Chapter 32

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"The bit with the 'Squishy' always gets me though." Cheryl giggled a while later as she held on to Tre's arm, walking out of the theater with him. They'd had a great time seeing the film and had laughed all the way through. They were just happy to be together.

"You're such a kid, babe." he said, leading as they stopped on the sidewalk outside the theater, waiting for cars to go by so they could head across to get to their car. As they were waiting, Cheryl pulled her phone, going straight to Twitter. She scrolled through her mentions, frowning slightly when she saw something. What the hell?

'Ashley Cole followed you'

"What's the frown for?" Tre asked, making her look up. She shook her head, stuffing her phone into her pocket.

"Nothing baby." she said, smiling at him. He smiled a bit, kissing her forehead.

"Sure?" he asked. She nodded, squeezing his hand as they started walking towards the car.

"Positive." she said. They got into the car and buckled up, then Tre placed his hand on her leg.

"How's about we get something to eat?" he asked. She nodded eagerly.

"Where to?" she asked. He looked around, seeing what was close to them.

"Hmm...have you ever been to Red Lobster?" he asked. She shook her head, pouting slightly. He just laughed a bit before leaning over and kissing her pout.

"Ah babe, you're missing out then. Come on, we can go there." he said, starting the car. Cheryl giggled, leaning back in her seat as they pulled out of the parking lot. It wasn't far the Red Lobster; just a drive around the corner and they were there. Luckily, there weren't too many people there. Tre got a parking spot near the door, then shut off the car before getting out and going round to Cheryl's side. He helped her out, then locked up the car before taking her hand and leading her inside. They were shown to a table away from the windows, then they ordered their drinks, both ordering wine. Once the waitress walked away, Tre slipped his arm around Cheryl's waist. 

"Did you see the massive aquarium tank they've got there? All the fish. Can I feed them?" she asked. Tre shook his head, laughing at her.

"No silly girl, you can't feed them. The employees feed them, alright." he said, stroking her side gently as they sat in the booth together. She giggled a bit, putting her hand on his leg.

"Silly girl; it's always funny when you say it." she said, leaning her head on his shoulder. He smiled, kissing her forehead.

"You like that nickname then?" he asked. She nodded, blushing.

"It's funny. I don't even remember what I did to make you start calling me that." she said, scrunching up her nose. 

"You did the most hilarious impersonation of an American accent, then you mimicked Lily's voice, then you pulled all these funny faces and told us how much you loved trashy TV, then you mimicked the people on there. I remember laughing so much that I was like, 'Chez, you're one silly girl.' You laughed then and you just laugh now every time I say it." he said, now draping his arm around her neck. She giggled, looking up at him.

"Aw well you know, I do really love being your silly girl." she said, giving him a dimpled smile. He leaned down and kissed her nose, smiling. 

"My cute little silly girl. I love you lots." he winked, making her laugh.

"I love you lots too." she winked back.

"Better." he joked, lightly tickling her side with his other hand. She squirmed, giggling slightly.

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