Chapter 36

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"Cheryl, just breathe babe."

But Cheryl wasn't listening; she was pacing the floor, absolutely fuming. This was typical, just typical! Ashley would say something like this now that she was happy again. Anything to *Duck* it up.

"*Ducking* typical! Why didn't he say some sh!t like this two years ago?! Oh wait, he was too busy shagging those fat whores, breaking my heart!" Cheryl ranted, stopping and looking at Lily, who was now ringing Sundraj. Cheryl's phone started buzzing so she pulled it out; 'Tre calling'

"Hi baby." she spoke.

"Hey you. So um, your PR has called me and warned me about some stories in the press tomorrow. Chez-" he was saying but she cut him off.

"Tre...god I don't know what he's playing at but it's just not fair right now! I knew it, I knew he'd try and ruin it." she sighed, sitting down on sofa.

"Baby relax. He's just trying to get under your skin." he replied. Cheryl sighed again, her eyes filling up.

"No, he's trying to ruin us." she said, running her fingers through her hair. Tre went quiet, thinking. He thought about it; maybe she needed him tonight.

"Do you want me to come over? I know we agreed to spend a night apart but-" he was saying but she cut him off.

"Come over, please." she said in a small voice.

"Give me an hour, baby girl." he said. The two then said their goodbyes and she hung up. She chewed her lips, then she scrolled through her phone. She highlighted his name and hit the call button, waiting for him to answer. Soon enough, she heard him..."Hello?"

"What do you think you're playing at, saying that on Twitter?! Have you lost your *Ducking* mind?!" she shouted down the phone. He sighed.

"Well you're completely ignoring my other attempts to talk to you so I had to say somehow. Yes Cheryl, it tears me apart seeing you splashed on the papers with that bloke, seeing you on Twitter kissing him and all that. I love you baby girl, I-" he was saying but she cut him off.

"Don't call me baby girl; I'm his baby girl now. Don't call me princess; I'm his princess now. I'm his everything now, and-" she was saying but now he cut her off.

"You'll always be my baby girl and my princess. Chez, did you ever think about how seeing you and this bloke would make me feel? Did you consider my feelings?" he asked. She swallowed the lump in her throat, trying her hardest not to cry. However, a couple tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Consider your feelings? Ashley you didn't consider a damn thing when you were out shagging those fat whores while you had a *Ducking* wife at home so don't even go there about about considering feelings! Did you consider my feelings then?!" she replied. Lily scooted closer to her and rubbed her back supportively.

"Cheryl I made a mistake." he finally said after a bit.

"Mistake? Yeah you made one hell of a mistake. Let me tell you, lose my number! I wanted us to be friends but you've crossed a line. I never want to speak to you again." she said. He was still talking when she hung up. She then looked at Lily, bursting into tears. Lily pulled her into a hug, holding her tight.

"It'll be alright, Chez, I promise." she whispered, trying her best to console her best friend...


A little while later, Tre had arrived. When she saw him, Cheryl jumped up and ran up to him, hugging him as tight as possible while Lily shut and locked the door. She then grabbed her phone and drink before slipping off into her room, leaving the couple alone in the living room. They went over and sat on the sofa together, cuddling up. They sat in silence for over an hour, just watching TV, with the odd time that Tre would kiss her shoulder or her head. Cheryl was just glad that he was there.

"Always something. I get so happy then something tears it down." she finally sighed. Tre kissed her forehead, running his fingers through her hair.

"Baby relax, please. It'll be alright, promise." he said. She sighed, biting her lip.

"I don't want this to drive a wedge between me and you. I.." she swallowed before continuing, "I can't lose you."

"You won't, baby. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." he said before kissing her head again. She shrugged a bit, looking at him.

"Bet you weren't thinking all this would be part of dating me, ay?" she asked. He laughed a bit, stroking her side.

"Nah, but then again I really didn't think of what to expect. Hey though, I'm dating the sexiest, most adorable and down to earth woman in the world, and if all this is what comes with that, then I don't give a damn.." he said before pulling her into his lap and stroking his cheek, "I love you princess, I love you so much and you mean the world to me. Forget the stories; I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me whether you like it or not."

She giggled a bit at the last part, sniffling. She then leaned in and kissed him gently, stroking her cheek with his thumb.

"I love you so much too babe, and trust me, I don't mind being stuck with you." she winked, making him chuckle. He stroked her side and pecked her lips, smiling. She smiled back before giving him a wink, and that's when he saw the twinkle in her eye; naughty twinkle.

"Naughty thoughts?" he asked. She nodded, standing up and pulling him up with her.

"Always." she smirked, pulling him into her room with her and shutting the door behind them...



Cheryl giggled, running her hand over his six pack as they lay in bed together, having some fun. They were going slowly, but Cheryl had moaned louder than normal so Tre had to shush her.

"I can't help it." she replied, sighing happily as he started moving again. She wrapped her legs around him, digging her nails into his back. Tre leaned down and started kissing her neck, making her moan again. He went deeper and she moaned louder, scratching her nails down his back.

"Hm babe that's nice." she said, shutting her eyes. Tre lifted his head and kissed her again in an attempt to stifle the scream that he knew was coming. He was right; she bit down on his lip, stifling her screams of pleasure as they climaxed together. He then pulled away slightly, then pecked her lips before pulling out of her. He rolled over and tossed the used condom in the bin, then pulled her into his arms. She smiled at him, putting her leg over his.

"That was amazing." she finally said, trying to catch her breath. He smiled at her, kissing her head.

"It was. You always are though." he winked, making her giggle slightly.

"Hm you're better." she winked. She then leaned up and kissed him again, smiling against his lips as he smiled against hers. He then pulled away, tapping her nose.

"Not a screamer." he winked, making her go red.

"If Lily wasn't here, I would have." she said, putting her head on his chest. She then let out a yawn; she was tired.

"Hm I'm tired now." she giggled a bit. Tre lightly kissed her head, wrapping his other arm around her. It was definitely time to go to sleep.

"Goodnight princess." he said. She smiled, lightly kissing his chest.

"Goodnight baby." she smiled, before drifting off to sleep along with him...

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