Chapter 66

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Part 66


Later in the day, Cheryl and Tre were snuggled up in bed, watching TV together. The weather was getting worse and it was making them feel a bit lazy, so they'd taken a shower and gotten into some clothes to lounge around in and were now just watching the weather report on TV. Tre had his arms around her waist and was stroking her side while Cheryl was laying there with her head on his bare chest and her arms across his stomach.

"Ooh so is it officially here then?" she asked, sitting up slightly. He shook , stroking her side and pulling her back down. 

"Not quite, almost though. We've got a few hours." he said. She nodded, looking to the window before looking back at him. He was smirking at her.

"What?" she asked as a confused frown came up on her face.

"Scared?" he raised an eyebrow. She giggled, shaking her head as she poked his chest.

"Never." she winked. She then lightly pecked his lips before sitting up.

"I'm hungry. Shall we order some room service?" he asked. 

"I'm hungry too but I don't want food." he mumbled before kissing her neck. She giggled a bit, pulling away from him.

"No come on seriously, I'm hungry." she pouted cutely. He laughed, pinning her down as he climbed on top of her.

"I'm serious too; I'm hungry." he replied before kissing her. She kissed him back, linking their fingers and giggling against his lips before pulling away. 

"You little mug, I swear if you and your 'glory' don't get the hell off me so I can go get some food..." she said, staring up at him. He gasped in mock shock, staring at her as she lay beneath him, giggling.

"Did you just call me a little mug?" he asked. She nodded, smirking.

"Yeah and what are you gonna do-" she was saying but started giggling when he started tickling her. She squealed, trying to push him off.

"No stop, okay I'm sorry." she squealed with laughter. However, he carried on ticking her, enjoying her laughs.

"I'm sorry what was that? I can't understand you through your laughing." he said. She giggled some more, holding his arms.

"Stop Tre, please stop!" she squealed. He just laughed, kissing her forehead before rolling off of her. She sat up, smacking his chest before hopping out of bed and getting the phone. She took a menu down and leaned against the doorway as she rang the room service people. Tre was laying back on the bed, watching her.

"Ask for a can of whipped cream." he winked. She couldn't help but laugh.

"You're so dirty." she said, shaking her head once the people answered.

"Hello. I'd like a medium meat lovers pizza, chips, a bacon cheeseburger, some mango chunks, some pear slices and a bottle of wine; please?" she said. 

"Okay ma'am, it'll be about twenty minutes." the man replied.

"That's fine. Thank you." she said before hanging up. Tre was laughing a bit.

"Why didn't you order the whipped cream?" he asked.

"Because I'll order that and strawberries later on, or chocolate sauce." she winked. He just groaned, laying back on the bed and putting his hand over his face.

"Let the dirty thoughts of my girlfriend be gone because she's just too naughty." he said, making Cheryl laugh. She climbed back onto the bed, sitting on him with her legs on either side.

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