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I look around me,taking in the setting, the decoration but most importantly the little casket that is before me. The portrait next to the casket and the flowers on top of it make this entire thing more believable. If this isn't enough to convince me that my child is no more than I don't know what will. To my surprise,the church is packed ukuthi labantu bamazelaphi uJoy angazi but I'm grateful for their support and the fact that they were able to respect our dress code.

The crowd looks lovely and dazzling in their white outfits,and the decorations are complimenting the beauty of it with a touch of gold. The program hasn't started yet,a young man comes through with the funeral program pamphlets and starts distributing them to my family and I. I look at her beautiful picture thats printed on the cover page,I smile. Don't be fooled, my smile holds so much pain, grief and heartache. I'm smiling because I'm hurting,I'm smiling because I don't know what else to do.

Ntloso asks to read through the program and I give it to him,I see him wipe away his tears a few times. Nqobi isn't here,no one knows where he is,after viewing the body as a family he left. On my left going to the end of the row is my mom, my aunt,Mamelo then Lesedi. Thats the Mokoena side,of course there are other family members sitting behind us. On my right going down is Ntloso,Nqobi's empty sit,MaNdlovu,Cebo,Katso and Zee. My employees along with other people who couldn't make it to our home to offer their condolences keep on coming up to me to offer their condolences and to share comforting words.

A few more minutes then Nqobi shows up,of course he catches many people's attention,mxm. Including that of the media. Ohh I forgot to mention that Nonjabulo's funeral service is being broadcasted. I don't know if its because she was Nqobimpi Ndlovu's daughter or Advocate Simphiwe Ndlovu's. But we were approached by one of SA's leading media houses and they asked to broadcast this. I notice that Nqobi's knuckle are bruised and have blood drying off on them. I give him a look which he ignores,i take his hand and squeeze it,in hopes of hurting him but he doesn't even flinch nor blink.

He turns to look at me,he can clearly see that im not impressed so he says "waze wamuhle MaNdlovu" i click my tongue at him before gently grabbing his face. The camera might find this cute but im inspecting his face for bruises. Unfortunately i find none,no scratch, bruise or anything to show that he got into a fight. "Are you okay?" I ask him and he nods his head Yes,well okay that's enough to convince me that he's fine. He is a grown ass man and besides now is not the time to talk about such.

The service starts with an opening prayer by the bishop,followed by a few comforting words from people like her teacher,Mam Mavis and sis Getty. Its time now for Lesedi to speak on behalf of the Mokoena family. When he stands to go in front,his wife follows him and two of my cousins. Yah Dimakatso is no longer a Mokoena therefore she longer has a say in any Mokoena affairs. Yhoo mang? UKatso ngumama kaNono uzawu ngena kalok whether they like it or not.

He starts off his speech by saying that Nonjabulo was the first grandchild,the first granddaughter and the first niece of both families. Therefore she was everyone's favourite especially her grandmother's. He says to my mom and aunt "I don't know if she brought out the best in you or we(me,him and Katso) just brought out the worst in you because she never does wrong in your eyes. Gentle parenting suddenly became a thing to you but with us there was no such" this makes the crowd crack up in laughter.

I shed a few tears when he says "she was alone,would play by herself with no friend and no sibling. So I asked her if she would like to have a friend,a little sister and she excitedly said yes. A few months down the line,I gave her a friend,my daughter Rearabetswe. Nonjabulo was so happy about her birth. She promised to play with her, hold her,teach her things and beat up anyone who messed with her little sister. I believed her because under that sweet,innocent face laid a feisty little girl. Now its sad,its sad that her friend is here and she isn't. She will need a big sister like Joy but unfortunately God had other plans"

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