Part 93

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Part 93

*Couple Days Later*

"Baby.." Tre sighed, shaking his head as Cheryl took another pile of clothing out of his case. They were in the hotel and Tre was finishing up his packing as he was leaving for the airport in a couple of hours. However, Cheryl wasn't having it; she didn't want him to leave at all. The previous day had gone by quickly, and they'd had a lovely day together then a lovely, passion filled night after the show, but now the day had come for him to leave.

"You're not going." she said as Tre finally grabbed her hands and pulled her to him.

"I have to." he whispered before pecking her lips. She shook her head, biting her lip to stop herself from bursting out crying.

"But I don't like it; I don't want you to go." she sighed, cuddling into him as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I don't want to go either baby girl but I have to. Bright side; we can do our countdown, and we can Skype, and talk on the phone, and text while we're on this countdown. How many days?" he asked as she was still snuggled into him.

"Twenty-nine days; four whole weeks; that's a whole *Ducking* month." she replied. Tre kissed her head again, holding her tight.

"But we'll be fine, right?" he said, looking down a her. She nodded slightly, not looking at him. He kissed her head again, then sat her down on the bed before going back to packing.

"Can I have your hoodie?" she asked. He laughed a bit, glancing at her as he carried on packing.

"Which one now baby? You already have one of mine?" he asked. Cheryl poked her head over his bag, then looked up at him.

"I want that one you're wearing; it'll still smell like you." she replied as he looked down at himself; he was wearing his black hoodie with 'New Jersey: Only The Strong Survive' written across the front in bold, white letters.

"Alright cool; here." He smiled, taking it off and holding it out for her. She smiled and took it, hugging it to her chest.

"Thank you." she said quietly. He nodded before leaning down and kissing her head.

"Come here; you wanna put it on?" he asked. She nodded, so he helped her into it. Once she was done, they looked in the mirror together. The hoodie was really baggy on her, coming down past her bum.

"Aren't you the cutest thing in the world?" he asked, making her giggle as she pulled out her phone. She then held it out in front of her as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, then she took a picture of them in the mirror. She then went on to tweet,

'T gave me his hoodie. I'm gonna miss my baby boy so much :/ #noonegetsit #29longdays xo'

"Come on; guess we should finish then." she sighed, putting her phone back into her pocket. He kissed her head, then they carried on packing. Soon enough, they were done and they took his bags out to the front, where her bags were waiting. The girls were leaving for Sheffield as soon as Cheryl returned from the airport as she was going to see Tre off. Cheryl glanced at the clock; they were down to half an hour.

"This sucks." she pouted, looking up at him as they stood in the little living room part of their room. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her nose before moving down to her lips.

"Twenty-nine days; we can do it." he whispered, staring into her eyes. She nodded, sighing as she cuddled into him again. They stood like that for a while, only to be interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Oh get lost." she mumbled to herself as she went to open the door. She saw Lily standing there and she frowned.

"It's not time for him to go yet." she said. Lily smiled sadly.

"I know babe I know; I came to take your bags down for you, to the bus." she explained. Cheryl nodded and stepped aside, allowing Lily to come in and take her bags. She then shut the door back before going over to Tre, who was now sat on the sofa. She sat on his lap, hugging him tightly. He kissed her cheek before burying his head into her neck, taking in her scent; she was wearing the perfume he'd gotten her for Valentines Day.

"Your locket baby; you have that too." he whispered as he pulled back. He reached up and flicked the little heart locket that was hanging around his neck, making her smile slightly.

"I don't want a picture; I want the real thing." she said, trying her hardest not to cry. He kissed her cheek, snuggling her into him.

"We can do it." he whispered. She nodded, staying snuggled into him, just enjoying his arms around her. Soon enough, there was a knock at the door again and Cheryl glanced at the clock, her heart sinking.

It was time to take Tre to the airport.

She went over and opened the door, seeing Lily standing there, smiling sadly.

"It's time to go." she said quietly. Cheryl nodded, looking back at Tre who had wandered up and grabbed his bags. They made sure they'd gotten everything, then they wandered down and Cheryl checked out of her room. They went off to the lobby and Tre said goodbye to the girls, then they all wandered outside to the car. Tre put his bags into the back before getting into the backseat with Cheryl. He snuggled her into him, holding her tight as the ride to the airport began...


About twenty minutes later, they pulled up at the airport. Cheryl gripped Tre's hand tighter as they got out together, then she let go as he got his bags out. They wandered inside and Tre got his ticket and passport checked, just as his flight was called. He turned to Cheryl, who had finally burst out crying.

"We can do this, princess; I now we can." he said, getting a bit choked up. She flung her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly as he lifted her up so that her legs were around his waist.

"I'll miss you!" she sobbed, holding onto him for dear life. He put her down and kissed her deeply, wiping her tears away as he did so.

"I'll miss you even more; I'll see you soon baby girl, I promise you we will be together again soon." he said, moving the hair out of her face before kissing her again. She nodded, hugging him tightly again.

"Call me when you land, I don't give a sh!t what time it is; just call me." she said, calming down a bit though she still had thick tears falling down her face. He nodded, kissing her again as they did a last call for his flight.

"I promise I will baby; I love you so much, my gorgeous silly girl." he whispered. She kissed him again, stroking his cheeks.

"I love you too babe, I love you so much. See you soon." she said. He nodded, kissing her one more time before rushing off to catch his flight. Cheryl watched him go, then she and Lily went over to the window and watched. She had managed to calm down slightly, but when she watched his flight take off, she burst into tears again. Lily wrapped her arm around her, holding onto her as they wandered back out to the car. They got in and Cheryl curled up to her, crying her eyes out as Lily tried to comfort her.

"It'll be okay babe; I promise." she whispered, holding her tight...


Cheryl had been relatively quiet on the bus; she hadn't joined the girls or the dancers downstairs; she was upstairs curled up on her bunk, staring at a picture of Tre on her phone. The bus ride was nearly over, and Cheryl was half asleep when she felt someone tap her leg.

"What?" she asked, looking up. Nicola was standing there, holding a cup of tea.

"I made this for you." she explained. Cheryl took the cup from her, smiling slightly.

"Thank you." she said quietly before taking a sip. Nicola smiled slightly, sitting with her.

"Are you okay?" she asked. Cheryl shrugged.

"Eh; I will be. I'm always like this when he first leaves so don't mind me." she replied, getting up from her bunk. Nicola got up as well.

"Are you sure though?" she asked. Cheryl nodded as they started walking down the stairs to the lower part of their bus. The girls and the dancers were chilling out.

"You okay babe?" Nadine asked. Cheryl nodded, fiddling with her phone as she sat down on the sofa. She sighed to herself and looked out the window, thinking;

'This is gonna be a long twenty-nine days..'

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