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"Okay baby girl ngiyak'thanda. Ngizok'bona after school neh" I kiss my baby goodbye as I leave her at her preschool gate with her teacher. "I love you mama" she says hugging before I get into my car. Hhayi cha bahlali ngikulisile,she's now 3years old...can y'all believe that and she just started with preschool.
Okay so a quick update,its now a new year,remember I had said that ngizongene onyakeni omusha with a new marital status nesibongo esisha sha. Eish God seems to have other plans with my life. Nqobi and I didn't tie the knot mainly because of his injury. Its been months now and he still can't walk...I won't lie,its sad.

On the lighter note tho,a wedding did take place last year December...y'all won't believe who was tying the knot. Drum roll please...Lesedi Mokoena!! Yah I know we were also shocked when he said that he wants to settle down. I even asked when did he get the time to find a girl,get to know her and finally decide that she's worthy of being his bride. Apparently him and the girl who's now his wife have known each other for 7 years,SEVEN FREAKEN YEARS,and in between that 7 years they have been on and off. Their love story is quiet a nice one,it has heartbreaks,tears,lots of romance and happiness.

Anyways he paid lobola,then two days after was the traditional wedding followed by the white wedding then was topped off ka honey moon. I couldn't be more proud of my brother,my sister in law's name is Mamello and she's drop dead gorgeous,my bro sure has a good eye. On the other news Lil Missy started with preschool and so far so good. She loves it and she's happy. Ohh about Cebo's case,it happened two weeks ago. Nqobi went to the station with their lawyer to see him that very same day when he got arrested.

Kuthiwa obhuti omdala uthethise ubab'mncane makafika lapha. And just to teach him a lesson he let him spend the night kwiholding cell. Cebo just got off nge fine kphela,no court appearances nothing and no further arrests were made.

When I get into the house,I run to our bedroom to check up on Nqobi and to my disappointment I find him sitting on the bed with his back against the headboard. Haibo akakagezi. "Should I help you bath so we don't be late?" I ask him,"angiyilapho Simphiwe" he says avoiding eye contact. "Angizwanga uthi bani?"I sternly look at him with my hands above my hips Who the hell is he calling Simphiwe? He chortles before saying "angiyilapho sthandwa sam."

I sit on the edge of the bed and look at him,I can see that he's not okay...his mood is just off. "Yini ndaba Gatsheni?" "I just can't" he says lowly and I just continue looking at him,hoping that this will urge him to speak. "What if the doctors can't help me,what if they tell me what I already know? That I'm useless,I won't be able to ever walk again?" There's pain in his voice. I sit next to him,place both my hands on his cheeks "you are not useless my love,you are anything but useless" I try to reassure him.

So since his incident,we have been to three doctor's appointments. All of them were the same,theres no progress or healing in his condition. He comes back from each one even more sad than the last. But today's one is different,the doctors said that they will check if his spine is healing or not and if there are signs of healing then they will perform surgery on him to help his spine heal quicker. And if not,they won't bother because that might just do more harm than good.

"You deserve a better husband than me" he says which just breaks my heart,"and according to you who's this better husband?" "One who can take you out on dates,one who can carry you around and definitely one who can give you the wedding of your dreams...I have already failed in that department" how do I comfort this man? "And what if I want you,not this "better husband"?" I ask looking into his eyes. "Well sooner or later,you will realise that you have settled for less" WOW I'm HURT,where is the arrogant man that I married...where is his pride when I need it?

I climb on his lap,straddling him and the man just buries his face in my exposed cleavage. He takes sharp intakes of air,taking in my scent "your breasts look so full and tempting" he says perks of being upreggy. I put my arms around his neck. His hands,as always find themselves on my butt,he gently squeezes my ass before pulling me closer to him,making me sit directly on his semi hard manhood. "Oh no we have to talk first" I say as he tries to take things further. "Do we have to?" He asks as he sighs out loud.

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