Part 96

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Part 96


*Couple Weeks Later*

A couple weeks passed and the girls' tour was going amazingly. Every single night, they were giving it their all and their fans were having the best time. They were also managing to meet fans, which was always nice because the fans always had a story. Cheryl particularly had a good time with the fans because some of them had been at her A Million Lights tour, and now she was enjoying talking to them and seeing what they'd been up to in the last few months. Most of them, however, were wishing her well with Tre and telling her that they loved them together.

Today, the girls were in Dublin. They'd come down from Belfast the night before so they could spend the day in Dublin to chill. Today was also the day of Tabby's baby shower, and Cheryl had arranged for a gift to be sent over to her. Now she was wondering if it had gotten there yet.

"Oi Dimples; you're quiet." Sarah pointed out as they sat around the hotel dining area, having lunch. Cheryl looked up from her phone and smiled.

"Sorry; I was just on Twitter; Tre's got a Twitter now and I haven't tweeted him, but I've been reading his mentions and I can honestly say some of my fans are so *Ducking* rude to him for no *Ducking* reason..." she sighed before looking at Kimberley; "And I swear if another one of them tweets another picture of you and me to him, I will explode."

"Oh babe; tweet him or something so they'll shut up." Kimberley laughed as Cheryl started giggling a tiny bit. She then looked back at her phone, tweeting;

'Missing my baby @TreHolloway22 but I know it won't be long until we're back together again. I love you! xxxxxx'

Within seconds, mentions began to come through, making her smile. She giggled to herself, reading her timeline and seeing that some were thinking it was cringey. She smirked to herself, tweeting again;

'My Twitter; I can tweet what I want. If I miss my baby, I'm gonna say so. #dealwithit'

She read some more mentions, then went on Twitter to do what she had actually planned to do in the first place; tweet Tabby. She found Tabby's new twitter name, then went on to tweet.

'Wishing the best of luck to @TabbyMaya2011 on her baby shower today. Have fun babe! xxx'

"So Tre's sister's baby shower is today and I had a gift sent to her and I like, hope she got it." she said, looking up.

"Aw; his family must just flat out adore you." Nadine said. Cheryl nodded, scrunching up her nose.

"They do; and I love them too. Seriously his sister is so sweet though. She's like another little sister to me or something." she explained, pulling out her phone as her mentions lit up again. She smiled to herself; Tre had tweet her back.

'@CherylCole I miss you too gorgeous! I love you so much and I'll be seeing you soo soon We're getting there! xxxx'

She retweeted the tweet then put her phone aside before carrying on with her lunch with the girls...



*In America*

It was later in the day in America and now Tabby's baby shower was in full swing. She was now eight months gone and was looking ridiculously cute with her bump as she wore a stunning pink maxi dress with a little denim sleeveless jacket over which she left open, and her black flip flops. Their family and friends were round, so it was lovely.

"Oh? Who's this from?" Tabby asked as Tre handed her another gift. He smirked, knowing exactly who it was from.

"I don't know; look and see." he replied. She pouted at him before tearing the glittery paper off. She gasped, seeing the basket full of cute little babygros, baby lotions, and a stylish pink, grey and white Coach diaper bag. She pulled the envelope off and tore it open before pulling the card out. She opened it up and smiled as she began reading outloud;

Trezza - Baby your my teddy bearWhere stories live. Discover now