Chapter 28

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"Chezza...wake up sweetheart."

Cheryl shut her eyes tighter, groaning slightly as she rolled over onto her side. She hated being woken up; absolutely hated it.

"No...I was having a nice dream." she pouted, still not opening her eyes. She heard a chuckle and it made her smile; only Tre.

"It's not funny either, babe." she pouted some more, still keeping her eyes closed with her back to him. He just laughed, wrapping her arm around his waist, kissing her shoulder. 

"Get up." he groaned, standing up and pulling the blanket away from her, revealing her vest top and pajama bottoms. Her eyes snapped open and she sat up, frowning.

"No!" she whined, pouting before continuing, "Give me the covers back. I'm cold Tre." 

"Get up and I'll warm you up." he winked. She frowned, throwing her teddy bear at him.

"I'm just gonna tell your mam how horrible you are to me." she pouted, hopping out of bed and wandering up to him. She smacked his chest, giving him the evils. He frowned at her, rubbing his chest.

"Ouch, that hurt Cheryl." he said, only joking with her. Her expression softened.

"Did I hurt you really?" she asked, thinking she really hurt him. He just started laughing, shaking his head as he wrapped his arms around her. 

"No baby, you didn't hurt me. It's alright." he winked before leaning in, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. She smiled against his lips, pushing her tongue into his mouth, making him smile against her lips. The two were so lost in their own little world that they didn't even notice that Tabby was stood at the door until they heard her voice...


The two jumped apart, looking over as Tabby smirked. Tre just rolled his eyes while Cheryl giggled, wrapping her arms around Tre's waist, putting her head on his chest. 

"Mom says to come down for breakfast." Tabby said before turning around and going off downstairs. Cheryl and Tre looked at each other, then Tre reached over and shut the door.

"Shower first." he winked, making her giggle as he lifted her up into his arms, carrying her off to the bathroom with him and shutting the door...


After a shower together, the couple got dressed for the day. Tre settled on wearing a white t-shirt, black jeans and black and white Converse trainers while Cheryl settled on wearing a short black layered denim skirt with ruffles that stopped a couple inches below the tattoo on her thigh, a pair of black tights, a white vest top, a black denim sleeveless jacket, and a pair of black Uggs. She brushed her hair out and put on some mascara and a bit of clear lip gloss, then put on her earrings before taking Tre's hand and going off downstairs with him. Shirley and Tabby were already sitting at the table, eating breakfast. 

"Morning you two." Shirley greeted. Cheryl and Tre smiled and greeted her back before getting themselves some breakfast and sitting down at the table. They tucked into their breakfast, chatting ith Shirley and Tabby as they did so. Halfway through breakfast, Cheryl's phone lit up, signaling a call. She wiped her hands on a napkin before picking up her phone and looking at the screen, seeing a new text message....'Lily'

<<Lily: Good morning to you and everything else! So it's like, 6am here and I can't go back to sleep :/ What are you doing? xxxx>>

"Lily says good morning everyone." Cheryl announced, looking up. 

"Ooh, so I can meet Lily right, backstage at your show?" Tabby asked, excited. Cheryl nodded, giggling.

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