Chapter Thirteen

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"You know, I'd never heard of her before we were asked about this."

He stops and looks, seeing another dancer standing beside him. He smiles, nodding before looking back at the beautiful girl standing just a few feet away.

"Same here, but I'm glad I know about her now. She's great."

He stares at her, already falling for her beautiful personality and amazing looks. With her long wavy red hair flowing down her back, tracksuit bottoms hugging her hips, baggy t-shirt on, she's still absolutely gorgeous. She turns around slowly and flashes him a beaming smile, showing those pearly white teeth and those cute dimples. This had he not heard about her before?

"Are you okay?" her soft voice is so gentle and cute. 

'My accent is like, its a Geordie one, because I'm from Newcastle. That's what I'm called...a Geordie.' is what she'd said to him, explaining her accent to him...

"Yeah, I'm fine." he replies, smiling back at her. She smiles as well, squeezing his arm. He'd only just met her three days earlier and he was already falling for her. 'No Tre, don't! She's just been through a divorce. Don't feel this way about her yet!'

But he couldn't help it. He was falling for her...falling fast.

The way she moved to the music, the way she would laugh when she'd mess something up, the way she was always making sure everyone was okay and up to was so cute.

But he also noticed those big brown sad they were. She was smiling, sure, but she was hurting. Everything was in her eyes...pain, anger, longing. He could tell that she just wanted to sit down and cry. 

And he so desperately wanted to wrap his arms around her and hold her and let her cry until she could do so no more, and to assure her that everything would be okay, and that she would be all healed up soon, and that her heart would stop bleeding in time.

All he could do was be a good friend to her now, and maybe one day, he could tell her how he was feeling about her...


Tre flicked his eyes open, looking around a bit, realizing that he was in Cheryl's room in her bed, his arm wrapped protectively around her. He looked down, seeing a sleeping Cheryl beside him, her back against his chest as she held his hand that was resting on the blankets beside them. He leaned down and kissed her cheek lightly, then looked over at the wall, thinking...

That was almost like a complete flashback of that day. He remembered it so clearly; her voice when she asked if he was alright, him watching her every move, him seeing that wide smile. Then he remembered those big brown eyes full of all that pain...and remembered how that was the day he realized that he'd actually fallen in love with her. 

Now, he always looked into those same big brown eyes, but something was different. They were so full of happiness and love, a little sparkle that often came about when they were together. The wide smile; it was a real smile of true happiness. She was happy again..

He snuggled closer to her, resting his head on the pillow just above her head, tightening his arm around her as he caught a whiff of her strawberry scented hair. She really was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

"I love you, Cheryl." he whispered, stroking her hand with his thumb. She stirred slightly, smiling though she was half asleep.

"I love you too, teddy bear." she mumbled, her smile fading as she drifted back off. He chuckled quietly, kissing her shoulder before drifting back off to sleep along with her...


Tre woke up the next morning, only to find the other half of the soft, warm bed empty. He sat up slightly and rubbed his eyes as sunlight poured through the windows, lighting up the room. The smell of breakfast hit him; bacon and pancakes. 'So that's where she's gotten to.' he thought to himself.

He got out of bed and pulled on his joggers and a shirt, then wandered off downstairs. He stopped in the kitchen doorway, his breath becoming stuck in his throat as he looked at his girlfriend, making breakfast. She was wearing a short, cotton nightie, which meant those gorgeous legs were on full display. Her long brunette locks were tied up into a bun. She was so beautiful, even first thing in the morning.

"Morning baby." he finally spoke, wandering up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. She smiled, not turning around as she was finishing up the pancakes. 

"Good morning." she smiled. She finished up and turned the stove off, then turned around in his arms. She placed her hands on his chest before leaning up, gently pecking his lips. 

"Go sit, and I'll get your breakfast." she said. He shook his head, taking her hand and leading her over to the chair.

"Not a chance, silly girl. You sit down; I'll get your breakfast." he replied before kissing her forehead. She giggled, nodding and sitting down on the chair. He wandered over and made them both a plate of breakfast, then wandered over and put them down.

"Orange juice I take it? Or tea?" he asked. 

"Orange juice." she replied. He nodded, getting them both some orange juice before wandering over and sitting down beside her. She smiled, kissing his cheek.

"You know, I could get used to this whole, being waited on." she winked, joking with him. He smirked, lightly tickling her thigh.

"Don't get used to it." he winked before leaning over and kissing her cheek. She giggled, taking a bite out of her breakfast. She sighed; it was really yummy and she was rather impressed with herself because she rarely cooked. 

"Wow, I had no idea you could cook." Tre said, taking another bite out of breakfast. Cheryl giggled, playfully hitting his arm.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, mister." she winked, placing her hand on his knee. He looked at her, raising an eyebrow. 

"Oh yeah? Like what?" he asked, taking a sip of juice. She pouted slightly, playfully shrugging.

"You'll find out...eventually." she giggled before continuing to eat her breakfast. The two went on with eating, laughing and flirting with each other as they did so. Once they were finished, Tre got up and put their plates in the sink, then wandered back over to Cheryl. He slipped an arm around her waist and the other under her legs; lifting her up into his arms.

"What have we got to do today?" he asked as he walked through to the living room with her. She shrugged, draping her arms around his neck.

"Nothing, to be honest. Today's a chill day." she replied. He raised an eyebrow, making her giggle as she was wondering why he was looking at her like that.

"What?" she wondered. He smirked, tightening his grip on her before sitting down on the sofa with her in his arms. He then lay back, pulling her on top of him.

"Nothing, all day?" he asked. She nodded, giggling some more as she leaned towards him. He leaned up and their lips met in the middle. She ran her hands over his chest, her fingertips dancing over his muscles as he placed his hands on the back of her neck. He then pulled away, smiling up at her. She smiled back, before sitting up slightly.

"Alright, at least let me go take a shower." she giggled. He shook his head, kissing her nose as he tightened his arms around her.

"Um, how about we just chill for a second then hit the shower together?" he winked. She grinned wickedly, winking back.

"Hm I like that idea." she giggled before leaning down, kissing him gently again, wrapping her arms around his neck...

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