Part 92

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Part 92


Later in the night, Cheryl and Tre were cuddled up in bed together, watching TV as they just enjoyed being in each other's arms. Cheryl had been rather quiet, and Tre was confused as to why. He wondered if something happened while she was in the room with the girls when she went to hang up her dress. If something had happened, what was it? She was being too quiet and he didn't like it, so he decided to mess with her.

He leaned down and buried his head into her neck, kissing lightly before biting down and sucking gently. He heard a gasp, which turned into a moan as she started stroking his arm, down to his fingers.

"Stop; I'm supposed to be in a mood." she started giggling a bit as he carried on kissing her neck, unable to stay in the little mood she was in.

"Do you need sex therapy?" he whispered, making her giggle.

"Nah baby; I want to talk though." she said. He laughed, lightly kissing the side of her neck before lifting his head.

"Talk." he smirked. She laughed before going a bit serious.

"No like; I just got really annoyed earlier when the girls were trying to accuse you of being controlling and-" she was saying but he stopped her.

"Whoa what? They think I'm controlling? How so?" he asked.

"Because I never want to go out and have a girls night when you're here, and they think you're stopping me from doing that and such." she explained, making him frown slightly.

"Oh baby; am I? Did you want to go out tonight? I'm sorry baby." he said, feeling a bit bad. She shook her head, sitting up a bit and pecking his lips.

"No baby no; it's not you. Look, I see them all the time, but I only see you when you fly over and sometimes weeks go by before that can even happen so when you're here, I just want to be with you all the time. It's not your fault at all; I know you're not stopping me, I just don't want to go out because I'd rather stay in with you. Besides, you know I'm a lightweight." she pointed out, making him laugh a bit, more so at the last bit.

"Aw well baby if you do feel trapped when I'm in town, let me know then, silly. I don't want to take you away from your friends and such; you little lightweight." he winked, making her giggle as she interlocked her fingers with his.

"Well still I got annoyed about that, but I explained it to them in my little smart ass way and I think they got the picture." she said, making him laugh and shake his head.

"God you're feisty; that's sexy though." he winked, making her laugh as she climbed onto him.

"You think everything I do is sexy." she pouted, poking his chest. Tre laughed a bit, looking up at her.

"Because everything you do is sexy; even picking your nose." he joked, making her gasp as she hit him over and over.

"You little jerk! I don't pick my nose!" she screeched as she continued hitting him. He laughed loudly, managing to grab her hands and hold them up.

"Aye meany; stop abusing me." he chuckled as she still sat on him, giggling.

"Look me in the eye and tell me that I don't pick my nose." she said. He laughed, shaking his head.

"Cheryl you don't pick your nose." he chuckled looking up at her. She smirked, lacing her fingers through his.

"Wasn't hard at all, was it?" she asked. He smirked before quickly rolling her over so that he was laying over her. Before she could even move, he started tickling her waist, making her squeal loudly.

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