Part 109

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Part 109


*Couple Months Later*

A couple months had passed and now it was nearing the end of June. Due to work, Cheryl and Tre had been apart for quite a few weeks now and were really missing each other. Talking on the phone and Skyping hadn't been enough; Cheryl wanted cuddles from her man. However, the next day she would be flying over to LA to see him. Her birthday was in about four days as well, and she was spending it over there with him, some friends, and even Tabby and Jayda, who were flying in the day before her birthday.

"So what time does your flight leave tomorrow then?" Tre asked as they were on the phone while Cheryl relaxed in the bath. In a couple hours, Lily was coming over for a girly night so she was getting some relaxation in before then.

"Erm, it leaves at seven so I'm leaving for the airport at like five-thirty, which is not cool but whatever it'll be worth it." she giggled, her heart melting as she heard him chuckling.

"It'll be so worth it; you can sleep as much as you want when you get here right?" he replied.

"Oh hell yeah and that's exactly what I plan to do. Well you know after we make up." she said with a hint of seduction in her voice.

"Oh after we make up eh?" he smirked as Cheryl just giggled.

"Yes baby, we have to make up. I haven't seen you in like five weeks or something like that and I need you." she replied, making Tre groan as he knew she was in the bath and he desperately wished he was with her.

"You know how to tease me don't you." he joked, making her giggle.

"Well how's about this; we have a bath on my birthday. Birthday sex in the bath; can't go wrong with that." she replied before laughing along with him.

"No babe you really can't go wrong. Consider that one of my gifts to you." he said, his heart melting at the sound of her giggling. The two carried on chatting for a while, time slipping away from them as they laughed together, having a good time. It was only when Cheryl's phone beeped to signal that a text had come through that she realized she'd been in the bath for nearly two hours, talking to him. She told Tre to hold on before checking her texts..

<<Lily: Oi you tool! I'm outside in the car so open the door! It's pissing down and I need to run! Xx>>

"sh!t! Tre I'll ring you back in a few. Lils is outside!" she said before hanging up. She hoped out of the bath and wrapped a towel around herself before pulling the plug for the water to drain. As she was walking into her room, she text Lily back.

<<Cheryl: I'm coming! Was just in the bath! Xx>>

She threw her phone aside and quickly put some underwear on before putting on her plain white vest top and her black and white plaid pajama bottoms before sliding a scrunchie onto her arm and grabbing her phone. She quickly ran off downstairs and straight to the door before opening it and waving. Lily quickly ran inside, her bag over her shoulder. Cheryl shut the door back and locked it before looking at her extremely drenched friend.

"Um, go get into something dry." she managed to say before bursting out laughing. Lily shoved her slightly before rushing off upstairs to change. Cheryl was still laughing as she wandered into the kitchen and flipped the switch for the water to boil to make some hot chocolate. While she was waiting, she rang Tre back.

"I thought you'd forgotten about me." Tre joked as soon as he'd answered, making Cheryl giggle as she wedged the phone between her ear and shoulder.

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