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"Why! What did she do to you" uSiyabonga ukwatile,and I think that the pain on his hand and leg is adding onto his anger. Plus discovering that you have been sleeping with a snake all along,the one person that you least suspected turns out to be the one who killed your child. "I'm sorry babe..." She's still in tears. "Voetsek Indiphile will sorry bring her back,will it erase what you did? Ukhohlakele sies!" He spits on the floor. 

Ehh its my first time seeing him like this. "What did you expect me to do,fold my arms and watch you play happy families with her" she angrily points at me with her head. Ehh "haibo ngihlanganaphi keh mina?" I ask shocked at what I am hearing. "You just had to rub it in my face that someone else,some girl out there gave you what I couldn't give you by bringing her to my house" okay I think that Nqobi and I should step back because this is a venting session between these two.

"She was my daughter of course I had to bring her to my house at some point" he argues. "You didn't tell me,I just come back from work one day and I find toys everywhere" ohh konje she doesn't have kids so she isn't used to that chaotic display. Shame man,"she's my child" they are both fuming. "And what am I your maid? We agreed that she will visit your parents and you will go see her there not in my house" now looking at her,she doesn't look sorry for what she did at all.

"So that's your reason for doing what you did!?" He shouts,"Siya she had your undivided attention. I felt like a guest in my own house" she cries. "Fuck you, fuck you uyezwa! Are you that childish. Of course she will have my undivided attention,she was visiting me for the first time,I fucken live with you. I see your heartless ugly face everyday. You can't compare yourself to a child" yah Indi is really petty hey. That's another level of pettiness!! "Wow! This is stupid and embarrassing as well." I comment, my child died because of something this stupid.

"How did you poison her?" Nqobi asks, "where did you even get the poison from!?" Siyabonga is angry shame. "I bought it" she simply answers. "I hope that you rot in hell,buying a poison for umntwana Indiphile? Can you be so heartless. Uyinja msoon wakho,unonya njengo nyoko" for some reason only known by my mind,this sounds funny. Its because I have never heard him swear and marn uSiya is a coconut so this...hay its funny. But I don't laugh tho. "Did you put poison in the sweets?" Nqobi asks again now in anger not liking the fact that she ignored his question the first time.

"What sweets?" She asks in confusion. So it wasn't the sweets. No one answers her so she says,"I poisoned her food." "I trusted you to cook for my child,I fucken trusted you with her..." Then he throws insults at her. "I will kill you whore! I hate you for this,I will fucken kill you. Unenhliziyo emdaka sies marn" yhuuu kushushu,kutense sana. "I'm sorry,I'm sorry Siya" now she's back to crying. Excuse me but I can't keep up with her emotions. "You will be sorry" he promises. Lapho he's stuck to a chair just like her,mara eyy...

I look at Nqobi and he's in his head, whatever he is thinking about can't be good. These two continue to exchange words,ugirl is no longer sorry she's swearing at him and ngumXhosa uIndiphile kalok so you can imagine the insults she's throwing back at him. "So If given the opportunity,you would make her pay for this?" Nqobi asks Siyabonga with a straight face. "Yes" he answers with no hesitation. "Let's say I remove the nail on your hand and leg what would you do to her?" He asks him again.

I look at Nqobi trying to understand where he is going with this, "ngizombulala. I will make her regret ever being born" he promises looking at her. "Leave the killing to my wife and I. Wena just do anything to her but don't kill her" he's already pulling the nail out. Siyabonga screams in pain. "Ohh and should you not keep your promise,I will do to you what you should have done to her. If I see you holding back or feeling sorry for her,I will make you regret ever being born" uhm what's going on here? Sir what are you doing?

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