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"Babe! Babe! Baby!!" I roughly pull his arm to wake him up. "Yini?" He asks in his groggy voice opening his eyes. "Ke lapile" I tell him smiling widely like an idiot. He furrows his eyebrows at me,"but we just ate" he says sounding surprised by what I said. "FYI I'm eating for three" I say rolling my eyes at him. So yah marn,girl is five months pregnant,heavily pregnant might I add. This Zulu nigga did not just knock me out,he didn't put a stranger in my tummy...he put two strangers!!

Sae ke le mother of two re sa qala nje, ayy bashimane!! "Yah and you ate for five" he did not say that,ohh no he did. I try pushing him off the bed,key word is try. "Awushongo ukuthi ulambile kanti?" He asks trying to distract me from my task. "And you said I eat a lot" I retort with glassy eyes and folded arms. "No lerato laka I said that you ate enough food" he's trying to soften me up. Okay let's forget about this I'm HUNGRY! "Ngilambile Cebo" I tell him and he sighs in defeat.

Its 11pm and I woke him up for that. "What do you want?" He asks already getting out of bed. "Food" I answer. "No shit heyy" the sarcasm hits harder as he has a serious look on his face. He's annoyed but keh when you don't wrap that shit up this is what you get. I follow behind him as he leads the way to the kitchen. He is now standing behind the kitchen island,"u batla eng?" He asks,yes his Sesotho is improving hanyane hanyane(bit by bit). "Nothing that's in this house" I say. "Dimakatso I want to sleep,ufunani mfethu?" The Zulu boy in him just had to surface.

"There's nothing thats appetizing here" I whine. "Ungivusele lento?" He asks sternly. "But I don't know what to eat!" I whine like a little child. "Then you are not hungry" he flatly says,"but I am. I promise I am" usually when I say something this stupid,he laughs but today shame he's upset. "Ce-be-li-hle!!" I call out his name slowly,breaking it down while stomping my feet. He just looks at me in defeat. He's used to this. "Let's go to bed MaMokoena" he says standing behind me,putting both hands on the side of my bump pushing me to walk.

"Okay I know what I want now!" I exclaim turning around to face him. See the face that a child makes when they get an idea,a brilliant one at that? Yeah that's the face that I'm making RN, "what?" Shame he's so tired of me,even his what sounds weak. "I want dunked wings,donuts,a chicken wrap and a milkshake" his eyes widen. "Ohh and hot wings" I add folding my arms like a chicken to show that I want wings. "We don't have all of that in this house" he says stating the obvious. "No shit heyy" now its my turn. "Dimakatso..." I cut him off.

"Please go and buy me what I want,in fact what your babies want" I say pointedly. "What's the difference between dunked wings and hot wings?" He asks in a bored tone,is he serious right now? "The first ones are DUNKED while the others are HOT!" I tell him in simple terms and he clicks his tongue. "And you better eat everything,mxm umosha imali" he complains getting on my nerves. "Hamba" I push him away. "Kodwa nawe mfethu kusebusuku" why is he complaining. "Ohh okay because ke bosiu I must starve?" I exaggerate and he just looks at me in defeat.

We have been married for like 10 months now and so far so good,well except for the pregnancy. I'm so over this. I wonder how ladies who have a combo or a soccer team of babies do it. I'm popping these two heads out and then I'm done. But our families don't know that we are having twins. Our wedding day will forever remain one of my best memories. It was lovely,it was magnificent,it was expensive,it was heyy... but of course it had to be...I mean it was MY wedding! I believe that my brother in-law,yep the one and only Nqobimpi gave the best speech that day.

I admire the bond,respect and love between him and my husband,they aren't blood brothers yes but you won't say. Me and him we get along not like a house on fire like how Amo and my husband do. We are just okay,on my side I'd say that its hard to get really close to him because of his personality. I swear the man has favourites in this world,around other people he is extremely quiet and cold but around his wife and siblings,he's a chatter box. Plus he is intimidating,I know that Cebo and Lesedi can be intimidating as well but Nqobi takes the cup. Maybe its because I'm already used to my brother's demeanour and Cebo's.

