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Today is Nonjabulo's doctor appointment day and Nqobi's first time coming with. I'm packing an overnight bag for us...sekunjalo futhi. This time its justifiable yaz,we haven't slept over at his place in over a week. We just waiting for him to come pick us up. Just as I'm sitting on my couch,Siyabonga walks in. Ohh hell no,did he just invite himself in? "Phuma(get out)" I say looking into his eyes so he can see just how serious I am.

"What" he asks walking further in,"go back and knock" I say more sternly. "Ithi uyadlala(tell me you are joking). I don't usually knock and you know this" he says placing what he has in his hands on the table. "Exactly you are becoming too familiar with me,I won't ask again" he still thinks we are dating lo,he's becoming too relaxed for my liking and WTF is he doing here? I give him the paper bags and flowers he came with. Upon seeing the not so resting bitch face I have on,he goes back to knock.

I don't respond immediately,I can tell he's getting annoyed but I don't care. I invite him in after a while of knocking from his side. He's mood has surely been ruined thanks to me,when he first walked in he was in a good mood. "Ufunani(what do you want)?" he's silently sitting down with Joy on his lap,he doesn't greet. "I'm here to see my child obviously" he's pissed keh sana shame booo whooo poor Siyabonga. He came bearing gifts,no mina ngingu Smangele ngegama namhlanje.

"Time flies moes has it been 4months already?" I ask checking time on my watch,he looks confused by what I'm saying. "You only come after boma 3 to 4 months,now you were just here two weeks back. So what's going on?" I let out a sigh,preparing myself for whatever lame reason he's about to give me. "I know I haven't been the best father,but im trying to fix that" he lowly says. "Ubest ngiyambona you haven't been a present father Siyabonga" I suddenly raise my mama drama tendencies.

He only looks down in shame and kisses her forehead. Kungcono uthule ngane yakwaDlamini(rather keep quiet child of Dlamini). He hands me the bouquet of flowers and chocolate,I side eye him. "You can give them away if you don't want them" he sounds hurt.  I'd never say no to gifts. I politely thank him then we go back to being silent.

I didn't have the heart to kick him out and now I regret it,uNqobi naye omunye otheleka emzini yabantu enga knocki(he's one of those people who just walk into people's houses without knocking),but he's the man thats residing in my heart so its cool. The look I'm receiving from him is enough to make me wish for the Earth to swallow me.

He stands here shooting daggers at both Siyabonga and I, "baby I..." He stops me in my tracks and I'm grateful for that because I honestly don't know what I was going to say. "We have a doctor's appointment to get to. You can finish this later" I can't read his face. Damn him for being too good at hiding his emotions.

"Baba baba..." She starts crying for Nqobi to pick her up,Siyabonga is so shocked by this that he didn't see him take her out of his hold. "So this is the fucker that's playing "daddy" to my kid" he spits out when he has recovered from his shock. "No actually this is the fucker who's man enough to do another man's job. You could say I have bigger balls than yours,there's nothing wrong with admitting that" sarcasm all too evident in Nqobi's tone.

I see Siyabonga getting angry,ohh boy big mistake. One thing I have learned about my boyfriend is that you should never show him how angry his words are making you,cause dude triumphs on that. "I have no problem with you opening your legs for another man,but make no mistake my child is not for sale"  hehehe what? "Phuma" my smart mouth has no comeback so I say the only sensible thing I can think of.

"Never thought of you as the Gold digging type" he says standing to his feet. "Its funny how its always the broke ones that complain about gold diggers. I'm not digging in your mine honey so why are you stressed? Nakhona you should be thanking me,I'm securing the bag for your child" I say with a smile plastered on my face. Look who's now speechless. As he walks to the door,he purposely dumps Nqobi's shoulder and clicks his tongue.

Nqobi pulls him back using one hand,I quickly run and take Nonjabulo from him just in time for him to land a MEAN punch on Siyabonga's cheek. That was unexpected,Siyabonga stumbles and falls. No doubt his skull is cracked,or maybe his teeth or maybe its Nqobi's knuckles. But either way from the sound of the impact of the punch,someone broke something. I have covered my baby from all this.

Nqobi bends down to Siyabonga's eye level,swiftly yet slowly does it make sense? Cause I don't know how to explain it. He grabs his neck and squeezes hard,he has a sinister smile on his face. "Firstly,you will never ever disrespect her like that. Are we clear" he asks,when Siyabonga doesn't respond he tightens his grip about his neck. All he can do at this point is to nod and Nqobi says "I don't speak Sign language,I need words" still Siyabonga nods and Nqobi realises that it is because of his tight grip,"sorry,my bad" he laughs and loosens up his hold. "Y-yes..." he utters in a strained voice. "Good" he says then goes back to tightening his hold again.

"Secondly mawufuna ukushaywa,zicelele kahle ndoda(if you want a beating,just ask nicely) and you will get what you want. Thirdly angiyena umngani wakho,ngizok'faka inhlamvu ekhanda mina ngiqede ngawe(I'm not your friend,I will put a bullet in your head and end you). Do you understand me?" He's voice is low and scary. Siyabonga looks like he's about to piss himself, kanti uyigwala enjalo(he's a coward) They repeat the same nodding process until he says Yes again in a more strained voice. Then Nqobi kicks him out. I have never seen him like that,he wasn't scary scary,but something about how calm he was,was frightening. And that evil smile,yhoo God I hope to never see it again.

The drive to the hospital is silent,uncomfortably silent. I want to say something but I don't know what to say or where to start.

"You are the one who's always pestering me about communication but bheka manje(look now)" I say getting into the car while he buckles up a sleeping Joy in her seat. We are heading back home. "If you want to talk,talk no one is stopping you" he says closing his side of the door. Mxm. Upon seeing that we heading to his place,I say "take us to my apartment Nqobi" he briefly looks at me then back at the road without saying anything.

"Nqobi ngithe(I said)..." I say after realizing that he isn't listening to me and he cuts me off by saying "I heard what you said" What a day I am having. After driving into his garage,he goes to Nonjabulo's side. "Don't take her out or our bags,I have requested an uber it should be here in 5 minutes" I lie wondering what his reaction will be. "Don't drag my baby into your madness please" he says leaving me to crack up in laughter as he carries her inside.

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