Chapter One

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Cheryl slipped her phone into her pocket and picked up her designer handbag, stuffing her iPod and other stuff back into it. Her bodyguard grabbed her and Lily's suitcases for her, then led them off of the plane and through the airport. There weren't any paparazzi waiting, so Cheryl was grateful.

"Are you seeing him while you're here?" Lily asked. Cheryl nodded, getting into the car first, watching as Lily slid in next to her.

"Yeah I'm gonna go to his, or he'll come to the hotel. Whatever works." she giggled, pulling out her phone as it buzzed. She looked at the screen, smiling.


"He's gonna come to the hotel." she smiled, looking up at her friend. Lily giggled slightly.

"Ooh someone's a bit eager to see his silly girl." she said, winking at the nickname. Cheryl blushed slightly.

"Only Tre can call me that." she winked back, before looking back at her phone, texting him back.




Cheryl put her phone back into her pocket and sat back in her seat, looking out the window and watching the city lights go by; thinking of her Tre...


"Keep it down." Lily smirked, poking her head into Cheryl's room. The girls were settled into their hotel now. Lily was about to go into her own bedroom and go to bed, and Cheryl was up waiting for Tre.

"Shut up. We're not gonna do anything." she blushed slightly. Lily just rolled her eyes.

"Be a little bit wiser baby, put it on put it, 'cause tonight is the night, when two become one." she sang the lines to the famous Spice Girls song. Cheryl pouted slightly.

"*Duck* off! Goodnight." she giggled. Lily just giggled, going off to her room and shutting the door. Cheryl lay herself back in bed, thinking. A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Cheryl jumped up, sorting her hair out and looking down at herself; pale yellow pajama shorts and a pink vest top. She then wandered off to the door and opened it slowly, smiling. Tre looked up, smiling back.

"Silly girl." he winked. She giggled slightly, letting him in and shutting the door.

"Tre!" she squealed slightly, sliding his arms around his neck. He smiled, leaning in and kissing her gently.

"Hello Chezzabella." he smiled. She blushed, kissing him again.

"I missed you." she giggled, stroking his arm gently. He smiled, turning and locking the door first before pecking her lips.

"I missed you more, sweetheart." he said, hugging her tightly again. She smiled, pulling out of the hug, just holding his hand now. He led her over to the sofa, allowing her to sit down first before sitting beside her. 

"So how's my favorite girl been?" he asked. She smiled, curling her legs under her and putting her head on his shoulder.

"Well, your favorite girl has been working her little arse off, shooting a video then having interviews and photoshoots, and now she's finally been able to come out here and see you..partly because of tour rehearsals." she winked, making him laugh slightly. He then leaned in and gently kissed her lips, wrapping his other arm around her waist. 

"Oh yeah, we've got that in the morning don't we? Dancing on stage together in October?" he raised an eyebrow, making her giggle as she started blushing again.

"Yup! But we'd better tone it down then. Don't want anyone getting any ideas, do we?" she asked, sitting on his knee. 

"Babe I think they've already got ideas." he said, referring to when they'd seen each other last, at her birthday party. She shrugged slightly, drawing circles on his chest with her finger.

"Oh yeah, well whatever. I don't care, let them talk. We know what's real and what's not, remember." she winked, leaning towards him. He nodded, leaning in the rest of the way, placing his warm lips on hers. She put her hand on his cheek, deepening the kiss slightly before pulling away to let out a yawn. Tre smiled at how cute she was, moving the hair away from her face.

"Tired?" he asked. She nodded, pouting slightly.

"I'm sorry baby." she frowned, feeling a bit bad for being so tired. He kissed her nose, standing up and holding out his hand.

"Baby it's fine. Come on, let's go get some rest." he said. She smiled, taking his hand. She switched the light off and made sure the room door was locked, then wandered off into Cheryl's bedroom. 

"Lils left you up alone, ay?" he asked. Cheryl nodded, giggling. 

"She's not good company." she joked, making Tre laugh again. She then slipped into bed, looking up as Tre pulled off his shirt. Cheryl's eyes widened as they scanned his body, from his chest down to the six-pack. Tre looked up and noticed her staring and it made him smile.

"Like what you see, ay?" he asked. Cheryl went red, laying back in bed.

"My baby is sexy." she winked, watching as he lay in bed with her, in just his basketball shorts. She rolled over and put her head on his arm, and put her hand on his stomach. She ran her hand up and down his six-pack, smirking as she did so. He just laughed at her, shaking his head.

"Goodnight silly girl." he said, moving the hair away from her face. She smiled, leaning in and kissing his soft lips. 

"Goodnight baby." she grinned, cuddling into him some more. Tre wrapped another strong, protective arm around her, drifting off to sleep along with her...

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