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How can one person know so many people? Le ha ba kare wena osocial  butterfly mara tjena(even if they say that you are a social butterfly but like this)...achi kea hana (I refuse). This place is packed which makes it difficult for me to spot familiar faces.

"Mmhh most of these guys here look like gangsters" I randomly say facing him with my hands locked around his neck. "Why do you say that love?" He asks in a tone I can't understand.  "Their bodies are covered in ink while some have super scary scars on their faces" I point out to him.

"You mean to tell me that these guys are intimidating?" He chuckles "no they are just scary while you my man are intimidating" I laugh pointing a finger at his chest.

I'm laughing now but im dead serious,especially when he's face is void of emotion and he's just quiet. "Hau MaDlamini mina?" Well I guess this is news to him judging by his exaggerated shocked face. "Dude try looking at the mirror,ungajahi (don't rush) take your time"

" yes Mr Ndlovu that is my proposal to you" says the guy who's name I forgot the second he said it. "bengi cela umshaye ngempama olandelayo (please slap the next person to come),ngikhathele yilabantu (I'm tired of these people)" Nqobi whispers in my ear totally ignoring the guy that's probably offering him good business.

Cause nam(I too) am a bitch I let out a giggle. It has been established that Nqobi is quite the business mogul,obviously he's reputation proceeds him so when people learned that Nqobimpi Ndlovu is in the building they couldn't let that opportunity slip through. He's the third person tonight to approach him about a business venture. Kodwa keh ngoba uNqobi yena uyasutha ande uyaz'tshela  (but because Nqobi is ungrateful and full of himself) he rudely cuts them off before they can finish talking.

I don't know what's his problem if potential investors were to approach me I would grab the opportunity with both hands. One can never have too many investors. "Ehh did you see how these men look,besides bahlupha wena hai mina(they are irritating you not me) so be a man" I whisper back and he laughs. "Uhm excuse me I find what you are doing very rude,you could just spare me a minute of your time and I will be out of your hair".

Eish konje we have an audience,"usase la ndoda (you are still here man)" Nqobi asks with a straight face when the guy opens his mouth to talk. Nqobi beats him to it "I'm not interested in whatever business you have to offer,now if you will excuse us" he doesn't wait for his reply he walks away with me by his side.

I tell Nqobi that we should go and look for Moreen,after a while I spot her standing with of the three being her boyfriend. She looks bored AF shame. As we walk up to them,her eyes meet mine,she squeals and practically runs into me,giving me a tight hug. "You came" she says it like this isn't real and she isn't squeezing the life out of me. I just roll my eyes at her dramatic self.

"Guys this over here is Miss Simphiwe Dlamini,Kabelo's lawyer" her boyfriend says after we have broken up the hug,introducing me to his friends. "And miss lawyer this is...uhm these are my friends." I take note of his hesitation to introduce his friends by names mara keh I'm not interested in them anyways. "Nice to meet y'all as well,this is my boyfriend" I say accepting their handshakes,Nqobi simply nods his head in acknowledgement. They dont need to know his name cause nabo asibazi (we also don't know them). Fair and Square.

Moreen has now gone back to her mans ngapha uNqobi(this side) is acting like a baby,he wants to leave. A hand taps Nqobi on his shoulder,we both turn around. Yhoo these people are so desperate to do business with him.

Since he's such a big shot I should partner with him. Ngiyadlala yho(just kidding).
"Nkabi yam wuwe lo(my bro is this you),your presence is making a lot of people a bit uneasy" okay he's a blabber mouth. Meanwhile Nqobi is keeping a straight face.

"Angizwani nabantu abaphaphayo awubingeleli yini(I don't like forward people,why don't you greet first)?" Nqobi says,Ouch I felt that. Trust him to put you off. The guy doesn't look happy at all but he does as instructed nonetheless. "Hello..." he takes my hand into his and kisses it " name is..." "We don't care what your name is" hai nini(hey y'all) what weed did Nqobi smoke today?

"Still a cocky bastard I see. Anyways I wanna talk business" he's really annoyed shame,poor guy lapho (that time) uNqobi has a smirk on his face. I guess he likes provoking people.

Nqobi looks at his watch,"well fortunately for me its after working hours so I don't have to discuss shit with you until tomorrow morning. Nakhona(even so) I doubt that I would in the mood" ngiyaphinda futhi ngiyabuza uphile kahle uNqobi? 

"Ohh spear me the petty talks,I made a mistake and I have learned from it" the guy argues,"a mistake that could get people killed and had you learned your lesson you would not be here". Nqobi spits out the words harshly. I feel like they are talking in codes,like concealing some information.

I don't even know why I am eavesdropping. It can't be eavesdropping if I'm standing rite next to them and they aren't even whispering...

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