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I'm woken up by Nqobi planting wet kisses on my neck down to my collar bone. I moan softly,he brings his hand over my stomach pulling me closer to him. As he brings me close,I feel his hard member poking my naked ass. "Nqobi no" what was meant to be a stern warning comes out as a moan. "I'm sore" okay now I sound less slutty. "Ohh really?" I can feel him smirking into my neck. Mxm,I roughly remove his hand from my stomach and move further away from him. Dude laughs out loud.

"Okay I'm sorry,I'm done now" he says composing himself and I turn around to face him but that proves to have been a big mistake on my side. I feel a surge of pain,coming from my lady part. Damn him. I wince in pain and the bastard wears a smug look on his handsome face. "I really am sore" I whine,"shame askies" he teases before gently kissing my forehead and instead earns a dirty look from me. "Will you be able to walk?" He asks clearly amused by this. I choose to ignore him and he again unleashes his manly laugh.

We silently lay down in each other's arms and stare at each other and as I'm staring at him I pick up his mood. He's still upset about yesterday. "Are you angry at me?" Thats the reason why Im hurting,he got upset about me taking matters into my own hands when we had agreed that he will handle Anathi. And there was nothing he could have done to me to show exactly how angry he is expect to dick down and right. Ankere bare mosadi ha o lwane le yena,o lwana le yena ka dikobong(you don't fight with a woman,you fight with her in bed) and that's exactly what he did.

"No" he answers,really a one word answer? I give him a 'ohh really now?' look to which he sighs in defeat at. "I'm not angry at you,I just don't appreciate what you did" he explains. "But it had to be done" I argue. "Simphiwe you are pregnant..." I try cutting him off but he doesn't let me so he continues. "You are my wife. Its my job to take care of you,your heart and your worries" he speaks in a soft voice as if pleading with me. "I know and I appreciate your efforts but some demons I need to sly on my own and as you can see what happened didn't affect the baby" I tell him hoping to ease his worries because his main concern was our baby.

As we are enjoying each other's company,busy whispering sweet nothings and talking about the possible near future,his phone rings on the night stand. Its way too early to be receiving phone calls,people its only 20mins to 6. As usual he puts the call on loud speaker,the caller's number isn't saved. "Nqobimpi Ndlovu Hello?" He speaks into the phone.
Caller: "..." All we hear is grunts and chants more like sangoma grunts and chants. My thoughts get confirmed when the caller says "hayyi Makhosi,ngiyanizwa bantu abadala"
Nqobi and I exchange puzzled looks,tho his voice sounds familiar I have heard it somewhere...but where?

Nqobi: "uhm hello,ngikhuluma nobani?" He asks sounding annoyed.
Caller: "ukhuluma nobab'Gwala ndodana" recognition flashes through both our faces.
Nqobi: "ohh" then they exchange greetings.
Bab'Gwala: "sawubona nawe MaDlamini" he says greeting me and I don't respond immediately due to shock. How did he know that I'm here? I get over my shock and greet back. His voice still intimidates me.
Nqobi: "baba ingabe konke kuhamba kahle?" Nam I'd like to know his reason for calling early kanje.

He starts grunting again and we "patiently" wait for him to finish communicating with his ancestors and come back to the land of the living.
Bab'Gwala: "MaDlamini yini ungalaleli?" I feel like he isn't asking but he's telling me that I don't listen. Not knowing how to answer,I look at Nqobi for help and also clarity on what he means. "Awulaleli ntombazane and because of that the child that you are carrying will not survive" he continues to speak. I almost grabbed the phone out of Nqobi's hand. What about my child? I feel like the walls are closing in on me.

I'm panicking,I haven't said a word nor made a sound.
Nqobi: "baba ngicela ucacise. Kwenzakalani?" He's also trying to remain calm only difference is he's mastering it while me on the other hand I'm failing with flying colours.
Bab'Gwala: "she shouldn't have killed that boy,now the boy's spirit is following her and will take away her womb" fear strikes me like never before,tears stream down my cheeks without a warning. Nqobi gives me a hard look as If saying "kodwa ngasho" before returning to the call.

