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I'm disturbed from my beauty sleep by an annoying sound,ohhh great its my ringing phone. Without looking at the caller ID I answer and lazily shout "what?"
Caller: "Good morning nawe (to you too) Phiwe.
Me: "yeah Nqobi why are you waking me up?"
Nqobi: "I'm fine thanks for asking and how are you? I wanted to know what time is your flight"
I tell him all that he wants to know. And end the call. Taking a flight to North West doesn't seem like a logical thing to do since its only about 3hours away. But I ain't driving for 3+ hours by myself so EXCUSE me.

After the call,sleep had forsaken me...thinking about him takes me back to yesterday.
"Thanks for coming by and for helping me with uNonjabulo. uHambe kahle (safe travels) Gatsheni" I said ready to close the door behind him. He pulled me close to him,by my waist. So close that we were practically breathing the same air. He put his index finger under my chin,urging me to look up at him which I shyly do, his intense stare wasn't helping my little shy ass.

He slowly licked his lips and said "ngizofa yikhumbulu la(I will miss you so much)" I swallowed before saying "its just a week,don't be a baby" in a low tone. WTF has happened to my voice?

His hands roamed around my waist until they finally decided to settle on my bums.  His cold lips crushed into mine,I didn't have time to comprehend what or how it happened. His minty breathe was all I could smell when I kissed him back. His tongue asked for entrance,which I gladly allowed then a wrestle for dominance between our tongues began.

The kiss intensified as soft moans would be heard from me,my moans must have drove him on edge because he groaned into the kiss.
We broke off the kiss to catch our breathes. With his hands still on my behind,he squeezed it,pecked my lips and said "miss me" with a wink and a smirk then he was out the door. Leaving my horny self wanting more!!!

I'm done packing both our bags,I pick her up from her cot "sawubona njabulo ka mama wena (good morning your mother's joy),hello baby girl" I baby talk to her while showering her with kisses loving how her giggles sound.

We are now done,just waiting for our "driver" to arrive. We get to Sosha and drop off Joy,my family can't stop asking me questions about the man who's sitting inside that beast of a car.
I obviously laugh it off,telling them that I have a flight to catch and sprint out of the house before they can probe further.

Walking inside the airport,Nqobi has his free hand on my waist and with the other hand,he is pushing my roller bag. Me on the other hand both my hands are occupied. One has my Burberry handbag while the other has my mini luggage bag. Can I just say we look really hot rn,like power couple type of hot.

My flights gets announced and I turn to look at Nqobi,for some unknown reason I'm blushing. "I'm going keh(then)" "not without kissing me you are not" he says staring at me with a big pout on his face.
I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him,dude doesn't kiss me back mxm.

I back away and try to pull my bags together,he gently pulls my wrist and chuckles seeing my frustrated face. He captures my lips into his. Someone makes a comment about our kiss,thats when I break it off and hide my flushed face in his chest which is vibrating from laughing at me.

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