Chapter 77

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Part 77


Cheryl woke up first the next morning as the smell of breakfast filled her nostrils. She wriggled out of Tre's warm arms, careful not to wake him as she did so. She got up and pulled on her dressing gown before going off to the bathroom and washing her face and brushing her teeth before heading off downstairs. Shirley was in the kitchen, making pancakes and eggs.

"Good morning." Cheryl greeted softly, making Shirley look over and smile.

"Oh good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" she asked. Cheryl nodded, smiling back.

"Yes I did; thank you. Did you sleep well?" she asked. Shirley nodded.

"Sure did sweetie, even had a peaceful dream," she nodded her head at the coffee pot. "Help yourself to some coffee, honey. The sugar is up there in the cupboard and the milk is in the refrigerator."

"Thank you." Cheryl replied, going over to get herself a cup of coffee. She made her cup and took a sip, sighing happily as the warm liquid ran down her throat. She looked up again, feeling a big helpless as she stood there.

"Shirley, would you like some help?" she asked.

"Oh sweets I've got it; go have a seat. I'll call you for breakfast shortly; remote should be right there on the table." Shirley replied.

"Ooh; thank you, okay." Cheryl said, smiling as she went off into the living room. She sat down and switched on the TV before flipping through channels and finally settling on an episode of Criminal Minds that she'd already seen. She pulled out her phone and looked at the screen, seeing a new text from Lily.

<<Lily: Hola boss! Just landed in LA! Miss you cheeky! When are you and Tre coming out here? Xx>>

<<Cheryl: Hey missy! Miss you too flowerpot Errm gonna be out there after New Years! Send Ty and the kids my love! Xx>>

<<Lily: Argh okay! And I will do! Gonna get to Ty's and get some sleep now; night night! Xx>>

<<Cheryl: It's morning now But night night! Xx>>

"Morning favoritest idol ever!"

Cheryl looked up, seeing Tabby bouncing towards her. She just laughed, shaking her head.

"Are you ever gonna get over the fact your idol is your brother's girlfriend?" she asked as the younger girl sat down beside her. Tabby shook her head, pouting.

"Never; I personally think you can do better. What do you see in him? He's such a vain loser." she said. Cheryl laughed, smacking her arm.

"Your brother is an absolute sweetie pie and I love him." she said. Tabby rolled her eyes, putting her head on Cheryl's shoulder.

"Vomit much." she said before pretending to vomit, making Cheryl laugh again. The two girls then continued to catch up, with Cheryl telling her about some Girls Aloud stuff and Tabby telling her about her pregnancy and about her work and what not. Soon enough, Shirley poked her head into the living room.

"Breakfast girls; is my lazy son still asleep?" she asked as Cheryl and Tabby stood up.

"Excuse me Cheryl; I left out the lazy part. He's a lazy vain loser." Tabby rolled her eyes, making Cheryl laugh.

"Tabby; you just mad that you can't look as good as me."

Cheryl and Tabby were still laughing as they saw Tre coming towards them.

"Psh I'd rather look like the dude from Beetlejuice than look like you." she said, punching his arm. Tre gave her the evils as he wrapped his arm around Cheryl, pulling her into him.

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