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"She isn't crying today,that's unusual but I'm not complaining" he says throwing her in the air and catching her. "I guess seka khulile manje(she has grown up now)" I reply with a shrug. Siyabonga came here about half an hour ago,praise the living God because he didn't come empty handed this time around. He had with him a plastic bag of clothes and toys,although the clothes are a small size...I can return them for the correct size. My guess is that he doesn't know her age kodwa nam what did i expect from a dead beat father?

We at my place now,can't believe I haven't seen Nqobi in a week,he has some business outside the country. I miss him hle but I also hate the fact that I have become clingy. Kodwa who cares when my man loves my clingy-ness. We sit for a while noSiyabonga until he leaves.

The door bursts open,I don't wait for him to put the paper bags down. I run and throw myself at him. He chuckles  carrying me inside as I have my legs locked around his waist and hands around his neck. He sits on the couch but doesn't get me off of him. I sit facing him on his lap in a straddling position. "Sawubona mama...(hello mama)" I cut him off by locking my lips with his,one hand on his shoulder,the other at the back of his neck and his hands on my ass. This one has an obsession with my ass strue.

Don't ask me how things escalated this quick. We are making out on the couch,with me dry humping him while he has his face buried in my breasts. My waist moves in a circular motion. The only thing thats preventing Ndlovu Jnr from tearing me apart are these damn clothes. It suddenly feels hot in here,he brings his lips back to mine,the kiss intensifies and he flips me over.

He's now on top of me,I feel his bulge on my thighs. I have always loved how his bedroom eyes look,its a total turn on when he stares at me intensely. As he is about to pull down my leggings "waah" the sound only gets louder coming from my room. Talk about bad timing,now I wish I had sent her over to my mother. "Waah Waah" hai ngeke ukhalisa ukusa manje. Nqobi groans in frustration,stands up and gives me my T-shirt.

He looks down and sees his situation,"go take her while I go fix myself" he says heading to the bathroom.

"Baba baba ba ba" Nonjabulo screams,clapping and lifting her hands all at the same time when she sees Nqobi shocking us both. I swear she just made his day,I have never seen him this happy before,he's more happy than shocked by what he's hearing. The only word she could utter properly was mama and now for the very first time she's calling Nqobi baba. Seeing them like this warms my heart. I pray to the man above for many more days like this.

These two have long forgotten about me,baya hleka,baya khuluma lapho(they are laughing,they are talking) I don't understand how they understand each other. She slaps Nqobi in the face and giggles. "Hai hai nana uvukele lukho kanti(is this the reason you woke up)" he says trying to dodge her slaps. "If you had not woken up mommy and daddy would be busy making you a sibling manje wena keh hai ithi ngithule" LMAO. Uyagula uNqobi yhoo. "Uy'fundisani ingane Nqobi(what are you teaching her)" I ask while trying to end my laughing session. My laughter must be contagious because he joins in too.

After wiping both his and Joy's hands with a dish cloth,he stands up and takes the plate to the kitchen. He had to share his food with her,she suddenly lost appetite for her porridge when she saw his plate. He sits down,"so uthi uzobuya nini futhi uSiya(when did Siya say he will come back again)" mind you he isn't looking at me. "uSiya?" I ask confused. I don't talk about the guy so how would he know him or that he was here earlier. "Yebo uSiyabonga Nkosi,Phiwe does it ring any bells?" still he isn't looking at me which makes it hard for me to tell if he's pissed or not. And I can't just ask him how does he know that he was here,izoba ngathi I was planning on keeping it a secret. And how does he know he's surname. "He didn't say,sizobona ngaye I guess" thats the only answer I can come up with.

I haven't heard from Siyabonga nor seen him since he last came 3 days ago shukuthi uzoze abuye futhi(he will come back again) in about 4 months time. Nqobi and I haven't spoken about him,I wanna ask how did he know that he came by or even his surname. But I feel like I already know the answer to that,I just wonder what else does he know about Siyabonga.

Nqobi squeezes behind my thighs,he then looks at me and smiles. I know what that means Jump and I do jump on him only for him to put me ontop of the kitchen counter. Sila kwakhe simvakashele(we are at his place visiting him),got here a few hours ago,Joy is sleeping...thank God yhoo. She's a cry baby these days and I don't understand why. uMuntu would literally cry out of the blue for no reason.

When we are here,we always sleep over but we keep our visitations short...I'm not the cohabiting type. The longest we have stayed here is 3days,I was on lockdown then...umuntu wayengafuni ngihambe(he didn't want me to leave). Surprisingly aka ngi mithisanga because eyy iyawu sebenza umzimba wami lendoda(he didn't impregnate me because wow the man sure knows how to work on my body).

Nqobi has never and he will never sleep over at my house. According to him he's respecting my space and uyindoda he just can't do that. I hate that he has standards,morals and values and he sticks to them but I also love that about him so much. We would chill at my apartment til late,he won't sleep over he will drive back to his place kulate kunjalo.

Indoda ayibe nesthunzi guys,a guy should have pride,dignity and morals!!! And indoda ayibe wumzulu(a man must be Zulu)...ngiyadlala(just kidding) don't come for me. But ngalukho okhunye ngiSRS(with the other things I'm serious). 

"Awusang'thandi kulamalanga neh(these days you don't love me )" he says gently nibbling on my chin. "Ha why usho njalo(why do you say so)?" I'm brushing his fade. "You don't check up on me unless I do,izolo ulale unga khulumanga nam(last night you slept without talking to me)" shame,he's whining. "I'm just tired,work is a bit hectic ngapha umntwana wakho uphethwe yistage(plus your child is going through a phase). Ngiyaxolisa kodwa(but I'm sorry)" I pull him closer by locking my legs around his waist. "How about I help you release your stress,utense ande angithandi(you are tense and I don't like it)" he whispers seductively in my ear.

This guy will be the death of me nasi. I'm only wearing bum shorts and one of his over sized Tee's. He pulls my T-shirt up a bit so he can get his hands into my shorts. He's hands are on the side,when he feels that I'm not wearing any panties he wears a goofy smile and slowly moves them to my nunny. He gently pinches my clit making me gasp no hunny don't lie that was a moan. When I feel a finger going in I balance myself by grabbing his shoulders. "Mama uright(are you okay)?"

"Ya-yah..." I moan out and he puts in the second finger which makes me loses my morals. "Nqobi,Gatsheni,i-i..." I tighten my grip on his shoulders. "You what mama? Khuluma phela(talk)" his bedroom eyes and voice are competing,I don't know which one of the two I find more attractive and sexy mara yah when he looks at me or when he talks...a zoo just erupts in my stomach and my nunny just drips wet.

"Faster please" I finally manage to say "as you wish my lady" is the last thing I heard before he shoved the third finger in. Mebethi guys with long fingers mhm...I get it now. "How are you feeling now?" He fingers are no longer inside of me but on my front rubbing my clit. He can't tell me that he's done. Lemme steady my breathe before telling him exactly what I want now,this ain't over.

"Nina ningaba bukisa abantu iporn live emini kwabha sies(y'all would make people watch live porn in broad day light)" says a male voice I don't recognize. I quickly open my eyes and behind Nqobi stands a guy I don't know,I freeze. Seems like I'm the only one who's bothered by his unannounced presence. Nqobi still has his hand on my nunny,thank God he's body is hiding what's happening here. "Ufunani (what do you want)?" He asks without looking back at the guy. "I didn't know that I must have a reason to visit my brother" the guy says naye he isn't bothered by this, dude go to the lounge or something. Is he the other half of the Ndlovu brothers?

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