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Waking up I see that im alone in bed. I take my phone from the night stand and it reveals that its just a few minutes after 11 am. After making the bed, tidying up the room,I head to the bathroom to freshen up. "Smells good in here,what did you cook?" I ask Zee as I emerge in the kitchen. "I cooked breakfast" she says smiling. "Of course you did,what's for breakfast smart ass?" I hug her then sing "Good morning Zee" "Good morning mommy,how did we sleep?" She asks caressing my tummy and I playfully swat her hands away.

"Ngikuphakele?" She asks,I have now settled on the high chair in front of her. Its been three days since I have been discharged from the hospital,when we came back we found Zee here. Apparently her mom told her that I was in hospital so she thought she should come see me and "nurse me back to health". I'm not complaining tho,I love being babied by her and having some company here around the house eases the tension between my husband and I. Speaking of tension,Nqobi and I haven't spoken about his scandal or anything close to it.

We are just civil towards each other,our relationship is not all marry and rosy...its just Okay. We only speak when necessary,he's not a jerk anymore he went to take back his manners from where ever he had stashed them. Akusena MaDlamini and Nqobi,its Simphiwe and Nqobimpi. Though we sleep on the same bed,its feels lonely. Though its summer,the sheets feel cold. I'm not putting an effort into fixing us,yena he's trying but uyabona ukuthi nothing is working.

"Yes please" I answer Zanele's question. "Uphi ubhuti wakho?" I ask her while she's plating for me. "Uhm somewhere around the house,is everything okay?" She moves her eyes around,I think trying to recall where last did she see him. "Yah why?" I steal a slice of beacon from my plate and she hits my hand. "Ouch" but it can't be stealing if its my food...from my plate. "Eish angazi,he looked sad,upset. Like you could see that something is bothering him" she says,her voice and face full of concern. I just shrug my shoulders meaning that I don't know what's wrong with him.

"Did he eat?" I ask and she shakes her head No,sigh that sounds like not eat when he's angry,sad or upset. He's definitely upset then. "Let me go and check up on him" I say standing up to put my food in the microwave. Well since he's paralysed,wait that came out wrong. Since he is in a wheelchair,he can't go upstairs so his movement is limited. We don't have many rooms down here therefore finding him won't be a problem. I find him in the second place I look in,the gym. Don't worry he's not lifting weights or doing any sort of exercise. He has a beer bottle in his hand and another one on the floor.

Drowning his sorrows in alcohol seems to be a thing these days. "Pass me that bottle" I say sitting down on the floor in front of him, motioning to the other beer. "Udakiwe" he says refusing. "Kodwa wuwena ophuzayo nje" I shift and turn to sit more comfortably. "Thats the confusing part,kuphuza mina kodwa kudakwa wena" he says acting really confused then we both laugh. "Sawubona Gatsheni" I greet after a moment of silence "Yebo MaDlamini" he answers blushing,and I must admit seeing him smile warms my heart. "What's bothering you?" I dive right in. "Nothing I'm okay" he responds.

"Nqobi something is not right what is it?" I insist and he tries to change the topic. "Why are you sitting on the floor. Get up or you will catch a cold" mxm nice try. "Ngiyakwazi Ndlovu,awukho right yini indaba?" Honestly he's good at hiding his emotions,like right now as I look at him I can't tell from his facial expression alone that something is wrong. But I can't also say that Zee told me that you seemed a bit off,so I will just push and push until he spits it out. "Nqobi..." I don't have to say more because he finally reveals what's bothering him. "I hate this!" He shouts and wheels himself back,away from me. By 'I hate this' he means not being able to walk.

I don't allow him to further move away from me as I pull his chair right back... with difficulty of course. I look at him hoping that my eyes will convey my message,'I'm listening'. "Do you know what day it is today or rather what day its supposed to be today?" He asks downing the last sip of his Heineken. "Oh yah Cebo told me,he called and said I must tell you that you shouldn't worry. They will make you proud and bring it back home" angazi if lo "It" wakhona yititle or a win. So today is the annual gang nton nton,all I know is that gangs, well successful and most feared gangs meet up and compete against each other. I don't know how but I know that they partake in numerous activities and the winner is announced.

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