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My family ended up coming to Joy's welcoming ceremony yah shocking right? I was just as shocked when Zee walked into the kitchen as I was making Nonjabulo something to eat with Katso. She said "look who I found" and did I not forget that ngisemzini wabantu and screamed? Anyhow apparently after telling uNqobi that my family won't come blah blah blah,he called my mom and offered to fly them out of Johannesburg ngeJet yakhe. Of course Mathapelo being the woman that she is, she thanked him then declined his offer. He insisted and persuaded her until she gave in.

So he sent a car to fetch them from Pretoria,took them to the airport where they boarded the jet and they found another car waiting for them at King Shaka international airport. Initially it was supposed to be my mom and Dimakatso coming but mangwane couldn't let the opportunity of flying in luxury pass her by. I didn't have to worry about them being comfortable as they had MaNdlovu on their side and they also formed new friendships with some of Nqobi's aunt. Someone who wasn't having a good day was Katso and bab'mncane was to blame for that.

Yes he came too but with him we knew he was coming and he came with his parents,he left for KZN three days before us. All along he has been in Durban,visiting his parents. Its unfortunate that he is his parent's only child but luckily he found siblings in Zee and Nqobi and not only that but a second mother in MaNdlovu. The bond is mutual with Zee and Nqobi when it comes to Cebo's parents...they found a father and a second mother as well.

Anyways back to the story,Cebo came to where we were seated to greet us. He said "Sawubona MaDlamini,mtaka baba nawe futhi Dimakatso" we responded enthusiastically except for Katso who responded in a normal tone. After that he kept his eyes fixed on her,she suddenly had texts to reply to on her phone and an uncomfortable silence washed over us...well them. "Wow this is awkward" I said and none of them paid mind to me "very awkward and its suffocating" Zanele chirped in,still they ignored us. "Are we missing something?" I asked out of curiosity. "Something like?" Katso asked but her eyes never left her phone.

"Like the sudden tension between y'all" I said "but is it genuine tension or sexual tension?" That was Zee making me laugh,Katso coughed and Zanele earned a glare from her brother. "Just asking" she raised her hands up in surrender. "Angazi ukuthi nikhuluma ngani nina" he said once he had retrieved his voice. Just when I was about to add my 2 cents opinion,he left. Interrogating Dimakatso was useless she said nothing,admitted nothing and denied nothing. What she told me a few weeks back was that it was time to put an end to their arrangement,she never told me the reason or how she felt or how even he felt. Anyhow they both are adults and can sort out their own shit.

Katso had caught the eye of one of Nqobi's cousins,much to Cebo's annoyance. There was a time when the cousin insisted on being served by her. When she got there with his plate, babmncane literally barked at her to turn back with the plate. When she tried to argue he ignored her and shot daggers at her with his eyes...daring her to do it. Lil Missy coward away seeing that not even "her suitor" was defending her,I laughed so hard when she came back to us enraged and wouldn't stop mumbling profanities. If you ask me, someone caught feelings when they were not supposed to.  

On the other news I'm back in the city of Gold while Nqobi is still in KZN. I came back the following day with my family and child of course. I was supposed to come back the following day vele but with Nqobi because he wanted us to visit a doctor and clarify if I'm pregnant or not. But as luck may have it,later in the afternoon Nqobi with his brother and cousins jumped inside a Quantum and sped out of the yard. I think bekunempi yama tekisi,they came back later and he told me that two of their trustworthy drivers were killed and he had to go inform their families of their passing. They first had to wait for the Mortuary people to arrive. He stayed behind to assist the families,he covered all expenses of both funerals and had to attend both.

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