Chapter 40

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Re: [FanFic]Cheryl and Tre: Baby You're My Teddy Bear (Part 39: 11.01.13 Page 12)

« Reply #250 on: January 12, 2013, 07:43:30 PM »


Part 40


"Say my name baby!"

Beth clapped as they'd finished the rehearsal. Now that they were done, Cheryl was going for a make-up while the dancers went to get dressed.

"You gonna show me that message now?" Lily asked. Cheryl signaled for her to wait a minute, then turned to Tre.

"See you in a bit." she smiled at him. He smiled, pecking her lips.

"Okay baby. You alright?" he asked. She nodded, leaning up and kissing his cheek before walking off with Lily. The two linked arms, going off to hair and make-up. The two got into the room and Cheryl sat down for Lisa to start working on her hair.

"Show me now." Lily said, watching as Cheryl pulled out her phone. Lisa looked between them.

"Oh I'm curious. What we showing off?" she asked, brushing Cheryl's hair.

"I'll show you after Lily sees." Cheryl replied, pulling up the messages. She then gave Lily her phone.

"You know how to get to the next message and all that." she said before facing the mirror. She could see Lily on the sofa behind her, chewing her lips in concentration as she read the messages. After a couple minutes, she looked up.

"It took him two years to apologize and give you an explanation?" Lily asked, pulling the first message back up and handing the phone to Lisa.

"Two years to say he was sorry, two years to just say he missed me. For *Duck*'s sake if he'd just said it two years ago then I wouldn't still be so p!ssed off about it." she pouted, glancing up at Lisa who was now reading the messages. She then gave the phone back to Cheryl.

"Took him long enough." she said as she worked on Cheryl's hair again. Cheryl just shrugged, throwing her phone onto the table in front of her.

"Why didn't you want Garry to hear earlier?" Lily asked, looking up from her phone. Cheryl shrugged, reaching for the chocolate bar that was in front of her. She unwrapped it a bit and broke off a piece before popping it into her mouth.

"I don't know, I guess I'm still not all that comfortable discussing the Ashley sh!t with Garry. He was so insanely overprotective after that and he would try his hardest to get me to talk about it, but I never would, well not a lot anyway. I don't" she shrugged again as she swallowed. Lily just laughed a bit.

"Oh babe, bless. Not easy discussing exes with another guy, especially if it's your brother. That's why I'm lucky to have two sisters and no brother." she said, poking her tongue out. Cheryl just had to laugh, poking out her tongue in return.

An hour and a half passed and now Lisa was finally finished with Cheryl's hair and make-up, though it didn't seem like it took that long because the girls had been chatting. Now, it was time for Cheryl to get dressed. She went off to her dressing room and stepped into her costume; black pants tucked into shiny black boots, a gold mid-drift top with a black collar and black gloves. She then did a quick pout in the mirror, then wandered out of the dressing room. Lily was waiting.

"Show time!" she announced, linking her arm with Cheryl's. They walked towards the stage as it was time to perform. Cheryl got into position with her dancers, ready to march out for Fight For This Love.

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