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I wake up to use the bathroom,coming back to bed again sleep has deserted me. I use this opportunity to have a good look at the naked man who's peacefully sleeping next to me. He has a small stitch on top of his right eyebrow,has cuts on his face,a bruised lip how come didn't I feel that when I was kissing him? A big stitched cut on his stomach and a bandage on his forearm. Kanti what's happening with this guy?

I'm sitting on my bums,facing him. Its still dark outside,looking at my phone,the time reads 03:55am. As if sensing that someone is watching him,both his eyes flap open in slow motion. Damn he looks like a SNACK! He lazily smiles when his eyes meet mine but I don't return the smile,although I want to I won't,I'm even tempted to give him a kiss but self control baby girl. "Good morning Simphiwe" gosh his morning bass is making me WET. I press my bare thighs together and he laughs. Your sexy manly laughter is not helping.

He pulls me towards him,places both hands on the sides of my bump and starts baby talking to his child after kissing my forehead. Their moment is short lived as his ring tone fills the room. "Sho?" That's him answering whoever has called him.
Cebo: "ohh thank God you are okay" bathong Cebo o na le drama,its how he says it which makes it more dramatic nkare mosadi. Nqobi has put the call on loud speaker,a habit of his when he's around me unless he is talking to his crew about illegal shit ofcourse.

Him: "yes I'm okay,why wouldn't I be?" He asks rolling his eyes.
Cebo: "ohhh lemme see,you didn't tell me that you were coming back. I get the news from our pilot,when you arrive at the airport,you leave your security detail behind and take an uber to God knows where and your phone has been off" kanti they worry about each other like this...shame its cute but funny AF.
Him: "ngiyaxolisa bafo,but don't worry I'm okay" he assures him.
Cebo: "how can I not worry when you are suicidal these days?" He sounds serious and that grabs my attention.
Him: "ehh nalokho ngikuzwa ngawe"

Cebo: "Nqobi what you did in Cuba was fucken reckless,you could have died. Are you aware..." Nqobi cuts his lecture off.
Him: "but I didn't and no matter how many times you shout me for being irresponsible you can't deny that my plan worked"
Cebo: "yes but at the expense of many lives,yours could have been one of them too!" Cebo is getting furious now.
Him: "Cebo in this life,you lose some and win some. What's a war without a few fallen soldiers anyways?" Ukhuluma kamnandi ngoba yena usaphila. Hey they continue their quarrel like small kids until Nqobi says that he will be at the warehouse at 11am and is expecting to see everyone there.

"Why?" Now that's me starting an interrogation. "Why ini?" He pushes himself up against the head board and rests his head under his hands. "Why did you go to Cuba,why didn't you tell me that you were leaving,why did you beat up and shot Malachi,why did you threaten me,his life and why did you kill him?" My voice gets louder at each question and my anger builds up.
Pardon my manners,I forgot to share with y'all that Malachi is dead,but its not Nqobi who killed him, ngiyamusukela nje. But if he hadn't put him in a hospital bed he wouldn't be dead.

So what happened was that a woman with young twin boys that are an exact replica of him showed up at his ward,his wife was there. Upon seeing these people she questions who are they and why do the boys look so much like her husband. The lady replies saying that she is his wife and these are their kids. Yah I know...shock yomhlaba. uWifey keh refusing to believe what she's seeing and hearing,she calls the rest of the family to come see and clarify whether her eyes and ears are playing tricks on her or not. When the family arrived at the hospital,the young boys ran into Malachi's father's arm "screaming mkhulu" and umkhulu naye he was just as excited to see them.

Whilst the poor wife is trying to recover from that shock and the previous one,the boys now go to his sister chanting "aunty" and uAunty is like "ohhh my favourite nephews in the whole wide world" while picking each up and giving them kisses I confess,I would have died at least 5 times from the shock. Malachi's family then greets both of them saying "makoti" to this one and to the other one. Wifey dearest then asks What gwan and how do they know each other. Abantu baphathwa yiconstipation,instead of answering the question,they are like Eish Malachi you better wake up and solve this thing yourself.

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