Chapter Fourteen

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After having gone back up to bed and spending most of the morning there, then taking a shower, Cheryl and Tre decided to finally go back downstairs and chill down there. Cheryl was about to go through and turn the TV on, but then it dawned on her, she had laundry to do.

"*Duck*! I forgot about my laundry." she giggled to herself, wandering through to the laundry room. Tre just laughed, following her through.

"Need some help?" he asked. She shook her head, smiling.

"Aw thanks but no thanks babe, I've got it. Go, sit down...make yourself at home." she said before turning around, throwing some stuff into the wash. Tre just laughed, wandering over and kissing her cheek before going off to the living room. Cheryl loaded up the wash then closed the lid, before wandering through to the living room. 

"Once my stuff is done, if you have any laundry that needs washing, I'll put it in." she said, sitting down on the sofa beside him. He smiled, draping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer.

"Oh baby you don't have to. I'll do it." he said. She shook her head, leaning up and kissing his cheek.

"You're my guest, so no you won't." she giggled before pecking his lips. He smirked.

"I don't care that I'm your guest. I'll do my own laundry, madam. I'm looking after you, not the other way around." he joked, lightly tickling her sides. She pouted slightly, squirming a bit as he tickled her.

"Tre, come on. You can't just not let me do anything. You know how bored I get." she said, trying to use her pout to get round him. He just shook his head, pulling her into his lap.

"Ignoring this pout right now. Anyway, shall I make you dinner tonight or are we going out?" he asked. She shrugged, leaning back against him, relaxing in his arms.

"Urm, shall we go out? I'm paying if we do." she said quickly. He just laughed, leaning up and kissing his cheek.

"Um no, I'll be paying. Seriously though sweetie, if you want to go out, we can." he said. She sighed and folded her arms across her chest.

"Are you refusing to let me do anything?" she asked, trying to get into a mood with him, but failing due to her smile. He just laughed as he leaned in, lightly kissing her cheek.

"Yes I'm refusing to let you do anything," he said, tickling her sides as she giggled; he then continued, "I mean it; I'm looking after you, princess." 

"Well I guess I'll just have to deal with it." she replied, making him laugh. He then leaned towards her, his heart melting when she giggled back and leaned in the rest of the way, kissing him gently, wrapping her arms around his neck...


That evening, Tre had just finished getting dressed when Cheryl wandered out of the bathroom; a fluffy pink towel wrapped around her body and another towel wrapped around her hair. He looked up and saw her, and his eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"'re...Jesus Cheryl." he said, turning away from her. She just giggled, looking through her closet. She pulled out a black skirt that stopped about three inches above her knees, a white strappy top, and her shiny black Louboutins. She pulled on her knickers and her bra, then pulled on her tights. Just as she was going to pull on her skirt, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind. She giggled slightly, leaning against Tre as he gave her a squeeze. 

"Sexiest woman alive." he whispered in her ear, making her go red as she turned around in his arms.

"No I'm not." she pouted. She then leaned in and kissed him gently, stroking his cheek before pulling away.

"Let me go. I need to get dressed so we can go to dinner." she whined as he started kissing up and down her neck.

"We can skip to dessert." he whispered before carrying on. She giggled a bit, pushing his head away.

"No we cannot, now go on, finish getting ready." she giggled. Tre laughed and smacked her bum, then wandered over to put on his shoes. Cheryl pulled on her skirt and her top, then tucked her top into her skirt. She then slipped her tiny size three feet into her shoes before pulling out her hair dryer. She switched it on and quickly dried her hair, then grabbed her curlers, quickly generating a few loose curls in her brunette locks. She then put on a bit of mascara, eye liner, eye shadow and lip gloss, then she was finally ready to go.

"Do I look okay?" she asked, looking over at him. He smiled and nodded, wandering up and wrapping his arms around her.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, sweetheart." he replied before lightly kissing her nose. She giggled, then pulled on her leather jacket before grabbing her clutch bag. Tre pulled on his jacket as well, then took her hand and wandered off out with her..


*Couple Hours Later*

The happy couple walked up the stone walkway from their car, both in a great mood after their fantastic dinner. They'd talked and laughed throughout the whole night, and Tre had been telling Cheryl more funny stories about where he'd grown up. Cheryl had also told him a few stories about her growing up, and now both were in agreement that they'd have to visit each other's hometowns soon. Now, the night was over and the two were heading back in for the night, to relax together and rest up because she had radio in the morning.

"This has been a fun night though, honestly." she smiled, kicking her shoes off once they were inside and had locked the door. Tre nodded, tapping her bum.

"It has been fun, especially your stories about -what do you say- wagging off..during your teen years?" he raised an eyebrow, making her go red. 

"Right, okay shut up. School was boring." she defended her decisions, skipping towards the stairs. Tre laughed, following her up. He changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt while she changed into a pair of pink pajama bottoms and a black vest top. Once finished, she grabbed her phone then the two of them went downstairs.

"Want another drink?" she asked, heading towards the kitchen. He nodded, sitting on the sofa.

"Yes, please baby." he smiled. She smiled back, then wandered through the kitchen. After getting them both a big glass of lemonade, she wandered through and sat down on the sofa with him, handing his drink over. He smiled and thanked her before taking a sip, then placed it over onto the table. She took a  sip of hers before placing it on the table as well, then she snuggled up to him, putting her head on his shoulder, watching as he flipped through the channels. She sighed contentedly as he placed a protective arm around her waist and kissed her forehead. 

This was where she loved to be; in the strong, warm arms of her amazing boyfriend...

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