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Me: "Im assuming that you have received my gift?" I ask Miller as I answer his call.
Him: "yes I did and its rather an unusual gift...don't you think?" He says referring to Themba's head which I sent to him.
Me: "what can I say,I have a different taste when it comes to such things." Themba who was my little sister's boyfriend was working for Miller.
Him: "I didn't see you as that type." He sounds disappointed
Me: "and which type might that be?" I'm now curious.

Him: "the type that stands in the way of true love. Did you kill him because he was one of my guys or because he was dating your little sister?"
Me: "actually its none of the above. Don't play dumb with me,you know exactly why I killed him and should I learn that you also played a part in this,you are next. I'm not bluffing!" I say sternly hoping that for his sake he knows that I'm serious.

Him: "I don't understand,Ndlovu what seems to be the problem. If I knew I wouldn't be asking." Well he sounds sincere.
Me: "your boy has been stealing my sister's money and my family's too. He stole millions from both Zanele and Boya Benyathi Logistics but he didn't stop there. He thought that he has taken enough money therefore it was time to cut ties with my sister,he tempered with her car brakes. He's the reason she's lying in a hospital bed today." I hear him chuckle on the other side.

Him: "forgive me but I'm shocked. And here I was thinking that he's with her because he loves her. All along the fucker was planning to steal from you through her. I have got to give it to him...he's brave." He may be laughing now,but since I know that in this game,killing one's men can have consequences I have to ask...

Me: "considering how I dealt with him,do we have a problem Crafter?" He should know that I'm ready,if he wants war then that's exactly what he will get.
Him: "I don't see why we should let the dead come between us Revolver. The boy got what he deserves for being too ambitious." Im glad to hear that.
Me: "mhm I see,unless you want to keep on receiving such gifts from me,I'd advice you to keep your dogs on a tighter leash." I pause for a bit.

Me: "I don't care if they offer genuine friendships and relationships,where Ndlovu blood is concerned I don't play. This includes Simphiwe and her family too" I say then hang up without waiting for his reply.

She woke up after 4days and today marks day 3 since she woke up. She maybe be out of ICU but she's not yet out of the woods. She still has to recovery from fractured bones,neck injuries and the operation done on her abdomen.

Mom spends most of her time at the hospital with her. Me? Well I do go but never stay for long,I'm still angry with her but more than that I'm disappointed. How can she be so stupid,was she really that desperate for love. None of this makes sense,its not like she has daddy issues or isn't loved by her family. She's literally the egg in the family and a gem in everyone's eyes.

I think she's just spoiled...thats the only logical explanation to this madness. Or she's just plain stupid. How does a 26 year old feed,bathe,clothe and pay rent for a man that's 2years her senior? Can you believe that my little was someone's blessee,that pathetic excuse of a boyfriend depend on Zanele to sponsor his "glamorous" lifestyle. Her foolishly in love acts didn't end there.

She saw it fit to give that boy access to her personal account. She put the last nail on the coffin by allowing him access to Boya Benyathi's finances. Technically speaking,he didn't steal from us...he took. He didn't have to break down any firewalls or hack our systems because his girlfriend loves him so much to even allow him into her father's company.

Ngisure ukuthi ubaba eyaphenduka ethuneni lakhe(I'm pretty sure that my father is turning in his grave) because what in the name of witchcraft is this? I have never laid a hand on my sister but when I found out about this,I wanted to beat her black and blue. She's lucky she's in hospital. MaNdlovu doesn't know yet about this,its only Cebo and I. He shares my sentiments as well but he's not as furious as I am. Zanele doesn't know yet that he is dead,we will tell her everything when the doctor clears her.

What pisses me off is that Themba was an ungrateful son of a bitch,you get a girl that loves you and provides for you then you decide to steal from her and try to kill her.
We checked the CCTV footage at her house and saw that he was tempering with her brakes. I then dug deeper and thats when every other skeleton came falling out of his closet. One thing is certain though...Zanele will pay back every last cent that he stole. She is to blame after all.

This is to teach her a lesson. I did get back every single cent he stole and more,I took all the money that he had to his name and gave it all back to the company. Even though some of it is Zanele's. Yah marn maybe if engaba(she can be) broke for a while,uzofunda(she will learn). But it can never happen,she won't be broke...its worth a try tho. I really do love my sister but I will not sit back and applaud her for stupidity.

If mom ever finds out about this,she will wish that she never woke up from the ICU. Because MaNdlovu will surely kill her. Seems like all my siblings are a piece of work apparently...*sigh*

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