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"What happened on Thursday did not happen" he says,his eyes on the road and hands on the wheel. We are driving back to Jozi,finally yho. I know I didn't come here to unwind,relax or to have fun but what I got was nowhere near  my expectations. "Yah Nqobi I know,I'm not stupid. I know better than to talk about that awful night" I say in a bored tone.

"Good,then you understand that even if you see someone who was attending that party you look the other way" his serious face let's me know just how serious this is "yah" I say in low tone. "Ang'kuzwa MaDlamini(I can't hear you)" he treats me like a child lo(this one). "I understand,Thursday evening never happened" I say more to myself than to him.

"And Simphiwe watch the company you keep" he says after a long moment of complete silence. Him calling me by my full name only means that its a jokes aside situation. "No,you are one to talk. Incase you haven't noticed,you carry a gun everywhere you go because of the "company you keep" so please" I'm getting rattled up,for what? Nam angazi(I also don't know). Nqobi unlike me chooses peace,he keeps quiet.

"Open the glove compartment" he commands and I comply. In my hand right now is a file. I give him a puzzled look and he says"ivule uy'funde Simphiwe(open and read it)" yhoo kutense(its tense) moes this side. I don't know what I was expecting to find in this file,but I do know that it is definitely not what I am reading now.

"See not all people on the other side of the law chose to be there. Some people were roped in too deep they only realized this when it was all too late". We are now parked at a gas station,we just got back from buying food. Nqobi had to give me a piggy back ride in because I was sleeping before he woke me up. I keep quiet as I process what he's saying. We haven't talked about about the file,I was rather shocked so I slept.

"Criminals don't just befriend anyone,especially innocents who know nothing about the other life. They target people who they know that they will benefit something from them. And they never ask nicely,they will get you involved into their criminal activities without you knowing. And when you finally see what's happening,there's no escape. You trapped in a world that you didn't choose but it chose you" he finishes off. He's right. Its not my lawyer instinct talking but also common sense.

I have had cases of people,innocent people being turned into puppets by gangsters with no way out. If they don't do as told they will go to jail,but still if they do,they go to jail. Or worse die. "But ukhona nje wena(you are here),my knight in shinning armour. You will pull me out and protect me right?" I say jokingly trying to lighten up the mood. When he doesn't respond,I take his hand and place it on my cheek.

"Yeah ngikhona muntu wam khululeka but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful. Once you let these people in Simphiwe there's only one way to get rid of them. I'm still trying to figure out what game Thapelo was playing at. To me it doesn't make sense that he invited you to such an event. I get that uyak'funa kodwa you can't impress a lady by inviting her to a Mafia gala" I can see that this thing is stressing him.

Nam manje I'm questioning the reason behind that invitation. He's not even my client,his brother who's my client didn't invite me and he saw it fit to do so? Kanjani bro? "Im never talking to Thapelo or anyone who's related to him besides his brother obviously" I say without thinking twice. "Don't look so scared nawe,I'm here my love" he says before pressing his lips on mine.

We sitting in his car outside my firm,my man drove me to work today and he's also fetching me later. We sit holding hands,he parked at my spot about invading one's privacy. "Kunini sihleli la,ngiy'hamba mina" funny how I haven't made a move to get out of this car or out of his hold for that matter. "Uhambe kahle" he says but isn't letting go of me. I guess we have bonded  at his place over the weekend.

Joy and I spent the weekend at his place,I still can't believe that he turned one of the many rooms at his house into a nursery before he even asked me to be his girlfriend. It looks really nice,the colour is a light purple and he bought all these beautiful purple baby things I even shed a few tears when I saw it. He even has a portrait of Joy put up on the wall. When I asked him what would he have done had I rejected him,he said he would rather not think about that cause he took a gamble and he's glad that it paid off.

The guy is balling in money,if his lifestyle and house isn't proof of that,then I don't know what is.

"Don't you have to go to work too?" I ask hoping he would say yes and just like that we would depart...I don't wanna be the one that has to do it. "Yeah I will go,just not now" Clap once,because yini le. "In that case lemme go" this time I successfully pull away and open the door. He also comes out and takes my stuff from the backseat. "What are you doing?" I ask him as he walks to me. "Walking my woman to her office,yini kune nkinga?" He has put his forehead on mine and his nose is brushing my own. "No,there's no problem" my hands on his torso rubbing against the fabric of his shirt. Not my heart doing backflips

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