Chapter Eleven

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Once they pulled up at Nobu, Tre got out first before going round and helping Cheryl out, then helping Lily out. There weren't any paparazzi around, so they were quite grateful for that. Lily started walking ahead of them, heading into the restaurant while Cheryl and Tre held hands and walked in behind her. Once inside, they got a table away from the windows and ordered their drinks, then were left alone to select their meals. 

"Thanks for this, Tre. It's one thing for you to take Cheryl out, as she's your girlfriend, but to invite me along to was really nice." Lily said, smiling. Tre smiled back.

"No problem at all. I was telling Cheryl that I wanted to treat you two to dinner one night. It's fine." he said, squeezing Cheryl's side as his arm was around her waist. She looked up and smiled, kissing his cheek before leaning his head on her shoulder.

"So did you and Garry ever sort through, your problems or whatever?" she asked. Lily nodded, grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes we did. I'll see him when we get back home." she smiled. Cheryl just giggled, looking through her menu again. She always knew that Lily and her brother had a thing for each other, and really, it didn't bother her if they were talking or dating or whatever. As long as they were happy, then really who cares?

"Ready to order?" the waiter asked once he'd wandered over and put their drinks down on the table. They all nodded, ordering their meals. The waiter scribbled everything down, then smiled and walked away. 

"So what do we really have to do when we get home?" Cheryl asked, looking up at her PA. Lily thought for a second, taking a sip of wine as she did so.

"Um, you've got some radio to do for the single and an interview and performance on Jonathan Ross. I think that's all. Then we come back here, do some more rehearsals and last minute stuff, then we go to Denmark and you do that Voice twelve thing, then we go back to London and by then, it'll be the home stretch. We'll only have a few days or so until the first show of the tour." she explained, pulling out her phone as it vibrated. Cheryl bit her lip, thinking for a second.

"You think, right after the Jonathan Ross thing, you think Tre and I can get an earlier flight and pop to New Jersey for a couple days, then meet you all in Los Angeles?" she asked, getting butterflies as Tre stroked her side. She looked up at him and smiled, then turned back to her PA who was smiling at them.

"I don't see why not. Everything okay?" she asked, looking between them.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just want her to meet my family." he replied before turning to Cheryl and smiling. He lightly tickled her side, making her giggle. 

"Aw really?! That's so *Ducking* cute!" Lily squealed, maybe a little too loudly. A few people turned and looked to see what was happening, making Lily go red and making Cheryl and Tre laugh at her.

"Oh my God, Lils." Cheryl giggled, lightly kicking her leg under the table. Lily just giggled, sliding down in her seat a bit and hiding her face behind her phone.

"Sorry." she giggled, taking a sip of her drink before continuing, "Seriously though, it's so cute. They're gonna love you." she said. Cheryl rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her drink. 

"Yeah, alright if you say so." she winked. 

"Aw baby seriously, they really will love you." Tre assured her before leaning over and kissing her forehead. Cheryl shrugged slightly, taking another sip of her wine. She was still having slight doubts but she just wouldn't tell Tre that. 

"Hmm....yeah I hope so." she sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder...


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