Chapter 53

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Part 53
Later in the night, the party was in full swing. Dubz was killing it in the DJ booth and the dance floor was packed with friends and family of Cheryl. Cheryl had spoken to a sh!t load of people throughout the night and had introduced them to Tre and all that, so now she was actually glad to have a moment alone at the table with him.

"This has been such an amazing night, baby." she grinned at him. He smiled, pecking her lips.

"Only the best for you, baby girl." he winked. He then kissed her nose, making her giggle and scrunch it up. Soon enough, Brandee and Fefe wandered over.

"Come on guys, dance  off. Chez, you and Brandee and Brya versus me, Tre, and the other guys. You down?" he asked. Cheryl nodded, standing up.

"I'm down." she said.

"Me too." Tre added, standing up. The two wandered to the middle of the dance floor; Cheryl stood with Brandee and Brya while Tre stood with the boys.

"We got this, girls." Cheryl giggled, making Brandee and Brya laugh as well. The three of them took off their heels and put them aside, then stood together, almost like a united force. The boys took off their snap backs and put them aside before rolling up their sleeves, clearly ready to go.

"Alright CC Clique, ready?!" Marshall asked. They all nodded, and Dubz's friend that had taken over started the music. The first song was Everytime I Hear Your Name by Cascada. Cheryl, Brandee, and Brya started dancing as the song started...

'When you walked away from me
And said your last goodbye
I never thought that six months on
You'd still be in my life
I have tried to forget
Get you out of my head
But the memories were fade
I can run I can hide from the feeling inside
The pain won't go away

Cause every time I hear your name
The word stops for a moment
Baby with a single word
I can see your face again
Cause every time I hear your name
The world stops for a moment
And I'm taken back to what we had
Every time I hear your name...'

The girls stopped and stepped back, letting the boys take over. The song changed to Stand Up, Cheryl's song.

'I can see the light
Calling me out
I can see the search light
Spinning around
I can feel the moment
Where I belong
I can feel the music
Turning me on
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Turning me on

Cause I came here to dance
I'm gonna put up my hands
And stand up
Stand up
Cause I came here to dance
I'm gonna put up my hands
And stand up
Stand up

Get up get up
When the music gets a hold of you
Get up get up
When the music gets control of you
Get up get up
When the music gets a hold of you
Get up get up get up get up get up'

Now it was the girls turn again. The boys stepped back, making room for them. The music went on and it went back and forth, boys versus the girls. Everyone was having great fun; just laughing and joking and dancing of course. In the end, everyone just came together and danced, having a good time as 'Do You Feel What I Feel' played throughout the club.

'Dancing with you is so easy 'cause you're beautiful
You make it hard for me girl everytime we on the floor
I wanna kiss you 'cause I gotta know that tonight is real
Do you feel what I feel

Do you feel what I feel
Do you feel what I feel
This beat is killing the club
Do you feel what I feel
Two people falling in love'

Tre had his arms around Cheryl's waist as they danced together. She turned around, giggling at him as they continued to dance. After that song, the couple wandered off to the bar to get a drink. The bartender, who was also a friend of Cheryl's, poured them both a drink, smiling. They thanked him, taking their drinks before wandering back off to the table and sitting down; she sat on his knee.

"I'm *Ducking* exhausted." she giggled. She then took a sip of her drink before looking at him.

"Please don't let me get too drunk. We have to leave at like four in the morning so I can be back to London by nine so I can go home and shower and change, then meet the girls for our press conference." she said. He nodded, kissing her cheek.

"Relax princess, it'll be alright. Come on, shall we have another dance?" he asked, stroking her side. She nodded, standing up and holding out her hands. Tre stood up and took her hands, leading her to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she put her arms around her neck.  It was a slower song on now. Cheryl listened closely; it was the song that had played on the radio when she and Tre had their first kiss on their first date; Love All Over Me by Monica.

'Must not've been
Paying attention
I stepped right on in it
Didn't even notice how deep I was
I went from the ground to the top of the clouds
And now as I look down
I see where I fell into your arms...'

Cheryl looked up at him and smiled, making him smile back. He watched her as she sang the song right back to him.

'Now I got love all over me
Baby you touch every part of me
Ooh I got love all over me
And I don't wanna get it off
I'm completely covered up in your love..'

Tre smiled at her and kissed her forehead. She giggled, stroking the back of his head.

"I love you." she giggled as he leaned in. He leaned in the rest of the way, pecking her lips.

"I love you too, princess." he smiled...


It was just after midnight when Cheryl and Tre returned to their hotel. Tre wasn't too bad, but Cheryl was a bit drunk. She was giggling at everything and was having a hard time standing up straight.

