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"...thats all for today" Moreen says as she finishes telling me about my plans for the next few hours. "Thanks" I don't feel like being cheerful today,I'm just pissed nje. After a while when I don't sense movement I look up to still find her standing there and looking at me. The look she's giving me is the exact reason why i want be alone today. No one is allowed in my office unless it is to tell me something crucial.

"Moreen you are excused" I can't help but be harsh to her and she quickly rushes out. So y'all know that yesterday Nqobi's arrest went viral right? Yah I have been receiving pitiful looks from everyone in here. And because when people have a scope but no facts they speculate their own things. Everyone seems to have a different theory behind Nqobi's arrest,and none of those theories are pleasant just as they aren't true.

Others say he's arrested for murder. Wait it gets better...someone passed away prior to his arrest,I don't know his name but he was associated to Nqobi therefore the South African republic is saying that Nqobi is responsible for his death. Other's say he's arrested for dealing with drugs while others say its for rape. Thats the worst one yet and i don't know how it came about. What's worse is that there's no girl...yet he raped someone. There are conspiracies roaming around,and mina because I'm the girlfriend I'm receiving the hate. For dating a gangster,a monster and what not.

I wonder if they are aware of something called Deformation of Character...

The door bursts open and I pay no mind to it,I hear footsteps approaching my desk but I keep my head buried in my work. The perfume gives it away that its a man,sadly it not Nqobi...I wonder how he's doing. Another reason why I'm this grumpy is because I haven't spoken to him since his arrest. This male pulls my chair to sit when he realises that I won't acknowledge his presence. "Ahem" he clears his throat.

I lift my eyes to look at the idiot and how I wish I could shoot him you are scared of guns,remember?. "What do you want Siyabonga" I spit out in anger. "We need to talk" he says,I shift my focus back to the papers in front of me. The idiot keeps quiet hehehe this dumb ass. "Uthuleleni(why are you quiet) because by now you should be saying the last bits of whatever it is that you want to say" im trying my level best to not scream at him. "We have to talk about our daughter" he says nonchalantly.

"Suddenly we have a daughter together,how lovely" I sarcastically say. When he keeps quiet I continue "you have the worst timing,when we needed you the most you weren't there. Now that we have gotten used to your absence,I mean your own child doesn't know you. I'm finally happy,I have moved on and Nonjabulo is happy and loved too. Why must you disturb our peace?" My voice is much calmer now,I just want to know why now...he had all the time in the world to fix things and he chooses to do so now?

"Nonjabulo is a Nkosi and she deserves to have a relationship with her maternal side of the family" he answers. Since when is she a Nkosi? Asshole you wanted nothing to with my pregnancy. "Now lemme get this straight,back then she wasn't a Nkosi and didn't deserve to know her family. But now that it suits you she's finally deserving?" I ask with the most confused face because WOW...

"Simphiwe I know I have wronged both of you and im here to fix that. Nawe you need to understand that I couldn't just tell my wife and family that I have a child outside my marriage and expect things to go on as normal" he says in shame. "You will not try to blame me or my child for that matter for your infidelity. Hope we are clear" I'm getting annoyed with his stories now.

Since he said he's here to fix things I assume that he has already told his family and is just trying to get me on board. "Does your family know about her?" "No....not yet. I can't just blurt such with ease" he nervously says. The dude is testing me. Clap once.

"You are stupid just like the doctor who put that cervical collar around your neck. Get out" I say letting out a bitter chuckle. I'm only realising now that he has a neck cast on. "Idrama eyani(what's the drama for)?" I ask motioning to his neck "your boyfriend almost snapped my neck" he spits out the word boyfriend bitterly. "Almost,he did you a favour" "now this is why I want to take my child...what will she learn from the two of you? Violence"

"Responsibility is what she will learn. Something you know shit about. I'm over this conversation get out and I don't wanna lay my eyes on you ever again" I say pointing at the door. Seconds later the door flies open but its not because Siyabonga is taking his leave. Nqobi walks in carrying Nonjabulo looking all sorts of yummy wearing beige chino pants,a black golf T-shirt and black billionaire men loafers.

After taking in his handsome appearance I allow my legs to run to him and hug him. The hug takes a while then he says "don't be a cry baby and cry" "I'm not crying" I say hiding my face in his chest. "Good because you are going to ruin my T-shirt" he say chuckling. "Mxm uyaphapha bantiti din(you are forward you convict)" I laugh then pull away. He brings me in for a kiss that almost makes me moan,Almost. I remember that we have an unwanted audience.

He angrily glares at Siyabonga "what the fuck is he doing here" he's may sound calm but I know for a fact that he's brewing in anger. "He was just leaving" I answer leading him further into my office. "You have got to be kidding me. I can't spend time with my child alone without you or her nanny supervising me but he...your fling over here gets to parade around with my child" he's screaming. Nqobi takes calculated steps towards Siyabonga and Siyabonga does the last thing I thought he would do. He runs to keep a safe distance from Nqobi.

"If I die the police will know its you,in my statement I did include what you said about putting a bullet in my head" he's trying to not show how scared he is. LMAO...I really laugh,like a full belly laugh. "Now you are over thinking this whole thing...I won't kill you as yet. I want you to watch me raise "your child" and I want her to know about her useless sperm donor" he says with a smirk on his face...its not the sinister one.

"Could you please crawl back to whatever hole you were hiding in" at this point I'm pleading with him. "This isn't over,if I have to take this matter to court to get my child then so be it" with that said he leaves.

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