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"Will you be mine?"

I wasn't ready for that hence why I'm choking on my own spit like crazy. "It would be nice to have you choke on something else but its too soon. So for now I will settle for you choking on your saliva." Its the fact that he's acting indifferent as if its normal to say such to people. "For a 30 year old man you sure are dirty minded" I tell him after gathering myself.

"I have been told" he smugly says "told by who?" I can't help the accusation in my voice. "Hawu MaDlamini its still early days for iskhwele (jealousy)" mxm jealousy my ass. To wipe off that smug look plastered on his face I say "anyways moving on,you were about to try and impress me with a lame pick up line" instead of his smile falling its mine,this time he's perfect white teeth are out for display.

"Cha ntokazi (no lady) pick up lines are used by boys trying to score themselves girlfriends. Im hoping to impress you with my truth" he holds my hand in his,he likes doing this because apparently my small hand feels good against his big one. My hands are soft and cute. I couldn't agree more.

"Sibalukhulu,Mdlovu,Magaduzela,Magaga kaNsele(Dlamini clan names). I want to build a life with you,I see no other woman best fitting to be iNdlovukazi yam(my queen) than you. Please let me ntokazi enhle(beautiful lady)" now tell me how can I not fall deeper for this guy. I'm a blushing mess RN and I don't like it. I'd love nothing more than to busk in this moment but this has be said...

"Ndlovu,Gatsheni,boya benyathi,obusonga busombuluka,Mthiyane" I see him lose his senses a bit and my heart swells up with pride. Its good to know that he isn't the only who can pull and twist the strings of my heart, I have the magic too.

"Waze wangithakazela kahle,ungisho kahle mawakhe (you have said my clan names well,you have said me well her mother)" he says while doing his mini dance,uyagida uNqobi bakhithi. One would swear that I said YES to being his wife or told him that I'm carrying his seed.

"Okay Nqobi we get it,you love hearing your clan names,hlala phantsi sikhulume (sit down and let's talk) I'm not yet done" I say laughing at his typical Zulu man behaviour. "Ehh there's more kanti,abakhithi bangithandile imphela keh namuhla(my ancestors have truly favoured me today)"  iba nomusa bawo(god have mercy).

"Nqobi I have a child" I continue once he is seated "I'm very much aware of that Phiwe" all playfulness has been set aside. "Okay then you should know that if we start a relationship..." "WHEN we start a relationship" he says interrupting me and placing emphasis on the word. "Okay when we start a relationship,it won't be just the two of us. I won't always be available and I'm not willing to compromise ever. My daughter comes first" he needs to know what it is exactly that he's getting himself into.

"It makes me happy to know that you will be putting our daughter first,that alone tells me about the kind of mom you are" he's smiling,can he just be serious for one second. "Nqobi now is not the time to fool around I'm serious" "and what makes you think that I'm joking?"I shrug "I'm more than willing to accept and love Nonjabulo like my own,I will admit that I never thought that my first experience to fatherhood would be like this but I would never trade the moments spent with her for any other." I see how sincere he is being in his eyes and I can hear it in his tone.

"That time at the mall,I don't know what it was that compelled me to help you,but something did. Hearing her cry did something to me. I don't like babies but I love her. Sure maybe the fact that you looked gorgeous motivated me but the main deal was her." We both laugh at this.

"What I'm trying to say here Simphiwe is that I may not be her father biologically but by heart I am. Learning about your ex made me want to protect and father her even more" again I ask how does one not fall face first in love with him?

"Ngiyakuzwa (I hear you) Gatsheni" I say smiling "you hearing me isn't enough for me" excuse me what? The frown on my face is evident,he chuckles lapho mina ngi (that time I'm) confused.
"MaDlamini you have to listen,understand and trust what I have said" he places a kiss on my knuckles but he's eyes never leave mine.

"So what happens when we break up,I don't want to brag her into this only for it to break her in the end" at this point its fuck both Nqobi and i's daughter comes first. "Nonjabulo is my daughter as much as she's yours so I'd never do anything to hurt her,if we don't work out its okay I will make good on my promise and be the best father I can be to her. No DNA test in the world can tell me that she isn't mine. I'm a grown ass man and I will always take care of my kid" hai shame he made it his mission to charm me with words,well mission accomplished baba.

"And what if you move on,get married and have kids? Where does it leave Joy?" Well being a lawyer has taught me that before signing,agreeing or committing to something you have to be well informed of the T's and C's. And right now that's what I'm doing

"Yhooo MaDlamini,we haven't even started but already sesihlukene (we have broken up) and apparently mina sengishadile(I'm married)" its hard not to laugh especially with how he has put it. "And why am I the only one who's caught up in a compromising situation" he teases.

"Because i know that I won't cheat on you nor do anything to break your trust or hurt you" that is my truth and I mean it. His smile only widens "I'm glad to hear that" he proudly says. "We will cross every other bridge when we get to it. Just know that I intend on being the best father and partner to both of you" I hope he isn't taking me for a ride,with how hard I have fallen I don't think I will recover.

"...I will be yours only if you will be mine and mine alone " with that said he doesn't waist any more time. Within a second he's pulling me up to stand with him and has he's tongue down my throat. 

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