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"Nqobi...ngisexy kphela mengi jealous(I'm only sexy when I'm jealous)?" I ask as we enter the elevator going down. He chuckles when he sees how bothered I am by this. "You do know that what you are doing is men abuse right?"He asks looking at me in the corner of his eye Haibo kanjani? I give him the huh look. "Mama you can't indirectly force me to compliment you" there's that word again ngivele ngibone ukuthi ngizoquleka la. "Mxm yekha ngoba awufuni" I say folding my arms and he laughs.

Anathi stands on the other side as the elevator doors open,he steps aside allowing us to pass. "Good morning mam,Good morning Sir" he politely greets,I greet back with a smile as well while Nqobi just nods his head. "Uhm mam" he calls out to me and I turn back to look at him. "Are you going somewhere?" He asks,I tell him no and ask why. He shows me the papers and iPad in his hand meaning we have to get down to business now. Iholidi liphelile girl.

I look at Nqobi wondering what do now and he says its fine he understands. I tell Anathi to go wait for me in my office. Then turn to give Nqobi a hug. "Why does it look like you don't wanna give me a kiss?" He whispers in my ear as we are hugging. "Its not like that,we are in public...public indecency Gatsheni" This is my place of work,I don't wanna give my already condescending male employees more ammunition to use against me. Im the boss here but being a 28year old female in this industry comes with its own baggage. The senior males in here are toxic for my umuntu uyakhohlwa ukuthi uze la ekhaya ngeCV and I pay his ass every month.

He looks at me with an emotionless face and I just feel bad. I say the one thing that I think will make him smile atleast. "Ngiyak'thanda sthandwa sam" I didn't think his smile could get any bigger. Nchoo akase cute. "Ngiyaz...I will see you later keh" mxm voetsek Nqobi. But at least I get a kiss on my forehead.

"They said you walked in with a beauty of a man,never did they say that he's one half of the Ndlovu brother's" Anathi says when I settle down in my seat in front of him. The Ndlovu who now? "Aah boss lady Kanti you don't know?" He asks when he sees the uncertainty on my face. "Who exactly are the Ndlovu brother's?" I answer his question with a question of my own. Thing is I know that Nqobi has a sibling,but his sibling is a she not a he so I'm kinda lost. Okay I'm gonna just assume that he has a half brother,you know he's father's child. Y'all know how African men are...they are gardener's. Wherever there's fertile land,they will plant their seed shame.

He sighs loudly,hai unedrama uAnathi "okay what do you know about your mans?" Yah neh with Anathi nizoya back and forth ngama questions before he decides to answer the actual question. "Anathi unesqcefe yezwa(you are annoying you know)" I say then we both laugh. Well I tell him what I know okay what I just recently learned...he's a business tycoon. "Clearly you don't know much about him which begs the question,WHICH ROCK DO YOU LIVE UNDER. Boss lady you are no fun shame. Anyways I'm not here for that" yah you have guessed it...Anathi is as gay as could be and a whole mood shame.

"Tonight play 21 questions with him,I don't have time for this" why is he being dramatic. "Although rumour has it that he and his brother are gangsters in suits,expensive suits that it" I don't know how to react to such,I just look at him. "Whoa before you think of firing me,its not me...its the word on the street. But wena uyaz,rumours are just that...rumours" mhm if North West had not happened,darling I would be singing the same tune as you.

"For what its worth,I like him. I think he's sexy" this time we both laugh "voetsek Anathi,angeke ngithathelwe indoda yindoda" he dramatically wipes his fake tears and puts a hand where his heart is. "Anyways allow me to do my job in peace" He starts filling me in what has been happening in the firm in my absence and reminds me of scheduled consultations. He's standing in for Moreen,I had no idea of it until she called to say I will be working with him.

I'm very lucky to have her as my PA,I just gave her a couple of weeks off without thinking about who would take her place. She has made a few things accessible for him but its only until she comes back. "I have a message from Mrs Ledwaba,she says her husband has passed on...uhm details of when or how aren't stated but she would appreciate it if you came to the funeral this coming Friday" konje how do I professionally respond to such news? Well I'm not shocked and stuff because I found out that Thapelo's brother passed away from the file that Nqobi gave me last Friday.

Yah,he was also a victim of that shoot out,and I think thats the reason Thapelo had blood all over him and was so broken. It was obviously an ambush,the reason behind it is that the Ledwaba's are gang members who stole huge sums of money and drugs from another gang which they were working together with. Mr Ledwaba was obviously the leader of this gang and as suspected,Thapelo was his right hand man.

Shocking how Nqobi had such information not even 24hours after it had happened. When I asked how did he get it,he said he has friends in high places. He also said that he won't do anything with that information,the ambush is none of his business...he just wanted to provide me with evidence since I can be stubborn mengifuna.

I'm not attending that funeral mina,Thapelo is the last person I want to see. And besides what if they decid to come back and finish what they started.
But I will send flowers and write a message to Mrs Ledwaba. Thats the reason why i don't want gangsterism it never ends death is ever good,its always tragic but being ambushed at your home in front of your family and friends. Thats the worst. Nakhona I have survived 2 shootings in my life already,I don't doubt God but I think that naye uyakhathala wuku sindisana nam,I don't know how I even find myself in these kind of situations.

Kgosi knocks once then enters,remember him? The office's biggest flirt yep,he walks in looking all sorts of classy and dazzling. "Tsaka di a bonahala ha di yacourt ntate(when my guys are going to court,you can clearly see)" I say hyping him up and he flexes while whistling. I'm sure by know y'all would have caught up to the type of working environment we have here at Justice Shields. Respect is put first above all things,although we joke around and shit they know that I'm their boss hence why they never call me by name.

They prefer being addressed by their names. I don't want a hostile environment,I mean come on I'm still in my 20's. I believe that a productive and conducive work environment has to be one that's filled with not only hard work but laughter and happy memories too. He leans against my desk,"when are you leaving and who are you taking with?" I ask referring to him going to court "in a few minutes,don't worry we won't be late. I'm going with Miss Chantel Van Wyk" he says referring to one of our junior lawyers. Well its a thing here in Justice Shields that when senior lawyers have court cases,juniors have to go with them in order to learn and to gain more experience.

Kgosi leads us to the board room,apparently they had sent Anathi to come get me but seems like his mind was occupied with other things. Like The Ndlovu brothers and my relationship with one of them. When we get to the board room I understand what's the fuss about,so usually when one of our own wins a case,we gather together to congratulate them and stuff.

The Ledwaba case was one of our  biggest cases so now I stand in front of my employees,there's a banner written Congrats,balloons and a small cake. My mind has been preoccupied with a lot of things lately that I forgot about this. Mxm I so wish that Moreen was here. Our mini celebration comes to an end and I address them,applaud them on a job well done while I was away.

My blossoming success has been questioned quite a number of times that i don't get shocked anymore with people's opinions. I mean I too would question what I don't know,I know I'm a good lawyer but how I got recognition is suspicious...not illegally suspicious. My brother played an important role in my career,he knows people in high places.

Don't trust people who say that hardwork,determination and what not will make you successful. Im proof that money and connections will get you success. Im not entirely saying that these factores dont matter,they do its just that they can only get you so far in life.

Like every and any workplace,we have different employees. I too have the Becky with the good hair types,the females that think this is their father's business and males who feel that they won't be told what to do by a little girl. But I do know how to put them back in their places,they are still here only because they are exceptional at what they do and nabo they may act all high and mighty but bottom line is that they know that this job pays bills and sponsors their lifestyle.


Eyamadubazane I hope that it is long enough. I tried hle❤

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