Chapter 51

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Part 51


*Few Days Later*

A few days had passed and now they'd reached the last date of the tour. Cheryl didn't know whether to be upset or happy that it was over. She was glad because now she could rest for a bit but she was also upset because she and the dancers had gotten so close, and now they wouldn't be seeing each other all the time anymore.

"So am I seriously meeting your dad and brother and sister today?" Tre asked as he and Cheryl were snuggled up on the sofa in his dressing room. She nodded, stroking his head gently.

"Don't be nervous. My dad's harmless, and Joe and Gillian are harmless as well." she said, giggling just a bit. She went to kiss him again when the door opened. She looked up, seeing her mother wandering in with Coco and Buster.

"Ah mam, you brought my babies!" she squealed, picking her dogs up. Joan laughed a bit, before turning to Tre.

"Hi Tre. At least you're glad to see me." she said. Tre laughed, standing up and giving her a hug.

"It is nice to see you Joan. You alright?" he asked. She nodded, smiling.

"I'm good." she said. She then turned to Cheryl, who had her arms outstretched. She laughed as she hugged her tight, kissing her cheek.

"Now you're happy to see me, aye?" she joked. Cheryl giggled, sitting herself down beside Tre.

"I'm always happy to see you, mam." she winked, making both Joan and Tre laugh. Garry wandered in, rushing over and hugging Joan.

"We've missed you, mam." he said.

"I've missed you all as well." she said. Lily poked her head in, smiling when she saw them.

"Joe and Gillian and all the kids are here." she smiled before moving aside so they could all walk in. Hugs were shared between everyone, then Cheryl went on with introducing Tre to everyone. They shook hands with him, then everyone went to talking. While they did so, Cheryl's niece, Lucy, wandered up and stood by Cheryl's legs, looking up at Tre. Cheryl saw her watching and just giggled.

"Want to talk to Tre then?" she asked. Lucy nodded, smiling up at her. She then looked over st Tre, tapping his knee. Tre smiled at her.

"What's up, sweetie?" he asked.

"You my Auntie Chezza's boyfriend?" Lucy asked, sorting out who he was. Tre nodded.

"Yes I am." he replied. Lucy nodded, smiling even more.

"Can I call you Uncle Tre?" she asked. Tre hesitated for a second, looking at Cheryl. She smiled and squeezed his hand, making him smile back.

"Um, sure you can. I don't mind." he replied, looking back to Lucy. Lucy giggled, climbing onto Cheryl's lap but sitting so that she was facing Tre.

"Do you love Auntie Chezza a lot?" she asked him. He nodded, smiling.

"I do, I love her lots and lots." he said. She pouted a bit, thinking of something else to ask.

"Don't make Auntie Chezza cry please." she said in a small voice. She was only five, but she was clever and remembered seeing Cheryl two years earlier, crying over Ashley. She didn't want to see that again.

"I promise I will never make Auntie Chezza cry. She's too pretty to cry, right?" he said, squeezing Cheryl's hand. He felt her squeeze his in return and it made him smile.

"Right, too pretty to cry." Lucy said. She then turned to Cheryl, smiling.

"I like Tre, he's nice." she whispered. Cheryl giggled a bit, kissing her head.

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