Chapter 58

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Part 58


Cheryl returned home a couple of hours later, only to find Tre sitting on the sofa, watching TV. The house had been tidied up and there were a couple takeaway menus sat on the table.

"Everything been okay?" she asked, sitting on the other sofa. Tre nodded before pouting slightly and opening his arms.

"Why you sitting way over there, silly girl?" he asked, smirking. She giggled a bit, taking off her shoes.

"I'm all sweaty now, so I'm sure you don't want to hug me." she replied.

"Baby I've had sweaty rehearsals with you once and I've gotten sweaty in other places with you, so don't even try-" he was saying but was cut off when she ran over and jumped onto his lap.

"Much better." he laughed, tightening his arms around her. She laughed before leaning in and kissing him again. He slid his hand up her arm and shoulder, up to the back of her neck as he kissed her back. She smiled against his lips before opening her mouth, allowing him to slip his tongue inside. He moaned against her lips, tangling his hand in her soft hair as he stroked her tongue with his own. A few more seconds passed and the two finally pulled apart, staring into each other's eyes.

"'" she asked, pecking his lips in between each word. He nodded, pecking her lips again.

"Yes baby, I missed you a lot. It's weird like; you went to rehearsal without me. We've been going to rehearsals together for months now so...yeah." he laughed shyly, making her giggle.

"Hmm I missed you a lot too." she said, climbing off of his knee and sitting beside him. She put her legs over him, pulling out her phone. She went to Twitter and rummaged through her mentions, then went to tweet..

'Long day with my lovess @SarahNHarding @KimberleyJWalsh @NicolaRoberts @NadineCoyleNow #rehearsalflow #girlsaloud #wegirlsgonnarunthisshow Love youuus! xxx'

"So how was it today? Rehearsal?" Tre asked, resting his hand on her tiny ankles. Cheryl shrugged, putting her arm across her tummy.

"Long, tiring but fun." she said, closing her eyes. Tre could hear it in her voice that something else was bothering her.

"So what's bothering you then? And don't tell me nothing because I can tell it's something." he said. Cheryl looked up and pouted.

"Dammit, why do you notice everything?" she frowned, creating little wrinkles in her nose. Tre laughed a bit then went serious.

"Don't try and get out of it. What is it then?" he asked, laying down with her. She shuffled around so that she was cuddled into him with her leg pushed in between his. She then put her head on his chest, sighing.

"Alright look; I'm glad that Lily and Garry make each other happy and everything, but I'm not happy with how it's effecting the relationships I've got with them. Right last night, when I thought you were mad at me, I text Lily and said that I thought you were mad and she said she and Garry were watching a film and asked why I thought so, and I asked if I was interrupting anything and never got a reply. Well this morning, we get to rehearsal and everything and neither one of them were there, so we went ahead and started. So yeah we start, took a break, started up again, got to our second break and still no Lily or Garry. So then we were all in the floor talking and I got a text from Lily, saying she was sorry and she'd left her phone in her other bag and just when Garry saw my text, his phone died and all that. I just told her to be more responsible please and that I'd have a word later.." she sighed a bit before continuing, "I don't want to hurt their feelings but I can't deal with this."

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