Chapter Eight

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"Cheryl wait." 

Cheryl wouldn't listen. She stormed off down the hall and quickly ran up the stairs to the door. She then wandered out  onto the roof and shut the door before leaning against the wall, trying to breathe properly. She was upset, she was angry, just a mixture of emotions. She didn't know what to say or think, but she just asked herself, 'Why do I always pick the horrible ones?'

"Cheryl please, just..let me explain." 

She looked up, seeing Tre wandering towards her. She shook her head, turning away from him.

"No, just leave me alone." she said. Tre sighed, coming closer to her.

"Can I please explain the situation to you?" he asked. Cheryl just rolled her eyes.

"I told you flat out that I'd been married before but you couldn't tell me that you'd been engaged before? And what did she mean 'you'll break my heart'? What, are you gonna dump me now that you've shagged me? Go brag to your friends that you shagged Cheryl Cole then just drop me?" she fired questions at him, glaring. Tre signed, mentally cursing his ex for trying to ruin everything. He'd dumped her for quite a few reasons, and she was so upset that she vowed to get him back.

"Please baby, let me explain." he tried again, going to hold her hands. She sighed slightly.

"Fine, explain it." she said. Tre gestured for her to sit down, so she did so then he sat down across from her. He took a deep breath, then began to explain.

"Right so my ex, she was called Lita. We were really happy together and everything, and yeah we'd gotten engaged and we were all excited. Well then, I went on tour to dance for Kylie Minogue, and me and Lita talked every day and I thought everything was fine. Well, when I got back and got to mine, I found her in bed with my best friend. Instead of defending herself, she turned it round on me and tried to say that I was sleeping with one of the girl dancers on Kylie's tour when I really wasn't. Anyway, I dumped her and she vowed to get me back somehow." he explained, sighing. Cheryl's expression had softened. She scooted closer to him and hugged him tightly, stroking the back of his head.

"I'm sorry babe. That's *Ducking* horrible." she spoke softly, feeling bad for getting so angry at him. He kissed her cheek, holding his arms around her.

"Babe don't, it's alright. Feels good to get it off my chest." he smiled a bit. She smiled slightly, kissing his cheek before standing up and holding out her hands. 

"Come on, let's go inside." she said. Tre grabbed her hands and stood up before pulling her into a really tight hug. 

"I love you Cheryl, I really do and you know I'll never do a thing to hurt you." he said. She nodded, pecking his lips.

"I know babe, and I love you too." she replied, stroking his cheek before kissing him again...


After a few more hours, rehearsals were finished for the day. Cheryl was gonna head back to her hotel with Lily, mainly because she was a tired and just wanted to sleep for a bit. Tre wanted to tag along, but she told him to come over a bit later because she was going for a nap. He'd nodded and smiled, before giving her a quick kiss and telling her that he'd see her later. Cheryl smiled as well before linking arms with Lily and going outside to their waiting car. The two slipped in and buckled up, then the ride back to the hotel began.

"Did you and Tre sort that out? The thing about his ex?" Lily asked, looking over at her friend. Cheryl nodded, leaning her head against the window. She was really tired, had a bad headache, and she just wanted to sleep. 

"Are you okay?" Lily asked. Cheryl looked over and forced a smile, nodding.

"Yeah babe I'm fine, just tired." she replied, not revealing too much. She had some sh!t on her mind, but nothing unusual there right.

"Are you sure that's all? You look like something's going on in that head of yours." she pressed her for information. Cheryl just shook her head, looking out the window.

"It's nothing." she said, turning away so Lily wouldn't see the tears in her eyes. In reality, she was thinking about Tre and this ex-fiancee situation. She hoped that there really wasn't anything to this because she really didn't want to lose him. He meant a lot to her, she was finally truly happy, and she hadn't felt this way about anyone for a long time.

"Cheryl, you're crying." 

Cheryl turned to Lily, only to receive a concerned look. Tears had slipped down her cheeks and Lily had seen, now she knew she had to tell her what was wrong.

"I hope there's nothing more to this thing with his ex, because I can't lose him Lils, I can't. I love him and I'm finally really happy again and I don't want to give that up." she replied, biting her lip as more tears fell. Lily reached over and hugged her as tight as she could, gently stroking her back and kissing the side of her head.

"Shh it's alright. I'm sure it's nothing. Tre wouldn't hurt you." she assured her, stroking her back as she continued to cry...


Later in the evening, Lily was laying down on the sofa in the living room while Cheryl was in her bedroom, curled up in bed having a nap. Lily was half asleep herself when a knock at the door made her jump awake properly. She rolled her eyes and stood up, wandering over to the door and checking the peephole...Tre. She opened the door, smiling a bit at him. 

"Hiya." she greeted, moving so he could step inside. He smiled slightly, stepping in and watching as she shut and locked the door. 

"Hi Lils. Is Cheryl okay?" he asked. Lily sighed, getting them both a bottle of water before sitting down on the sofa. He sat down on the chair, waiting her her to explain.

"She's scared, Tre. She said you two sorted it earlier, but I think she's got this thought in the back of her mind that she's gonna lose you. She was saying that she hoped there was nothing more to the thing with your ex because she doesn't want to lose you." Lily explained. Tre sighed, rubbing his head. He didn't want to lose Cheryl either and he hoped his ex wouldn't ruin anything. There wasn't anything else to it and he hoped she wouldn't make up any sh!t that would ruin his and Cheryl's relationship. 

"Lily I swear, there's nothing else with that. I can't lose Cheryl either; she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. She makes me really happy; with those dimples and her whole personality. Is she asleep? I wanna talk to her." he asked. Lily shrugged, going to stand up when Cheryl rushed out of the room. She went straight over to Tre and sat on his knee, throwing her arms around him.

"I don't want to lose you either." she said, burying her head into his neck. He wrapped his other arm around her, kissing her head.

"It'll be okay baby, I promise. You're not losing me. I'll get this sorted." he said. Lily smiled a bit at the couple, deciding to leave them alone. She got her food and her drink and retreated to her own room, leaving Cheryl and Tre in the living room in each other's arms, refusing to let each other go...

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