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As I enter the house,I make a run for the stairs,"MaDlamini!" Nqobi shouts for me from somewhere in the house I think he's in the lounge. I don't turn nor stop as i take the stairs two at a time. "Ngiyeza!" I shout back a response. I first go to the nursery to look for Nonjabulo but I don't find her,next up is the the play room and same. If you are wondering what am I doing,well the answer is pretty easy...I'm hoping to grab my child and get out of here without having to answer any of Nqobi's questions.

I then go to our bedroom,no one besides Nqobi will barge in here but naye akakwazi ukuhamba so I'm safe. I'm glad that I brought my phone up with me,now to turn it on and speak to Lesedi. I impatiently tap my finger nails on the screen as I wait for it to switch back on. When it does,I waste no time as I dial his number. It first rings unanswered,I try again and its the same story. "Pick up your damn phone" I mutter under my breathe.

"Ngwana mme" his voice booms through the phone. Hearing his voice is enough to bring back all the tears that I have managed to keep at bay since the whole Thapelo situation. I don't say anything,I let my tears do the talking for me.
Him: "Amo ho etsahalang? What did he do this time around,I swear I'm going to kill that boy" he angrily says thinking that Nqobi is the cause of my tears.
Me: "i-its not hi-him" I say trying to steady my breathing.

So obviously he like many people saw or may have heard of Nqobi's porno vid,but he didn't call me. Instead he called the man himself and this is how their conversation went,well I walked in  when they were in the middle of it so I don't know how it started. "Kahle,kahle wena mfo waka Ndlovu awungiboni neh?" He asked him,you could hear the anger in his tone. "If its about that video and my marriage,phuma da, awuhlangani ndawo" that was Nqobi's reply. "Ubua nywana,oa nkutloa sana? Ubua lerete. If it has anything to do with my sister then it is my Goddamn concern" he spat out.

"Ngiyakuzwa kodwa..." He didn't get to finish his sentence,"lalela ndoda ngingakubuyisela izinkomo zakho manje ayiksasa and top it off with a huge bonus. Just to show you ukuthi asikuncengile. Hamba uyoba ifuck-boy else where hayi emtwaneni wakithi" there was a long moment of silence between them "asihloniphane Ndlovu or else kuzonyiwa,entlek uzonya" it was Lesedi again. "Hade grootman" Nqobi said in a sincere tone. "I don't need your lousy apology,you did not wrong me. Get your shit together and decide what exactly do you want" then he hang up.

Him: "then what is it? What happened?" The worry can still be dictated in his voice.
Me: "someone knows about Quinton and they have evidence" I'm a bit calmer now.
Him: "who the fuck is Quinton?" He's really clueless and that frustrates me.
Me: "do you just go around killing people,have peaceful nights after that and forget their names?" I can't believe him.
Him: "Reamohetswe!" He warns clearly not impressed with my tone.
Me: "I'm sorry I'm just stressed"
Him: "if you don't tell me what's stressing you,how will I know?" I then tell him about Thapelo and what he knows regarding Quinton's death.

Him: "I will look into it don't worry and you are not going to represent that dog!" Okay but...
Me: "apparently there's some money laundering activity going on koJustice Shields and I don't know anything about that but he has proof" I confide in my brother. When I hear him curse under his breathe,I immediately know that he has something to tell me.
Me: "Lesedi?" I urge him to speak.
Him: "don't worry I will handle everything" clearly he's trying to dodge my questions.

Me: "Lesedi what do you know about money laundering at my firm? Lesedi I swear to God if you are behind this sudden emergence of "new information" I will..." He abruptly stops me. Honestly I can't be blamed for accusing him, clearly he knows something but his name isn't mentioned anywhere,he is the one who killed Quinton yet I'm taking the blame for it.
Him: "ausi nyana ha ke mogotse wa hao, I know that right now men aren't in your good graces but I'm not "men" I'm your brother so don't think so ill of me. And as your big brother,you must know that I will always protect you" he sounds disappointed.

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