Chapter 37

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Part 37


Cheryl woke first the next morning, feeling Tre's warm arms around her waist as they lay there together. She turned her head and lightly kissed his cheek, then freed herself from his grip before walking to the en suite. After splashing water on her face, she turned around and turned the shower on. As she waited for it to heat up properly, she felt a pair of arms slip around her waist.

"No." she giggled as he kissed down her neck. He pulled away and started laughing.

"Good morning to you too, Chez." he said before kissing her cheek.

"Good morning Tre. Now I'm having a shower alone because we have rehearsals and you need to go to yours and get ready anyway." she winked. He groaned in mock annoyance, knowing that she was right.

"Why are you always right?" he asked. She giggled, shrugging.

"Lock up on the way out." she said, before stepping into the shower, hearing the bathroom door close as Tre wandered off...


A little while later, it was time to head off to rehearsals. Cheryl was wearing a pair of jeans, a black off the shoulder top and a pair of Uggs, and of course like normal, Lily was matching. Only difference was, Lily's top was pink.

"Always matching." Garry said, sitting beside Lily in the backseat, holding her hand.

"She's my best friend, so of course." Lily winked. Cheryl laughed, looking back from the passenger seat.

"Bestie." she winked. She then glanced at their hands before turning back around. This was definitely gonna take some getting used to.

"Picked up that word from Tre?" Lily asked. Cheryl shrugged slightly, going to Twitter on her phone.

"I think I did. I've picked up loads of words from him." she replied. She then sent off a tweet...

'Heading to rehearsals #amillionlightstour #ccclique xo'

Soon enough, they pulled up at the rehearsal studio. Cheryl hopped out and skipped off inside, seeing all the other dancers waiting. They all smiled and gave her a wave. She waved back then wandered up to Tre, who was talking to Tyrell.

"Baby you're my teddy bear." she giggled, wrapping her arms around him from behind. Tre turned his head and laughed, putting his hands over hers.

"See Trellz, see what I go through." he joked, nodding his head at Cheryl. Tyrell laughed.

"Yeah man; awesome girl. You go through a lot don't you." he rolled his eyes. Cheryl giggled at them both.

"Tyrell I'm not that bad am I?" she asked. He laughed, shaking his head.

"You're great, C." he replied. Cheryl smirked and poked her tongue out at Tre.

"Tyrell thinks I'm great." she said before poking her tongue out again. Tre just laughed, turning and putting his arms around her.

"Keep your tongue in your mouth." he smirked. She pouted cutely.

"Or what?" She smirked. Tre just rolled his eyes, looking over at Tyrell who was laughing.

"And this is what I go through. She's so nice to everyone but me." he said as Cheryl giggled in his arms.

"Hey man, that's your 'silly girl'." he said, punching his arm before going off to the other dancers. Tre then turned back to Cheryl, leaning towards her.

"Keep that tongue in before I have it." he whispered, making her giggle. She then poked her tongue out again then quickly put it back in. Tre leaned down the rest of the way and captured her lips, pushing his tongue into her mouth. She gently nibbled on his bottom lip before pulling away.

Trezza - Baby your my teddy bearWhere stories live. Discover now