Part 88

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Part 88


*Few Weeks Later*

A few weeks had passed and now it was the middle of February. Cheryl and Tre had been apart for about a month now because he had work and Cheryl had to come back for Girls Aloud rehearsals. However, it was their favorite day now so he was flying in. She was so excited; they'd missed each other so much in the last month and since he was staying over until after the third Girls Aloud show, they would have plenty of time for making up.

"Morning girls!" Cheryl grinned, skipping into the rehearsal studio. The girls all looked up from where they were sitting in the floor, laughing slightly at her overly excited mood.

"Alright you're usually moaning and bitching so what's got you in a good mood?" Sarah asked. Cheryl giggled, unzipping her bag and pulling out little gift bags.

"Valentines for my girls." she winked, making them all smile widely as they took their bags.

"Aw you little star! She got us a sh!t load of chocolate and some perfume!" Nicola said, hugging her tight.

"Oh God; who are you and what have you done with Cheryl?" Nadine asked, making them all laugh. Cheryl smiled cheekily, playing with her fingers. The girls all excited a glance before smirking at her.

"Someone's flying in today isn't he?" Kimberley asked. Cheryl nodded, biting her lip.

"A certain dancer?" Sarah added, smirking. Cheryl nodded again, starting to giggle.

"A certain dancer that goes by the name of Tre Holloway?" Nicola chimed in as she looked up. Cheryl nodded some more.

"A certain dancer that goes by the name of Tre Holloway that just happens to be your Valentine?" Nadine smirked. Cheryl burst into a fit of giggles, nodding.

"Hells yeah; he flies in today. He's been doing a workshop in New York for the last couple days right, and he left last night and his estimated arrival time is set to be at eleven-thirty; so about three hours from now." she replied. The girls let out an 'aw', making Cheryl blush as she played with her fingers.

"Well if he lands on time, are you two still on for the double date with me and Justin tonight?" Kimberley asked. Cheryl nodded, smiling.

"Yeah course! If he doesn't, then I'm not going out to be a *Ducking* third wheel." she replied, winking, making them all laugh. Kimberley just shook her head, pulling out her phone to text Justin.

"Alright Chez; I hope he does make it though, you know him and Justin have a bromance going on." she smirked, making Cheryl giggle. They carried on chatting for a bit longer, just catching up a bit and enjoying each other. Soon enough, Beth wandered in.

"Alright girls; you know what time it is." she said, making them all groan as they stood up to get their rehearsals started...


That afternoon, they were having a break and were eating lunch together in the floor. Lily and Garry had gone and got them all their Chinese, so now they were eating and gossiping with their Chinese takeaways and water. They were having a laugh together, when suddenly someone's phone chimed. They all looked and Cheryl broke out into a smile as she realized it was hers.

"Oh God she's smiling; it's lover boy." Sarah smirked, making her pout.

"Shut it you." she giggled before looking at her phone, seeing the text; 'Tre'

<<Tre: Silly girl! Guess what?! Xxxx>>

<<Cheryl: Errr; hmm I give up! Whaaat?! Xxxx>>

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