"Chez, shh okay, people are asleep so you can't be too loud." he said, getting their room key from his pocket. She giggled, leaning against the wall.

"I want you." she slurred, putting her arms around his neck. Tre laughed a bit, pecking her lips.

"No, now stop." he said. He unlocked their door and held her waist, leading her inside before shutting the door and locking it. Cheryl was smirking seductively at him as she stood against the counter top.

"Come here, hot stuff." she giggled some more, draping her arms around his neck. He picked her up into his arms, making her giggle some more.

"Babyyy!" she whined when they got into the room and he sat her down onto the bed.

"Cheryl!" he mimicked her as he got her pajamas out of her bag. He turned, seeing her laying back on the bed, leaning up on her elbows with her head tilted to the side, her eyes closed. Tre helped her sit up, causing her eyes to flicker open.

"You're hot." she whispered before kissing his cheek. She reached for his belt but he took her hands, holding them.

"You'll regret this in the morning." he chuckled slightly. She giggled, holding her arms around his neck.

"Tre." she spoke in a cute voice. He kissed her forehead, reaching behind her and unzipping her dress.

"Hmm? What is it, baby?" he asked. She started laughing, shaking her head.

"I love youuu!" she squealed, holding her arms around his neck. He just laughed, nodding.

"I love you too, babe." he said. He helped her out of her dress and into her pajamas, then helped her into bed. He tucked her in, then got in beside her.

"Go to sleep." he whispered, kissing her forehead. Within seconds, Cheryl fell asleep. Tre watched her for a bit, then kissed her forehead again before attempting to sleep himself...


Cheryl's phone started buzzing a few hours later, waking Tre up. He reached across her and grabbed it, shutting off the alarm before checking the time; '3:00AM'

"Someone's gonna be grumpy today." he mumbled to himself, getting out of bed. He looked, seeing Cheryl moving.

"Tre...stay." she mumbled, still half asleep. He wandered over and kissed her forehead, stroking her cheek.

"Shhh...go back to sleep for a bit, okay." he whispered. Cheryl drifted right back off to sleep. Tre headed off to the bathroom for a shower...

...After twenty minutes, he was ready. He emerged from the bathroom, wearing a pair of dark blue baggy jeans, a black t-shirt, and a pair of converse trainers. Now, the ultimate task; getting Cheryl out of bed.

"Baby." he whispered once he'd wandered over to her. She groaned a bit but didn't move. He sighed a bit.

"Chez, come on sweetheart, up. We've gotta get back to London." he said. She stirred enough to shake her head and pout.

"No!" she whined. Tre kissed her forehead a few times, pulling the blankets away from her. She opened her eyes a bit, pouting.

"Tre." she whispered, reaching for the blankets. He shook his head, standing up and pulling the rest of the blankets off of her. Cheryl rolled over onto her side and curled up, shutting her eyes back. Tre sighed a bit, reaching down and scooping her up into his arms.

"Come on baby, you need to take a shower." he said before kissing her head a few times. He put her down onto the floor, holding her waist as he reached in and switched on the shower. Cheryl rubbed her eyes, leaning against him. Once the shower was ready, Tre helped her undress then helped her into the shower.
"You okay, baby girl?" he asked. She nodded slightly.

"Mmhmm." she mumbled a bit. Tre wandered out into the bedroom, getting their cases together. After a few minutes or so, Cheryl wandered out with a towel wrapped around her. She didn't say much; she just pulled on her knickers and her bra, then pulled on a pair of black track suit bottoms, a light pink t-shirt, and a pair of black Uggs. She tied her wet hair into a messy bun, then pulled on her navy blue 'Keep Calm and Soldier On' hoodie.

"Baby, come on you can sleep on the bus, right?" he asked. She nodded before laying across the bed.

"Uhm." she mumbled, closing her eyes again. There was a knock at the door, causing Cheryl to open her eyes.

"Who is that?" she asked in a quiet voice. Tre went to the door, seeing Lily and Garry standing there.

"Hey." he said. She smiled slightly.

"Hey. How's the boss?" she asked, stepping inside. Tre just shook his head as he greeted Garry with a handshake.

"A mess. She's a zombie." he replied as they went through to the bedroom. Cheryl saw them and sat up a bit, smiling slightly.

"Hi." she mumbled. Lily just laughed a bit, ruffling her hair.

"Come on half-pint, sleep on the bus." she said. Tre grabbed his and Cheryl's bags while Cheryl got her handbag. She made sure everything was in tree, then she held on to Lily's arm as they made their way out of the room...

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