Chapter 52

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Part 52


Cheryl woke up first the next morning, the bright sunlight hitting her face straight away. She rolled over, stretching out her arms when suddenly, her hand came into contact with Tre's face; she'd smacked him. He jumped awake, frowning.

"The *Duck*?!" he said, holding his face. Cheryl put her hands over her mouth, watching him with wide eyes, trying not to laugh.

"What'd I ever do to you?" he asked, rubbing his cheek where she'd hit him. She went to answer, but she ended up laughing her head off. She looked at him, biting her lip before bursting into more laughter.

"I'm so sorry." she laughed some more, holding her side. He shoved her slightly, trying to keep a straight face.

"Jesus woman..." he sighed, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer. "Why you trying to hurt me?"

"I'm not baby, I swear." she murmured as she brushed her lips against his cheek where she'd hit him.

"I'll make it up to you." she whispered in that sexy voice he loved. She then lightly kissed his cheek a couple times before pushing him onto his back. She smirked at him before leaning down and kissing her neck as she slipped her hand into his boxers. He moaned a bit, running his hand up and down her back a couple times. She pulled her hand away and sat up, smirking. He leaned up and kissed her gently, stroking her tongue with his own. She giggled against his lips, nibbling on his bottom lip before pulling away. He smirked, rolling them over so that he was on top.

"You're such a naughty girl." he whispered before pecking her lips. She laughed, wrapping her legs around him before kissing him again...


Later in the day, Tre had gone out with Dubz and Tyrell to make sure everything was straight for the party that night. Cheryl was hanging around the hotel room, on Twitter whilst watching a film. She had just replied to another tweet when there was a knock at the door. Rolling her eyes, she went and opened the door, gasping when she saw who it was.


"What the hell do you want?" she asked.

"I have a match tomorrow so I'm here. Good show last night, by the way. It's clear what you and that prick Holloway did afterwards." he smirked. She rolled her eyes.

"We actually didn't and even if we had, it's none of your business. Anyway, I've got things to do and Tre will be back soon, so if you could just so kindly *Duck* off, everything will be cool." she said. She then went to shut the door but Ashley stopped it with his foot. Cheryl sighed loudly and rolled her eyes.

"*Duck* off, please." she said.

"Not until we talk." he replied. Cheryl rolled her eyes.

"Text me." she said, going to shut the door again. Once again, he stopped it with his foot.

"Face to face." he said.

"For *Duck*'s sake, I've given you permission to text me so be glad for that. Now go away." she said. He forced himself into the room and shut the door behind him. Cheryl stepped back, glaring.

"Get out!" she said.

"Scared your boyfriend will find me?" he raises an eyebrow. She rolled her eyes, running her hand through her hair.

"Look, just text me and we'll talk but get out." she said.

"No baby, not until we talk." he said, going to put his arms around her. She smacked his hands away, stepping back.

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