Chapter 70

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Part 70


That night, after having their dinner and after cuddling up on the sofa for a bit and watching a game show and a couple crime shows, Cheryl and Tre were now laying in bed. Cheryl loved Tre's bed. It was bigger than hers and it was really comfortable; a little more comfortable than her own.

"I can rap you know." she said out of the blue, looking up at him. She'd been laying on her stomach, scrolling through her Twitter mentions on her phone. Tre turned over on his side, looking at her.

"Oh really; drop some lines for me then." he said. She giggled, biting her lip.

"Erm.." she thought for a second before giggling, "Okay seriously; I got this.." she cleared her throat and went on..

"I say what I mean and I mean what I say; that'll never change not even on my dying day; oh yeah my name is Chezza, and I have a lot to tell ya; Newcastle's streets that's where I'm from, used to turn the boys' heads and make their hearts beat like a drum; dated some bad boys that made me cry, one was all famous and all he did was lie; but now I'm with my baby and he's called Tre, my American baby that makes me smile every day; didn't think this would work because the distance ain't for me, but he taught me how to trust and told me that he wouldn't cheat; he's a good man and I'm his silly girl, that's my baby and he makes my whole world; he loves my little pout that I always do, he sees it every day so it's nothing new; well yo that's my story and I'm sticking to it, if you have a problem with me well I don't give a sh!t..."

And with that, she started giggling hysterically. Tre was nearly crying with laughter as be clapped at her attempt to rap.

"Oh man, so my baby can rap. That was good silly girl." he said, holding his hand out. She fist pumped his hand then held her hand out, allowing him to do the same.

"Yeah; what's my rap name then?" she asked, giggling slightly.

"Um; I don't know. We'll think of that later." he replied, making her giggle again as she put her phone aside. Tre was still laughing, shaking his head as he text a few friends.

"My baby is a little rapper; I can't get over this." he sighed before laughing again as she slapped his arm. He shook his head again before putting his hand on her back, stroking gently.

"Yo there's a basketball game tomorrow at the Staples Center? Wanna go? Dubz is going and I think FeFe is too." he wondered, looking at her. She nodded, smiling. She didn't really understand basketball but hey, maybe it would be fun.

"Hmm yeah sure; that'll be cool. Shall I see if Lils wants to go too? And Garry?" she asked. He nodded as he went on to text Dubz back to tell him that be and Cheryl were coming too. Cheryl grabbed her phone and sent a text off to Lily and Garry.

<<Cheryl to Lily; Garry: Hey hey!! Basketball game tomorrow night at the Staples Center. Want to go? Xx>>

"Funny enough; Dubz said that he misses his best friend Lils and wants to know if she was coming too." Tre laughed a bit, rolling over onto his side and looking at her. She giggled, looking at her phone as both Lily and Garry text back.

<<Lily to Cheryl: Ah sure!! That'll be fun! I'm down! Xx>>

However, Garry's text worried her a bit...

<<Garry to Cheryl: No thanks sis! Gonna sit in and chill with movies. I haven't got a clue about basketball anyway and you don't either, plonker! :P Xx>>

<<Cheryl to Lily: Lmao alright I'll let Tre know. Funny enough just after I text you Dubz had text Tre and asked were you coming along too lol Xx>>

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