiyaxolisa MaDlamini for making it sound like im asking. Simphiwe ngithi kuwena uzobona itherapist. If I must drag you to her office or pay extra just so she can come see you here then its fine. One way or the other you are going to see her" wayivala kanjalo keh umfana.

I hop out of bed and see that its dark outside,I go to the lounge to see if he's still around but catch no sight of him. Looking around I see that he tidied up my mess nchoo he didn't have to clean. When I emerge in the kitchen,there's a lingering smell of food in the air. I see a casserole dish on top of the counter,covered with foil. I open the foil to see a nicely prepared lanyaza,yini yilanyaza lasagna,he also dished up for himself. My stomach grumbles and I waste no time,I take out a plate and dish up for myself.

Its now that I see a note stuck on the fridge door. My bad its a whole letter. Since when does he write letters?


I won't lie and say that I saw this coming because I didn't. I also won't lie and say that I'm okay because I'm not. I thought that seeing you in pain,seeing you relive the trauma was the worst pain that I have ever felt. But I was wrong,seeing the look on your face when you told me that you want to end things with me was the worst pain I have felt by far.
I want you to be okay,to be yourself again and if accepting that our marriage is over is one of the ways to get you back to your old bubbly self than okay Nhliziyo yam ngizokwamukela. Although its a bitter pill to swallow.

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