Chapter 76

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Part 76


*Few Hours Later*

A few hours had passed and now Cheryl and Tre were relaxing on the plane. The plane was private, which they were thoroughly enjoying. They'd been freely kissing and cuddling and had watched a movie, but now Cheryl had other ideas. She felt a bit mischievous and being the only ones on gave her some ideas.

"Baby." she whispered in his ear before lightly kissing him behind his ear. He smirked, looking at her.

"No." he said. He knew what she wanted. She pouted cutely, drawing circles on his chest with her finger.

"Babe.." she lightly kissed his ear before whispering, "Its been three whole days." Her warm breath was sending chills down his spine.

"Baby, the Mile High Club; really?" he raised an eyebrow. She giggled, biting her lip.

"It'll be fun." she whispered, sliding her hand down to the top of his jeans. Just then, the door opened and the flight stewardess came through. Cheryl quickly moved her hand so that she was now holding Tre's hand, playing with his fingers. The stewardess came over and smiled at them.

"Alright?" she asked. They both nodded, then Cheryl spoke.

"Erm, actually we're about to go asleep for a bit, so could you turn out the light please?" she asked. The flight stewardess nodded and smiled, before heading out, turning the light out and shutting the door behind her. The only light was now coming from the TV, so Cheryl looked up at him and smirked. He laughed.

"You're so naughty." he smirked, pulling her on top of him. She sat on his lap, straddling his hips. He pulled the blanket over them, then stroked her sides as he gently kissed her lips. She giggled against his lips, kissing him back as she started undoing the buttons on his shirt. He gently nibbled on her bottom lip before pulling away and kissing down her neck. She bit her lip, trying her hardest to hold in her moans as he undid her jeans.

"Be quiet." he murmured against her neck, pushing her jeans and her knickers down. She nodded, sliding her hands down and undoing his jeans before releasing him from his boxers. He looked up at her, smiling as he pushed into her. She gasped loudly, gripping his shoulder as they moved in time with one another.

"Shh." he whispered. She nodded, kissing him as they carried on...



A couple hours had passed and now the couple had recovered from their earlier antics and had fixed their clothing. Now they had just landed in New Jersey. His mother was meeting them at the airport, which made Cheryl extra excited because she'd really wanted to see her. Once they'd landed safely, they got their bags then exited the plane. They got their luggage, then looked around.

"Is that her?" Cheryl asked, pointing. Tre looked, seeing a figure with dark hair, dressed in a pink sweater, jeans and Uggs and a puffy black coat waving at them. Tre knew it; it was his mother:

"Yeah it's her; come on." he said. They went over to her, smiling wider as they saw Shirley smiling at them.

"Hey, mom." he said, hugging her tightly and kissing her cheek. Shirley smiled, hugging him back and kissing his cheek in return.

"My baby is home for Christmas, and he bought this little gorgeous one with him," she said, smiling at Cheryl, "Come here Cheryl, give me a hug sweetie."

Cheryl smiled, hugging her back tightly and kissing her cheek. They then pulled apart from each other, walking out of the airport together. Tre put their luggage into the boot, then got into the backseat with Cheryl.

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