Nqobi: "is there something that can be done,a cleansing or something to prevent this?"
Bab'Gwala: "yes you two need to hurry up and come down here so I can remove this evil spirit and save the child" Nqobi replies with a simple Okay followed by "we will be there before noon" then the call ends.

Without a single word to me,he gets out of bed butt naked. Goes to his walk in closet and comes back wearing shorts only. He then disappears into the ensuit,I soon hear water running and it stops after a few minutes. He emerges into our bedroom once again,comes to my side of the bed,peels off the covers and scoops me into his muscular arms. The first thing I do when we get to the bathroom is to empty my bladder with difficulty of course considering last night's or early this morning's activities. He helps me up after I have wiped myself and he flushes the toilet for me. He then helps me into the bath tub that has warm water,bath salts and foam bath.

At first the water stings,"ouch!" That's me and you know what he does? He just looks at me with no care in the world. No "are you okay?" Or "sorry" or "does it hurt" nothing. Guy starts bathing me in complete agonizing silence. "Nqobi?" Because I can't handle the silent treatment,I decide to speak. Nqobi carries on bathing me,ignoring me like I just didn't call out his name. I attempt again,"I'm sorry" I say with a shaky voice and still he remains unfazed,unbothered,unmoved,hey un what whated. "I really am sorry, Ngiyaxolisa Gatsheni I know that..." "Ubanga umsindo Simphiwe" yhoo I have no words to describe the pain and heartache that comes from hearing him speak like this. I wanna burst out into hot tears neh but instead,I settle to bite down my lower lip in order to stop the sobs from coming out.

He gets done,wraps me with a towel and carries me into his arms. He sets me on top of our bed and disappears into the closet. He comes back with a set of clothes,he finds me shamelessly sobbing and upon seeing and hearing my cries. He immediately throws the clothes on the bed and crouches down in front of me. "Are you in pain,does it hurt,tell me what's wrong" he is hurriedly moving his palm around on my bump as if wanting to feel the baby's heart beat or pinpoint exactly where it hurts. I don't answer him,I continue crying and I see him grow impatient but more worried.

"There's nothing wrong with the baby I hope and im not in pain" I tell him wiping my tears away with my hand. He stares at me for a while,as he does so he's clenching his jaw and shaking his head he has been doing this since Bab'Gwala's call. He stands up and steps away from me as if I'm burning him or something. "Pho ukhalelani?" He asks shooting up an eyebrow and tilting his head at me. "You don't want to speak to me,you won't even hear me out or acknowledge my apology" I say,when I say this out does sound stupid but I don't care because its hurting me.

He clicks his tongue with so much anger,"manje kusho ukuthi khala lokho?" He questions and I look down not being able to withhold his intense gaze. I lift my head again to have a look at him,he opens his mouth to speak but decides against it. "You will use my toiletries,gqoka. I'm going to get Nonjabulo ready" he doesn't wait for my response,he leaves kanjalo nje. I guess that Lil Missy is coming with us. All of my toiletries and some of my clothes are at my apartment. Me sleeping here for the past two nights wasn't planned.
I have a look at the clothes he picked out for me,its my pink Champion sweat pant accompanied by his khaki sweater even though he won't admit it,he LOVES it when I wear his clothes.

We are on our way to Lanseria,we are both sitting in the back seat of a red GLE coupe Mercedes Benz as we are being driven to the airport. Throughout the ride,Nqobi hasn't said a word,I'd like nothing more than to hear his voice at this moment. Like bruh I'd rather have you shout and yell at me then give me the cold silent treatment. Nonjabulo is sound asleep in his arms,she was crying a while ago for ini? Nam angazi. The driver did try to hold up a conservation with his boss but Nqobi wasnt having it. Usually when someone is talking a lot and you aren't interested in what they are saying,you just nod and agree to whatever they are saying until they get the message and shut up.

Well my husband doesnt know that because he bluntly ignored the poor driver. He couldn't even offer him a small smile,a slight head nod or anything of that sort. The poor guy looked disappointed and I wished to open up my mouth and tell him that "its not you,its me. His anger is all directed at me ska warra you are safe." The driver opens his window I feel you home boy,nam this tension and silence is suffocating me. But poor me can't complain because I brought it upon myself. *sigh*

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