I won't say much about his marriage with my sister because every couple has its hardships and what not. Amo knows what to do should things get beyond her control,should she start losing herself. Our mother's told me what they told her when she got married and that was "you are choosing this,no one is chasing you out of your home. You can always come back here if things don't work out. We won't laugh or judge you. Always choose yourself,your happiness and mental health." And I trust my sister,she may be many things but naive and a sucker for love is not one of them.

To my brother and my mothers(my mom and Amo's mom,aunt) I'm still a child. They freaked out when they received a letter from the Ndlovu clan. They called a family to ask if I'm ready and if I really am sure about this,yhoo I was annoyed. They told me that I'm too young and what not and my sister is the only person who had my back. For me its how she got angry at everyone that time it wasn't even about her. And people wonder why I love her so much! She told them that they are hypocrites, that when Nqobi proposed, they were happy,it was a whole celebration. No one called a family meeting or interrogated her.

But with me it has to be a whole procedure. But she came to understand where they were coming from. She's that distant kid,the one who moved out of the house and took a while to come back and visit well after my brother,we even forget about him sometimes that's how bad it is. Well back in the days yah, now we see more of him and his family. She has always been independent,being her own person,while me? I was always at home,never wanted to be far from my mothers and that was even proven when my brother bought me an apartment. I was always at home,I only went to my apartment when I wanted some me time.

Even now I'm married,I have a house... well two but I still visit home every week. And funny enough when I visit them now,they complain. They ask me if I'm there then who is with Cebo and they say that for a married woman I sure act single. My mom was like "be like your sister,come back only when we call you to come visit us. Give us a chance to miss you" LMAO. Its almost three weeks now since my niece left us. You know ha ba re leqeba le sa foleng (when they talk about a wound that does not heal)? This is it.

We do check up on Reamohetswe and Nqobi every once in a while. So far I can say that they are fine,I'm happy that they have each other and they are going through this as a team. Truth is we are all in pain but only those two know the depth of it. Yes Nonjabulo was close to everyone's hearts but she was in her parent's hearts. We have no right to wail louder than Amo or grieve longer than them because we don't know what it feels like to lose a child,we won't understand their pain. Only they understand each other's pain.

I check the time and ha,Cebo should be back by now. I call him,"kanti ukuphi?" I ask him when he answers the phone.
Him: "yaz one day I'm going to get hijacked because of food,ama cravings nje" he says. LMAO Cebelihle is such a complainer hle!
Me: "it will teach you a thing or two about pulling out" I say teasingly and he chuckles.
Him: "mxm,I'm on my way back MaMokoena" he says.
Me: "did you get everything that I asked for?" I ask him and he says yes.

Me: "list for me what you bought" I instruct him and he does but he forgets something.
Me: "ha ua reka ntho moes kanna ba re ke eng(you didn't buy this thing,konje what do they call it)...uhm Uncle Waffles le di chips." I say and he gets a shock as if I didn't tell him. Mxm
Him: "Cha lerato laka awushongo,uthe iwrap,ama dunked wings,donuts,hot wings ne milkshake" he says disagreeing with me.
Me: "babe I did say" I tell him but he insists that I didn't. "Okay please buy them now I'm telling you because ankere I didn't tell you then" I say with an attitude.

Him: "Firstly I'm not your child. You didn't tell me to buy le malume what what yakho nama chips. Khuluma nam kahle. Lastly I'm already by our gate" he says in a stern voice then he hangs up. Yes nigga dropped the call on me. No but I'm sure that I did. Did I? Ehh I don't know. Well he's angry now,mxm.



Can I just say that your "fragile hearts" are messing with my game plan😫. Niyaz after Joy,Katso was supposed to follow? And to make it more sad she was leaving behind her twins at birth. And yho bab'mncane was going to be devastated the most. Eish there was going to be a lot of tears and heartaches.

But because I'm a good person,I aborted the plan after reading some of your comments on Nonjabulo's death. So yah keep on messing up my plans people!!😭😂.

Again I love and appreciate the support,the comments and love that y'all have shown this book😭❤🔥.

The book is ending soon,a few more Chapters then its a wrap!🥳🥳.

Don't ask me to specify on the number of Chapters,I'm not sure but in my mind this book is done👍.

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