Chapter 25

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After having cereal for breakfast, Cheryl and Tre headed out to go pick up Tabby's cake and cupcakes for her birthday. The two were having a general chat about things as they drove along, and Cheryl would ask about other places every few minutes or so. She'd even seen a fifties style ice cream shop and she wanted to go there before they left New Jersey.

"You know, I meant to say this earlier, but your lips are swollen." he said as he drove along the streets. Cheryl gasped slightly, pulling the sun visor down and opening the flap to the mirror. She looked and sure enough, her lips were twice the normal size.

"All that kissing we were doing last night; I hate you so much right now." she giggled slightly, putting the visor back up. Tre laughed, reaching over with one hand and stroking her knee.

"You weren't complaining last night." he glanced at her. She pouted, smacking his arm.

"Whatever." she rolled her eyes, looking out the window. Tre just laughed, pulling into parking spot at the plaza where the bakery was. He then got out of the car, before going round and helping her out. He then locked the car before wrapping his arms around her. She giggled, stroking his arms.

"We've got a cake to pick up." she laughed. He shrugged, leaning in and pecking her lips.

"Two seconds." he mumbled against her lips before kissing her again. She giggled against her lips before pulling away.

"This is why my lips are swollen." she said before leaning in and kissing him again. He smiled against her lips, squeezing her bum before pulling away.

"Alright come on, let's go pick up this cake and stuff." he said, holding his arm around her shoulders as they headed towards the entrance. As they walked down the plaza, Cheryl stopped, looking up at the sign. Tre frowned slightly, tugging at her hand.

"What do you see?" he asked. Cheryl pointed, smiling at him. 

"Build-A-Bear. Can we go in, please?" she asked. 

"Isn't there one in England?" he asked. She shrugged, pouting.

"I don't know. If there is, I don't know anything about it. Come on Tre, please? I always see adverts and stuff about this place when I'm here and I never get a chance to go." she said. Tre laughed a bit, looking at his phone to check the time. They had an hour before the bakery closed, so why not go in for a bit?

"Alright, come on then." he said, leading her into the place. Cheryl squealed slightly, holding onto his hand as they wandered into the shop. They wandered straight over to the little basket, so Cheryl could pick out whatever cuddly toy she wanted. 

"So what do I do then?" she asked, looking up at Tre.

"I don't know. Judging from the commercial, you pick out one of these then go to that over there and fill it up with the stuffing, and put the little heart in." he replied. She looked up at him, smirking.

"Yeah, and you didn't know. Whatever." she poked his side before picking out a furry brown bear. She then wandered over to the machine and stuck a heart into the pocket, then filled it up with stuffing. She then pulled the string to make sure it was shut, then wandered over to the basket to find an outfit for it. Tre just stood back and watched her, laughing because she was just too cute, like a little kid.

"Tre look, my teddy's a popstar." she giggled, showing him her bear that she'd dressed in a bright pink top and glittery black jeans. He laughed, kissing her head.

"Are you ready to go now?" he asked. She nodded, holding his hand as they wandered over to the counter. The cashier smiled and pulled up their price, then Tre swiped his card before getting the receipt. Cheryl grabbed the gift bag that her bear was in, then she and Tre waved before going outside.

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