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Arg do people always have to disturb my sleep? I wake up to answer my ringing phone,upon seeing the caller ID I mentally roll my eyes. These two keep fussing over me,well three now when you include Nqobi. Zee is consistently checking up on me and asking if I need anything. Then this one is consistently calling and texting to ask if I'm okay.
Me: "ngwaneso" I say yawning.
Her: "hello ausi o sharp?" Now I'm fully awake,she rarely calls me ausi and when she does its never good. Plus her voice is laced with anger but concern at the same time.

Me: "ho etsahalang Katso?" I'm already thinking of what could be wrong. Did something terrible happen at home? Is someone bothering her at work? Did some ass violate her? Ke tlo otla motho ngwaneng wa heso(I will hit someone, with my baby sister)
Her: "I'm just worried about you,Amo ke serious are you okay?" And shame she does sound worried. See she's overreacting,nge u-turn eyodwa nje esibhedlela and she's making a big deal out of it.

Me: "relax bbe I'm fine,I have Zee and Nqobi and they will ensure that I'm okay. Ska warra mangwane the baby is fine"
Her: "Im not talking about that" she sighs then continues "I know I said I like Nqobi for you mara if this is who or what he is then I will support you if you want to break up with him. Hell I will even..." Before she gets very far and loses me,I stop her.
Me: "break up,Nqobi,who he is...? What are you talking about?" I'm lost RN. I look to my left and find the subject of the matter,Nqobi,still peacefully sleeping.

Her: "you don't know do you?" She asks and I shake my head no multiple times forgetting that she can't see me.
Me: "know what? What happened?" I ask.
Her: "there's a video of Nqobi and its trending."
Me: "oookay, what's the video about?" It must be something bad for her to call me. But she says nothing,she keeps quiet.
Me: "Dimakatso ke bua ke le mong?" Still she remains silent.
Me: "DIMAKATSO,if this is one of your pranks I don't have time for silly games. I will hang up..." She jumps in and says
Her: "I can't say,you must see it for yourself and please call me after watching it."

Me: "mhm" I hum in agreement "okay sharpo hee" I say about to end the call.
Her: "WAIT,I love you. Never doubt yourself,always remember hore you are more than enough and if love is longer being served,leave the table sis" Bathong ho etsahalang mona?
Me: "I love you more ngwaneso now let me check out this video,you are starting to scare me" I then hang up.
Okay now where to look at for this video, but she said its trending so it must be on every social media platform. Lemme type his name and see what pops up. I was never ready for what I'm looking at RN, out of pure disgust and heartache I stop watching the video. I have only watched it for 10 seconds and I'm in tears. Is this her way of ruining him as she said she would?

"Good morning nhliziyo yam" he cheerfully greets me as I emerge from the bathroom. He just woke up,it seems and I have just gotten out of the shower. I have a towel wrapped around my body. I don't greet him back nor look at his face,I go around him to make the bed. "Hau MaDlamini?" Still ngishaya iboom,"sengoneni keh manje?" My frustrations get the best of me,I throw the sheets on the bed and leave it like that. I quickly get dressed,not wanting to be in the same room as him for much longer. He's still looking at me puzzled, I look right into his eyes so he can see how angry I am. "What's wrong my love?" He's tone is soft and full of love.

I simply take out my phone,go to that video and give it to him. He plays it for the first three seconds then quickly switches it off,I think he knows where its going. Or better yet,he REMEMBERS HOW IT ENDS,how it went. He remembers EVERYTHING. He looks at me,guilt and shame covering his face. "You and your girlfriend are on a mission,a serious mission to embarrass me. Nginiyenzeni enkhaka?" He opens his mouth to respond but "go to hell,nobabili" I then storm out of the room.

Ngihlangana noZee epassage,she gives me a look of pity and I just know ukuthi naye she saw the video. Naye she opens her mouth to talk but "if you have nothing else to talk about except for that video then don't talk to me" I say it in the most polite tone I can master at the moment. "Uhm,okay I will keep quiet but are you okay?" She's concerned,"yah I am okay" I answer. "I may be his sister, but I'm yours too. You can talk to me and I won't take sides...okay I won't take his side cause after seeing that video I hate him" under different circumstances,I would find this cute but today I'm pissed,broken,hurt ayy kuningi and its getting kuningi-er.

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