Chapter 56

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Part 56


Cheryl pulled up in the driveway of her home and got out. She locked up the car then walked towards the front door. Tre had text her while she was on her way, telling her that he'd gone out and done some food shopping for her and was making them dinner.

She got to the door and unlocked it before going off inside. As she was locking up and setting the security system, she felt a pair of arms slip around her waist. She smiled, seeing her boyfriend.

"Hey baby." she said. He smiled a bit, kissing the back of her neck.

"Hello beautiful. How was lunch with Sarah?" he asked, stroking her hip gently.

"Good, really good. It was good catching up and all that. I didn't even realize how much I'd missed my little Hardcore Harding until then." she smiled, turning around in his arms. He smiled back, pecking her lips.

"Aw aren't you cute. Did you ask her about that text?" he asked. She nodded, grinning.

"Yeah. She didn't mean it; she was joking." she replied, running her nails up and down the back of his neck. He just laughed.

"I told you, silly girl." he laughed, tickling her gently. She giggled, holding his arms as he kept tickling her.

"Didn't I though? I told you." he said, stopping. She nodded, still giggling as she draped her arms around his neck.

"Yeah you told me." she smiled before pecking his lips. He tapped her bum then took her hand and led her to the kitchen.

"See look, making us some lasagna." he said, nodding his head at the oven. She smiled, stroking his arm.

"Aw baby, check you out. Trying to get something tonight or what?" she smirked. He just winked, tapping her bum.

"Just go sit your little sexy self down." he said. She bit her lip, winking before going off to the living room. She plonked herself down onto the sofa and took out her phone, scrolling through and highlighting Lily's name. She sent a text off to her.

<<Cheryl: Yo yo! Ha what you up to numpty? Xx>>



"Lils, your phone."

Lily rolled her eyes then started smiling as she leaned in, kissing Garry softly. They were in her bed, laying in each other's arms, just holding each other after their hour of fun.

"So; whoever it is can wait." she giggled. Garry just smiled, shaking his head.

"Answer your phone, numpty." he said. She pouted, running her nails down his chest.

"God you're just like your sister." she joked. She then pecked his lips before rolling over and grabbing her phone. She looked at the screen, giggling to herself.

"And speak of the devil; your sister." she laughed before reading the text. She then typed out a reply.

<<Lily: Sup sup! Tidying up at the moment, shall talk properly when I'm done! Xx>>

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her." she said, putting her phone on 'Silent' before shoving it aside. Garry just laughed, pulling her closer.

"I really do love you, Lils, so much." he smiled, running his finger down her nose. She smiled, pecking his lips.

"I love you too, so so so much." she replied. She then kissed him again, climbing on top of him as she did so. He laughed against her lips, pulling away.

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