Chapter 55

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Part 55


Cheryl woke up first the next morning feeling completely refreshed. The sunlight was steaming through the blinds, only lightening her mood even more. She looked to the side of her, seeing Tre still fast asleep. She lightly kissed his cheek, then slipped out of bed. She pulled her nightie then pulled on her dressing down before grabbing her phone and going off downstairs. She went into the kitchen and flipped the switch for the kettle to boil, then switched on her phone. She had a text from Sarah waiting.

<<Sarah: Hey cheeseball So do you want to meet me for lunch at Starbucks this afternoon? I've missed you and I want to hear about the tour and all that jazz xxxx>>

<<Cheryl: Hey hey Hardcore! Hmm sure...pretty sure I've not got anything important to so I've missed you too! What time shall I meet you? Xxxx>>

<<Sarah: Erm around two? That cool? Xxxx>>

<<Cheryl: That's cool! See you then! xxxx>>

<<Sarah: Cool! Don't be too wrapped up in Hunky Holloway and forget me hehe xxxx>>

Cheryl read that text again, thinking. Sarah didn't mean anything by it, did she? She wasn't too wrapped up in Tre was she? She chewed her lip, putting her phone to the side before making herself a cup of tea. She leaned against the counter, thinking.

She and Tre were going on a romantic getaway to New York in just a week and a half. She honestly couldn't wait. Just the two of them and all the time in the world for a few days. It was going to be great.

Her mind them drifted back to that text from Sarah. She wasn't too wrapped up in Tre was she? This was really playing on her mind. She hoped she wasn't neglecting. But then again, it had been ages since she'd had a man there with her, so she was really enjoying it. Tre was more of a man than anyone she'd ever been with.

She was snapped from her thoughts when she felt a pair of arms slide around her waist and felt a few light kisses being placed onto her neck. She giggled a bit, turning her head, seeing her amazing boyfriend.

"Morning." she said, turning and looking out the window. Tre kissed her neck gently before resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Last night was amazing, baby." he whispered, making her shudder. His voice was so deep and sexy.

"I know; I always am." she smirked, nudging him gently. He just laughed, stroking her hip gently. She smiled a bit, leaning against him.

"So erm, Sarah's invited me to lunch today. That okay? Did you have plans for us?" she asked, turning around in his arms. He kissed her forehead.

"Nah babe I didn't have anything planned for us. Go, have fun. I'm sure she's missed you loads." he said. She smiled, putting her head on his chest.

"Babe." she spoke after a few minutes.

"Hmm?" he asked. She sighed a bit, looking up at him.

"Am I too wrapped up in you? Am I neglecting my friends and all that?" she asked, looking down. Tre frowned a bit, confused. He tilted her head up, seeing the tears forming in her eyes.

"Chez, where has this come from?" he asked. He led her over to the table, then sat down and pulled her into his lap. She cuddled him, burying her head into his shoulder.

"Baby what's this about?" he asked, stroking her side. She bit her lip, lifting her head.

"Sarah text earlier. When she asked me about lunch and told me what time to meet her and all, she told me to not be too wrapped up in you and forget her, and she put a wink face after it and all but still. Am I really like that, too wrapped up in you and neglecting people?" she asked, biting her lip as tears slipped down her cheeks. Tre kissed her forehead, stroking her back.

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